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"Ukrainians" won't exist in a generation    04/18/24  (30)
Fun Talmud Hypo (From Are Country IRL) - Prole Goy Damaged Entryway    04/18/24  (27)
Is there a dish you gave up trying to get right?    04/18/24  (26)
Absolutely incredible how little Americans get in return for their taxes    04/18/24  (24)
Ukraine is importing electricity - link    04/18/24  (17)
Is $1 million a lot of money?    04/18/24  (17)
So butterface thins are FUMING at Ozempic? Worried about aesthetic fats?    04/18/24  (14)
Pretty sure I got an STD from my wife    04/18/24  (12)
KaZaA user downloading song overnight, watching XO load in '24: haha wow holy sh    04/18/24  (12)
Pretty crazy how we're all still on this website when it's literally unusable fo    04/18/24  (12)
Was Jesus OK with bros jizzing on a woman's face and tits?    04/18/24  (12)
Why the fuck do billions of people listen to Travis Scott    04/18/24  (10)
XO Daily Mail: Why Do Celebs Have So Many Trans Kids?    04/18/24  (10)
Examples of mental illnesses that exist in some cultures and not others    04/18/24  (10)
if you've ever cooked anything more complicated than scrambled eggs, your gay    04/18/24  (9)
Libs cheered SCOTUS decision that ruled Creationism can't be taught bc religious    04/18/24  (9)
Sideways remake starring lex as giamatti & gunnerattt as Thomas Hayden church    04/18/24  (7)
Fuck paying jew bills..go live in a Kansas city homeless shelter=cr    04/18/24  (7)
LOL, the S-400s tried and failed to protect themselves from ATACMs - link    04/18/24  (6)
i have ZERO black friends irl    04/18/24  (6)
"But call him a Karlstack reader and see how he recoils, how he shrinks back,"    04/18/24  (5)
entire Ukraine front is collapsing in real time. Ukraine has no answer    04/18/24  (5)
STICKY: Big changes are coming (new rachmiel)    04/18/24  (5)
wait theres a "ban tiktok and give aid to israel and ukraine" bill going through    04/18/24  (4)
evan39, driving in the US now feels like a third world "country"    04/18/24  (4)
"bust this pussy open in the islands of Waikikiiii" your phone blares in court    04/18/24  (4)
Depressed as I read about spaceporns threads about the side effects of chomo    04/18/24  (4)
The ultimate hard core realization came this morning 🌄    04/18/24  (4)
Whoever is slowing down the board is inhibiting a cancer patient from sharing th    04/18/24  (4)
"Buttholes" won't exist in a generation    04/18/24  (4)
Cons describe your reaction    04/18/24  (3)
The World Hates the Jews Because They Are Messengers of Morality    04/18/24  (3)
Columbia Retardation    04/18/24  (3)
Gazatards getting arrested at Columbia (video)    04/18/24  (3)
RATE this Korean bitch and video talking about Koreans suiciding themselves    04/18/24  (3)
Never got a chance and just laugh and say it's all over    04/18/24  (3)
Women Just Talk w Other Women About Their TITS On Work Calls Like It's NBD.    04/18/24  (3)
Rate Joe "Biden's" story about his uncle getting eaten in Papua New Guinea    04/18/24  (3)
The fact that TT amassed $1 million proves that no American has to be poor    04/18/24  (3)
Every last fraud can die cheating me out of my life    04/18/24  (3)
Obesity epidemic is only solved w/ heavy handed banning of FF industry    04/18/24  (3)
Italian teen speedruns reddit, discovers it's an Indian cesspit    04/18/24  (3)
"Consoles" won't exist in a generation    04/18/24  (3)
Trump weighs in on Ukraine - link    04/18/24  (3)
Sideways: A Tale of Asian Pussy    04/18/24  (2)
what's being done to this country is absolutely sickening    04/18/24  (2)
ITT: we vote on Dickey Betts's best song    04/18/24  (2)
Russian jets freely flying over the battlefield. Ukraine has no response.    04/18/24  (2)
evan39 fuck these pieces of shit    04/18/24  (2)
Glowniggers following me tend to drive Teslas now. Anyone else notice that?    04/18/24  (2)