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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Liquidated all my assets & bet it in Vegas Trump will win. Suck it libs (MASE)    09/20/24  (3)
Typical northeastern girl in 1996 (vid)    09/20/24  (73)
living near water is the #1 QOL increaser    09/20/24  (7)
Is it even going out on a limb to think Trump wins?    09/20/24  (1)
Broke up with my gf because she wouldn't stfu about her ex    09/20/24  (6)
Broke up with my gf because she wouldn't stfu about her sex    09/20/24  (1)
and he's bald tp    09/20/24  (3)
I tried watching The Wedding Singer (1998). Did not like it    09/20/24  (2)
#Tennis Bros: Is The Laver Cup Just A Dumb Forcememe Now?    09/20/24  (1)
It’s upsetting me that libs think Kamala will win    09/20/24  (2)
PAC-12 about to land Tulane, Memphis, & USF (South Florida)    09/20/24  (1)
Steve Bannon made another Auschwitz documentary with donated border wall money    09/20/24  (4)
can anyone link to BORDERS tp's 2024 election model?    09/20/24  (1)
Being reborn as a Ricky alt    09/20/24  (6)
New documentary about the doctors who mutilated EPAH's offspring    09/20/24  (2)
MASSIVE LINES on first day of early voting in lib precincts    09/20/24  (8)
Everything in my life changes today. My kids will be proud of me.    09/20/24  (47)
Why doesn’t God ever say anything audible or appear anywhere?    09/20/24  (35)
best lake cities in the US?    09/20/24  (5)
Change one word of a movie to “Spaceporn”    09/20/24  (48)
IDF Kills Hezbo Terrorist Responsible For 1983 Beirut US Embassy Bombing    09/20/24  (3)
This "Walz" fellow is incredibly phony    09/20/24  (1)
tonight, a large number of 35-40 year olds will poast on a law forum    09/20/24  (5)
jcm rating poasters as works of entertainment    09/20/24  (138)
What do people even do in the suburbs?    09/20/24  (72)
He lost his shit when she pointed out people were leaving his rallies early    09/20/24  (43)
gunneratttt taking questions    09/20/24  (26)
College chick tries to get Charlie Kirk cancelled by flashing her tit (link)    09/20/24  (1)
INTC just got circuit breakered WTF?    09/20/24  (6)
XO Dads: Would You Ever Let Kids Alone At "Kids Clubs" At Resorts Etc On Vaca?    09/20/24  (22)
Paul Thomas Anderson films Official XO ranking not subject to debate    09/20/24  (68)
There Is One God But Allah & Mohammad Is His Messenger. Did They Use Pagers?    09/20/24  (1)
Redditors think the S&P500 provides a Guaranteed 8% Return    09/20/24  (67)
Every biz is now a roboanswer/menu - USPS, Target, Banks, everything    09/20/24  (19)
'Imparticipable' is one of the awkwardest words to read out loud    09/20/24  (1)
Trump’s abortion ban just murdered a Georgia woman    09/20/24  (3)
ive been playing video games with 40yos who literally rage every time they lose    09/20/24  (28)
Fun Legal Hypo (From Talmud Law Class) - Order Pickup & Store Didn't Finalize    09/20/24  (1)
There were a lot of wardrobe malfunctions in the Lingerie Football League    09/20/24  (1)
What is your single greatest achievement?    09/20/24  (2)
We should get all get hair transplants in Turkey    09/20/24  (1)
NE power play unlikely to work but now we know just how scared Trumpmos are    09/20/24  (1)
where would 150k/year stretch the furthest in a livable part of the US?    09/20/24  (29)
lakes are the poor man's ocean and the rich man's river    09/20/24  (1)
269-269 back in play as Nebraska GOP pushes switch to winner take all EVs    09/20/24  (30)
Jinx, call me. I’ve been farting out your cum all day and I’m about to get f    09/20/24  (4)
Fuck, Marry, Kill - AOC, Boebert, Mace    09/20/24  (8)
Israeli Paw Patrol blowing up Mayor Humdinger’s Tamagotchi    09/20/24  (1)
