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Trumptards just don't get it

Vast majority of Americans just want to be coddled and made ...
exciting black parlor tattoo
Spectacular Space Jew
no they just don't want you freaks imposing ur dipshit "...
White old irish cottage
Spectacular Space Jew
did I stutter you fucking bitch boi?
White old irish cottage
This might actually be an argument if an increasingly radica...
Passionate Site
Just strip away all morals from society. What could go wron...
exciting black parlor tattoo
It's more than that, the #1 cause célèbre of t...
unholy hell
They've already achieved all of this. Whites don't even hav...
exciting black parlor tattoo
what if i told you there never was an America and it certain...
multi-colored laser beams
unholy hell
multi-colored laser beams
tbf, trumps entire schtick is he's protecting obese retarded...
Talented temple
No one would need a social safety net if: -wages outpaced...
unholy hell
It's already too late for any of this pipe dream bullshit to...
exciting black parlor tattoo
Correct and even the GOP wouldn't do it if they won like 4 c...
unholy hell
ill just point out that every western birdshit euro country ...
Talented temple
Hard to imagine a more useless and pathetic group of people ...
exciting black parlor tattoo
only niggas are worse
Talented temple

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Date: August 21st, 2024 12:43 AM
Author: exciting black parlor tattoo

Vast majority of Americans just want to be coddled and made to feel like papa govt is gonna come protect them from being emotional victims of sexism, racism, etc. In other words, the vast majority of Americans are cowards and pussies. They don't want to fight against the establishment. They want to feel the warm embrace of totalitarian conformity and be told stories of how the govt understands their pain, which is caused by white men


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Date: August 21st, 2024 12:49 AM
Author: Spectacular Space Jew



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Date: August 21st, 2024 12:54 AM
Author: White old irish cottage

no they just don't want you freaks imposing ur dipshit "values" on everyone else.

fuck off.


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Date: August 21st, 2024 12:55 AM
Author: Spectacular Space Jew



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Date: August 21st, 2024 12:57 AM
Author: White old irish cottage

did I stutter you fucking bitch boi?


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Date: August 21st, 2024 1:21 AM
Author: Passionate Site

This might actually be an argument if an increasingly radical left wing didn't spend the last half a century imposing their dipshit "values" on everyone else, often at gunpoint


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Date: August 21st, 2024 1:23 AM
Author: exciting black parlor tattoo

Just strip away all morals from society. What could go wrong???


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Date: August 21st, 2024 12:59 AM
Author: unholy hell

It's more than that, the #1 cause célèbre of the Left is to make whites a powerless racial minority in their own countries. This is the ultimate end game of the left. All they care about is importing black and brown people and ending white rule. Nothing else matters. To libs this is the great work of many lifetimes, the Long March, the existential crisis, the fight for the soul of America. To libs it is absolutely essential to destroy white people and render them helpless and powerless. This absolutely must be achieved at all costs to the libs. They have no other relevant political motivation.


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Date: August 21st, 2024 1:21 AM
Author: exciting black parlor tattoo

They've already achieved all of this. Whites don't even have kids anymore. It's over


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Date: August 21st, 2024 2:12 AM
Author: multi-colored laser beams

what if i told you there never was an America and it certainly never had a "soul"


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Date: August 21st, 2024 2:19 AM
Author: unholy hell



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Date: August 21st, 2024 2:24 AM
Author: multi-colored laser beams


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Date: August 21st, 2024 1:10 AM
Author: Talented temple

tbf, trumps entire schtick is he's protecting obese retarded birdshit amerikkkans from the evil lib menance, immigrants, etc

all amerikkkans have become just coddled socialist faggots but without an actual western euro style safety net. its lolzy


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Date: August 21st, 2024 1:14 AM
Author: unholy hell

No one would need a social safety net if:

-wages outpaced inflation for about 10-15 years

-the cost of housing, education, and healthcare went down

-police and DAs cleaned up the crime in cities making them inhabitable again

The way you do this is by deporting illegals and restricting legal immigration. The problem with this is that in spite of all the good things that would happen, prices of commodities would go way up and stonks would go down. This is what ought to be done but neither party is willing to do this.


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Date: August 21st, 2024 1:20 AM
Author: exciting black parlor tattoo

It's already too late for any of this pipe dream bullshit to happen. Country is already over 50% angry non-whites and shitlib women who will vote in lockstep with Dems regardless of what they do or how bad it gets


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Date: August 21st, 2024 1:23 AM
Author: unholy hell

Correct and even the GOP wouldn't do it if they won like 4 consecutive elections because they are cuckbois


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Date: August 21st, 2024 1:53 AM
Author: Talented temple

ill just point out that every western birdshit euro country became highly socialist, US birdshits only accepted this extremist jew capitalism cause of niggas. its an aberration caused by niggas.

so the nature state of christcuck birdshits is swedish socialism, not this shit, u guys yearn and wany socialism, its veddy obvious in how u suck dick for SS disability benefits or VA shit. pre 1965 u had a society where niggas didnt get bennies so it was ok but since then shit has been furked


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Date: August 21st, 2024 1:18 AM
Author: exciting black parlor tattoo

Hard to imagine a more useless and pathetic group of people than American birdshits in 2024


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Date: August 21st, 2024 2:06 AM
Author: Talented temple

only niggas are worse
