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Pakistan is getting in bed with the USA now, getting the jump on India    04/18/24  (9)
Why is Lee Trevino so forgotten?    04/18/24  (9)
Which non-HOF/non-allstar white NBA player has best career highlights?    04/18/24  (3)
We are the Sultans, we are the Sultans of Squanch    04/18/24  (2)
Boycotting the WNBA until they pay their players moar    04/18/24  (2)
Largest conurbation in North America with no professional sports team?    04/18/24  (2)
I’m not a politics guy. I don’t even know what the latest Trump trial is abo    04/18/24  (2)
i get HPPD when i hear the opening notes to Luniz I Got 5 On It    04/18/24  (1)
I DON'T SEE NATHAN WRONG    04/18/24  (1)
I'm a man. I'm a scholar. I am somebody.    04/18/24  (1)
Paging Luis & DBG re Gorgeous IRAN    04/18/24  (1)
Bonham was almost fired after Page heard this song    04/18/24  (1)
Should I take job?    04/18/24  (1)
XO Saddam Hussein made Smelly Pussy a crime, Birdshits killed him    04/18/24  (1)