Rate and is this a cr Manhattan apartment?    09/20/24  (3)
Best luggage? Tumi vs. Travelpro vs. CHAD Briggs & Riley    09/20/24  (43)
Israeli Paw Patrol bulldozing Gaza mosque    09/20/24  (5)
Israeli PAW Patrol episode featuring Rachel Corrie    09/20/24  (4)
Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) tp taking Q's    09/20/24  (8)
and why is his hot cum dripping out of your butthole..?    09/20/24  (7)
Trumpmos please react to this video    09/20/24  (8)
Pennsylvania Teamsters endorse Trump for President    09/20/24  (2)
Video of IDF throwing man off roof of building (link)    09/20/24  (51)
Russia says it killed 16k Hahols last week and Hahols aren't denying it    09/20/24  (3)
*gunneratttt vomits a little meatloaf as Lynn Conway pushes the 5th inch in*    09/20/24  (2)
Israeli Paw Patrol episode about the exploding beepers    09/20/24  (1)
just got VAXXED (flu and COVID). taking questions and last rites    09/20/24  (3)
If you're not listening to Japanese New Age music now, wtf is wrong with you?    09/20/24  (10)
Video of orc defenistrating himself.    09/20/24  (2)
Ukrainian lines around Kharkov are collapsing tonight    09/20/24  (9)
Russian advance elements are now 12 miles from Kharkov    09/20/24  (19)
Kharkov will be liberated by Russia by summer    09/20/24  (52)
Russian Donbas offensive is a feint while they take Odesa+Kharkov simultaneously    09/20/24  (8)
It's weird how nobody wants this and yet it's happening anyway    09/20/24  (3)
Sorry bud you voted for the wrong Svengali puppet now you get EMF fried    09/20/24  (1)
need an emergent phd program to apply to    09/20/24  (1)
Rate WSJ's opinion on "stuff really rich people like"    09/20/24  (2)
Lacrosse team works out with Navy SEAL on Monday, Friday 5 still in hospital    09/20/24  (6)
Gorgeous CHINA build 1,813km Bridge in 5 years for $27b    09/20/24  (34)
Many "big name" poasters on this forum are Old and Alone    09/20/24  (4)
TT are expats shocked when they hear you speak perfect American English?    09/20/24  (23)
A well placed “calm down” is even better than “wow”    09/20/24  (1)
How was this a win for Israel?    09/20/24  (111)
I am reaching out to let you know wilbur mercer tp has passed    09/20/24  (5)
Could really use a spicy chicken sandwich and an obctoberfest tbh    09/20/24  (39)
95% of the bort got a covid vaccination    09/20/24  (117)
RFK Jr fucking Olivia Nuzzi 😂😂    09/20/24  (41)
At Virginia Beach Rally Trump Promises to Legalize “Squanching” (AP)    09/20/24  (1)
What does everyone eat at work? May be RTO'ing and I forgot how to do this.    09/20/24  (19)
BREAKING: US Officials expect Israel and Hezbollah to go to war soon    09/20/24  (4)
Reminder: NSAM v. Sealclubber discourse is what 80% of Americans have re: Israel    09/20/24  (26)
Political scientist says Kamala headed for largest defeat since Dukakis (link)    09/20/24  (3)
Don't do drugs friends God is waiting for you to return his call    09/20/24  (1)
I'm going to Disney On Ice in November    09/20/24  (2)
In going to take geno and luca out for a nice bowl of spaghetti    09/20/24  (1)
first day. lowercase l moniker. new poster. not lsd, luis, or lex. first day.    09/20/24  (3)
Toledo Rockets got disrespected, showed up in Starkville MS, & gaped SEC by 20+    09/20/24  (1)
“Why am I always the only adult in the room?” (spaceporn at an orgy)    09/20/24  (10)
watch Gavin Newsom admit he fucked his buddy’s wife (clip)    09/20/24  (5)
On the digital panopticon / Mark of the Beast / Mark Robinson    09/20/24  (8)
gay retard boner taking qs    09/20/24  (1)
Will the MAC continue to gape Power 5/FBS Independents this weekend?    09/20/24  (1)
Biggest disappointment of WFH - not discovering more cool new bands    09/20/24  (13)
