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Evan hire me at your law grocery store

I will stock the beverages I will side-eye the negro I wil...
charismatic meetinghouse
You're hired, friend. Here's a mop and bucket ;)
Honey-headed Galvanic Famous Landscape Painting Wrinkle
charismatic meetinghouse
can I come too?
Effete stead messiness
We have high standards for our employees. Are you willing to...
Honey-headed Galvanic Famous Landscape Painting Wrinkle
Effete stead messiness
law grocery store tp
shaky library
Honey-headed Galvanic Famous Landscape Painting Wrinkle
charismatic meetinghouse
translucent hot nursing home friendly grandma
abnormal avocado son of senegal
charismatic meetinghouse
Sapphire stirring psychic clown
dba Perkins Coie
Jade idiot
To analyze this September 8, 2024, thread on AutoAdmit (XO),...
adulterous kitty cat
Effete stead messiness
adulterous kitty cat
Honey-headed Galvanic Famous Landscape Painting Wrinkle
adulterous kitty cat
Here is the paid version of Gemini's analysis of the thread ...
adulterous kitty cat
We can say Latham here
magical pit community account
adulterous kitty cat

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:13 AM
Author: charismatic meetinghouse

I will stock the beverages

I will side-eye the negro

I will wield my mop against the essence of Black


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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:16 AM
Author: Honey-headed Galvanic Famous Landscape Painting Wrinkle

You're hired, friend. Here's a mop and bucket ;)


Reply Favorite

Date: September 8th, 2024 4:28 AM
Author: charismatic meetinghouse


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:24 AM
Author: Effete stead messiness

can I come too?


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:30 AM
Author: Honey-headed Galvanic Famous Landscape Painting Wrinkle

We have high standards for our employees. Are you willing to undergo several deep, penetrating interviews? They are known to be very "hard" hehe


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Date: September 8th, 2024 7:27 AM
Author: Effete stead messiness



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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:41 AM
Author: shaky library

law grocery store tp


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:31 AM
Author: Honey-headed Galvanic Famous Landscape Painting Wrinkle



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Date: September 8th, 2024 9:37 AM
Author: charismatic meetinghouse


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Date: September 8th, 2024 9:38 AM
Author: translucent hot nursing home friendly grandma


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Date: September 8th, 2024 9:43 AM
Author: abnormal avocado son of senegal


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:16 PM
Author: charismatic meetinghouse


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Date: September 9th, 2024 6:37 AM
Author: Sapphire stirring psychic clown


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Date: September 9th, 2024 12:46 PM
Author: Jade idiot

dba Perkins Coie


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:23 PM
Author: adulterous kitty cat

To analyze this September 8, 2024, thread on AutoAdmit (XO), it's important to dive deeper into the specific dynamics at play.

Breakdown of Freed Mason's Post

Freed mason’s original post already sets the stage for a deliberately provocative and absurd take on workplace dynamics at Evan39’s fictional "law grocery store."

"I will stock the beverages" – This line retains its role in setting up the contrast between the menial task of stocking groceries and the satirical exaggeration that follows.

"I will side-eye the negro" and "I will wield my mop against the essence of Black" – These lines are laced with exaggerated racial undertones, playing on stereotypes and delivering a hyperbolic caricature of racism. In typical AutoAdmit fashion, these offensive remarks are not meant to be taken literally but as part of a broader tradition of taboo humor. The ridiculousness is underscored by the idea that a mop could be a "weapon" against an intangible concept like "the essence of Black," adding to the absurdity and hyperbole.

Evan39's First Reply at 4:16 AM

Evan39's initial response, "You're hired, friend. Here's a mop and bucket ;)", plays along with freed mason’s post, maintaining the nonsensical premise that Evan actually runs a "law grocery store." This interaction exemplifies how AutoAdmit posters frequently engage with each other through absurdist humor, avoiding serious engagement with the racial implications of the previous post, instead playing up the satire and absurdity of the entire conversation.

The "mop and bucket" further extends the joke of menial labor, implicitly acknowledging the triviality of the role that freed mason claims while keeping the tone light and nonchalant.

New Context with Evan39's 5:30 AM Post

In the 5:30 AM post, Evan39 adds more layers to the humor by upping the ante with sexual innuendo:

"We have high standards for our employees. Are you willing to undergo several deep, penetrating interviews? They are known to be very 'hard' hehe."

Here, Evan shifts the tone from racial satire to sexual innuendo, which is another hallmark of AutoAdmit’s humor. By using phrases like "deep, penetrating interviews" and "very hard," Evan introduces a new dimension to the thread. This playful sexual banter is typical for AutoAdmit, where posters often deploy innuendo to break social taboos, and it's always layered with irony and sarcasm. The shift in subject also serves as a way to diffuse any potential tension from the racially charged earlier remarks, redirecting the conversation into something equally provocative but more focused on AutoAdmit’s absurd sexual humor.

Arschbacken’s Role and Follow-up Post

At 5:24 AM, Arschbacken’s post, "can I come too?" humorously extends the gag, treating the "law grocery store" as a place where anyone can apply for a job. The moniker "Arschbacken," meaning "butt cheeks" in German, underscores the absurdity of the post and hints at an underlying expectation that the interaction will devolve into sexual humor. The phrase "can I come too?" is not just an innocent job inquiry but also laced with the possibility of double entendre, especially when juxtaposed with Evan39’s later sexually charged remarks.