Libs why are your Wisconsin polling numbers wrong every year?    09/20/24  (10)
“I don’t even want them anymore” (jd Vance eating donuts from botched phot    09/20/24  (3)
We won’t know the results in Georgia until days after the election    09/20/24  (1)
Karlstack why don't you use your quant skillz to predict elections?    09/20/24  (3)
why are there no "taking questions" threads anymore    09/20/24  (12)
Oakland's Hmoob mayor busted for money laundering, sex trafficking    09/20/24  (3)
Hey RSF. Good Shabbos you JEW. 👃    09/20/24  (3)
Rate these two sexy WOC singers    09/20/24  (14)
A deeper look into where the really big one could occur    09/20/24  (13)
Ain't no party like a luis party    09/20/24  (1)
de facto B1G CG tonite: 3-0 Illinois @ 3-0 Nebraska    09/20/24  (5)
"buying" real estate is The Retard Test. And you failed!    09/20/24  (3)
It seems likely that Kamala has had affairs, too, doesn't it?    09/20/24  (1)
(zack de la rocha shout) "TYRWHITT IT NOW"    09/20/24  (84)
Toe and fingertip numbness    09/20/24  (6)
Nude    09/20/24  (1)
RATE this wholesome jewish performance (link)    09/20/24  (7)
More overrated Alabama talent: TTTrent Richardson or Bryce Young?    09/20/24  (2)
Rape SPIKES at University of Utah (150 out of 175 reports from ONE woman)    09/20/24  (22)
Lauren Boebert was giving a handy at the Beetlejuice show (vid)    09/20/24  (80)
What's the deal with Tupperware    09/20/24  (1)
Literally every forecast model has Kamala winning    09/20/24  (20)
What's the deal with African-Americans?    09/20/24  (1)
AOC and Boebert in furious sexually tense catfight-clawing, screaming, hairpulli    09/20/24  (48)
Bryce Young is too tiny to succeed in the NFL IMO he's a twink    09/20/24  (2)
Kamala gave a speech to prison inmates bragging about being a black woman    09/20/24  (3)
Trump pulls further ahead in Nate Silver model    09/20/24  (50)
"LORD OF LIGHT, BE MY STRENGTH!" The hordes of plaintiff attorneys streamed out    09/20/24  (2)
How will Bryce Young do in the NFL?    09/20/24  (5)
I have a wife and kids but having sex with men is my only joy in life    09/20/24  (3)
gruesome clip of pack of vicious dogs literally eating a young boy (video)    09/20/24  (7)
Changing careers, going to become a circumciser (EPAH)    09/20/24  (1)
Dems still losing bigly in Texas    09/20/24  (4)
ADL condemns Trump    09/20/24  (4)
Epah here taking questions    09/20/24  (30)
Russia Hunts Down Deserters to Backfill Its Massive War Losses    09/20/24  (2)
Best Golfer - Black, best RB - white, Best Baseball player - Japanese    09/20/24  (4)
I believe the xo AI bot will NOT be able to interpret this poast    09/20/24  (1)
"no, let's keep nominating the unlikable ones" (GOP)    09/20/24  (9)
singlemos: how frequently do you have casual sex with randos / friends    09/20/24  (8)
GOP: delays in vote count prove FRAUD. Also: u must hand count all ballots!    09/20/24  (2)
Lol, Harris up by 15 in Virginia. It's over for you, Trumpmos    09/20/24  (17)
Libs it all comes down to this (LIBS DON’T WATCH THIS)    09/20/24  (4)
Why doesn’t Rach ever poast anything audible or appear anywhere?    09/20/24  (3)
Border chief ordered to not report border crossers with ties to terrorism    09/20/24  (4)
MASE    09/20/24  (1)
Sings “Meaty Penis” to the tune of “Wooly Bully”    09/20/24  (7)
RATE this Black gentleman mogging kikes (link)    09/20/24  (3)
Bene Gesserit Mother telling Ohtani "many men have tried"    09/20/24  (4)
Ben Shapiro is an embarrassing tool    09/20/24  (1)
Vivek: “White trash in Springfield lied to our leader about pet-eating.” (Li    09/20/24  (6)

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