Arschbacken’s simple follow-up post of "heh" after Evan’s 5:30 AM sexual innuendo is characteristic of AutoAdmit’s understated responses to particularly humorous or outrageous posts. The "heh" can be read as a subtle acknowledgment that the humor has landed—an appreciation of Evan39’s shift to innuendo without needing to spell it out.

Cultural Context of Sexual Innuendo on AutoAdmit

Sexual humor, particularly laden with innuendo, is another staple of AutoAdmit’s comedic style. Posters often engage in discussions where simple, mundane statements are twisted into something suggestive or risqué. For instance, posters like "lex" have previously contributed sexual suggestions in discussions meant to parody advice columns. The over-the-top nature of these discussions mirrors the exaggerated racial commentary in the earlier part of the thread, allowing posters to engage in humor that pushes against social and conversational norms.

In this case, Evan39’s suggestion of "deep, penetrating interviews" and "hard" questions fits neatly into this comedic tradition, and Arschbacken’s "heh" response acknowledges that this type of humor is part of the accepted playbook on AutoAdmit. This interplay is not meant to be taken seriously; instead, it provides a meta-commentary on the very nature of sexual harassment in job interviews, by exaggerating the scenario to a ludicrous degree.

How These Elements Combine

The sequence of posts is representative of AutoAdmit’s unique brand of humor, which incorporates:

Satirical Workplace Dynamics: The fictional "law grocery store" is an absurd creation that merges two very different professional worlds (law and grocery work). This incongruity is a key source of the humor, allowing the posters to play with the contrast between high-status and low-status jobs.

Exaggerated Racism: Freed mason’s exaggerated and offensive remarks about "side-eyeing the negro" and "wielding a mop against the essence of Black" are part of the board’s tendency to push racial humor to its limits. The point is not to condone racism but to parody it by blowing it out of proportion.

Sexual Innuendo: Evan39’s follow-up about the "deep, penetrating interviews" is a typical example of AutoAdmit’s use of sexual humor, designed to make light of situations by adding layers of innuendo. This shift also serves to defuse any serious interpretation of the racial remarks, steering the conversation into the realm of absurdist humor.

Understated Responses: The simple "heh" from Arschbacken is a subtle acknowledgment of the humor without needing to elaborate further, allowing the absurd conversation to stand on its own.

AutoAdmit's Broader Humor Style

This thread is an excellent example of how AutoAdmit posters interact, creating a blend of dark satire, absurdity, and boundary-pushing humor. The conversations rarely stay in one thematic lane; they transition fluidly between racial, sexual, and professional topics, always leaning into the ridiculous. For someone unfamiliar with the board, this combination of topics may seem jarring, but for those within the community, it's a display of wit that hinges on breaking norms and expectations.

This type of humor draws from the same well as historically offensive comedians like Lenny Bruce or George Carlin, who used shock to make a point or to provoke thought. AutoAdmit's humor tends to be more insular and is primarily designed to amuse fellow posters, often at the expense of broader social standards. The sexual innuendo, racial exaggeration, and constant references to mundane tasks like mopping or stocking beverages help form a satirical commentary on everything from workplace hierarchies to societal stereotypes, all while maintaining the forum’s signature irreverence.


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:51 PM
Author: Effete stead messiness



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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:57 PM
Author: adulterous kitty cat


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Date: September 9th, 2024 3:53 AM
Author: Honey-headed Galvanic Famous Landscape Painting Wrinkle


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Date: September 9th, 2024 12:44 PM
Author: adulterous kitty cat


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Date: September 9th, 2024 1:17 PM
Author: adulterous kitty cat

Here is the paid version of Gemini's analysis of the thread - compare it with ChatGPT (above):

I'd like to compare and contrast our analyses.


Both analyses identify the core elements of humor: We both recognize the thread's absurdity, sexual innuendo, and the juxtaposition of mundane and high-status professions as key comedic elements.

We both acknowledge the satirical nature of the thread: We both understand that the offensive language is not meant to be taken literally, but rather serves as a form of dark satire and social commentary.

We both highlight the role of specific poasters: Both analyses discuss the contributions of Evan39, freed mason, and Arschbacken, and how their individual styles contribute to the overall humor.


Focus on racial undertones: ChatGPT's analysis delves deeper into the racial undertones of freed mason's initial poast, explaining how it functions as a hyperbolic caricature of racism. While I acknowledged the offensive language, I didn't explicitly address its racial implications.

Emphasis on absurdity: My analysis focused more on the overall absurdity of the scenario and the unexpected twists in the conversation, highlighting the humor derived from the juxtaposition of different elements. ChatGPT's analysis also touched on absurdity but placed more emphasis on the specific comedic techniques used in the thread.

Reference to historical figures: ChatGPT's analysis draws parallels between AutoAdmit's humor and that of historical figures like Lenny Bruce and George Carlin, providing a broader context for understanding the board's comedic style. My analysis focused more on the specific dynamics within the thread and the AutoAdmit community.

Overall Assessment:

Both analyses provide valuable insights into the humor and satire present in the AutoAdmit thread. ChatGPT's analysis offers a more detailed breakdown of the specific comedic techniques and their cultural context, while my analysis focused more on the overall dynamics and the interplay between different poasters.

This comparison highlights the strengths of both AI models in analyzing complex online content. While there are subtle differences in our approaches, we both successfully identify the core elements of humor and satire in the thread.


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Date: September 9th, 2024 6:34 AM
Author: magical pit community account

We can say Latham here


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Date: September 9th, 2024 7:12 PM
Author: adulterous kitty cat
