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how could the united states shift away from exurban hells to small towns again?

say we had taken the late 2000's warnings about the coming w...
startling den
you would have to distribute desirable jobs in a really arti...
Dun motley gay wizard
Cr. It's obviously a jobs thing. People don't want to commut...
crimson marvelous indian lodge philosopher-king
mostly agreed. the labor pool problem seems circular though,...
startling den
Plenty of desirable places have no jobs. Take the blue ridge...
crimson marvelous indian lodge philosopher-king
your definition of desirable apparently includes places that...
startling den
What, if anything, are you proposing? So we take off prestig...
crimson marvelous indian lodge philosopher-king
i'm not "proposing" anything, although i am wonder...
startling den
If we have learned anything about proles and rural people it...
crimson marvelous indian lodge philosopher-king
Mass graves Bulldoze “buildings” Scalp peo...
Racy greedy multi-billionaire
startling den
just move to the Great State of Connecticut
Hairraiser Flushed Chad French Chef
i've seen the "town" of new canaan. fuck off.
startling den
There’s a whole state beyond that you goddamned idiot
Hairraiser Flushed Chad French Chef
yeah hang on let me just drive an hour to get there
startling den
what you're asking for in the OP is the average CT town, or ...
Hairraiser Flushed Chad French Chef
You would have to descale society by completely neutering co...
Charcoal Stag Film Mother
highly esl poast
Racy greedy multi-billionaire
The key is the women. Plenty of dudes would be fine with li...
Bat-shit-crazy cowardly business firm organic girlfriend
These days even the outer ring suburbs of the 1980s are desi...
Curious mint ticket booth
Higher gas tax and more investment in regional mass transit ...
hairless school weed whacker
i think a proper pandemic that wipes out 90% of the worlds p...
big-titted silver piazza
Annual tax credit of $30,000 for living most of the year in ...
buck-toothed travel guidebook

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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:02 PM
Author: startling den

say we had taken the late 2000's warnings about the coming walmartification of america seriously and wanted to stem the tide. is there anything that could have been done to make livable towns with low-to-medium density populations as viable as the sprawling mcmansion hells we got? punishing excise taxes on petrol?


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:10 PM
Author: Dun motley gay wizard

you would have to distribute desirable jobs in a really artificial way. i grew up in a city of 50k but in a rather isolated part of texas. it had heavy industry so the city survived.

small towns have government work and agriculture. heavy industry and office jobs are few and far between.

i work for some of those limited rural industrial concerns. they are an exception. their logistics is worse, their labor pool is worse.

it just makes sense to build megacities financially IMO. you would need a command economy to make it work otherwise.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:15 PM
Author: crimson marvelous indian lodge philosopher-king

Cr. It's obviously a jobs thing. People don't want to commute 2 hours to work in a bunker like FizzKidd. Most people still have to live within 30 minutes drive of their job. You can't just plop random jobs down in rural Georgia and hope some conservative white Christians make a bunch of babies.

The answer is obviously what the urban zoomers have figured out: clean up the cities and everything goes back to normal. If you started policing the cities and charges actually stuck to dindus and you had better public transit and no one was afraid of mugging you would see everything go back to normal. Lots of people, especially young people, would happily move back into the shitty parts of cities aka ghettos if they became safe again. This would take all the pressure off housing and housing prices would go way down and people who wanted to live in suburbia could.

The problem is not only Soros DAs but the minorities who vote for them because they like committing crime.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:24 PM
Author: startling den

mostly agreed. the labor pool problem seems circular though, no? places need to be desirable (including support certain classes of jobs) for there to be a good labor pool, there has to be a good labor pool already there for those desirable qualities to spring up. harsh actions are more or less assumed by the OP. my question is what exactly would need to be done?


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:34 PM
Author: crimson marvelous indian lodge philosopher-king

Plenty of desirable places have no jobs. Take the blue ridge mountains of western North Carolina. Lots of WFH Yankees move out there to be part of nature but there's nothing for locals. Hawaii is beautiful if you're a WFH lawyer but no jobs for locals. Michael Dell lives on Maui and runs a tech company remotely. What types of middle class and blue collar jobs would you propose for rural areas?


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:36 PM
Author: startling den

your definition of desirable apparently includes places that are only with WFH or an unreasonable driving commute, evidently. mine does not.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:42 PM
Author: crimson marvelous indian lodge philosopher-king

What, if anything, are you proposing? So we take off prestige areas like Hawaii. You've now taken most of the entire state of Indiana off the board. No major metros. I'm not sure if you have anything left on the map in your analysis. Are you talking about suburbia? You want more people to move to suburbia? Well that's what's everyone wants. To not live in a city but near a city and have all the amenities of going to the opera when you want it but have a yard the rest of the time. But due to NIMBY the homes all cost over a million dollars now. I truly don't understand what you're getting at. You wish there were jobs in rural parts of the country that would get people to stay there and not move to cities. Okay but back in reality that doesn't happen. So you're proposing magic?


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:46 PM
Author: startling den

i'm not "proposing" anything, although i am wondering out loud whether radical changes such as punishing excise taxes on petrol could fundamentally change the united states to make it more pleasant and livable. by punishing, i mean to the point where it would be prohibitively expensive to have a driving commute to work beyond several miles. i'm not proposing anything like what exists in america, but, again, wondering aloud if we could have a society structured more like european countries where geography has a much heavier hand in dictating the allocation of population and jobs. this is a hypothetical policy discussion thread, chill the fuck out.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 5:19 PM
Author: crimson marvelous indian lodge philosopher-king

If we have learned anything about proles and rural people it's that taxes on gas drive them up a wall. Rural people drive more than anyone else (because they have to, because they don't live near jobs). So you're just going to do a top down mandate on conservative republicans that they will hate? They tried to do this in France recently in 2018 and it resulted in an enormous protest movement.

I think a better example of seeking your desired effect is la Grade Noirceur. The Prime Minister of Quebec in the 1940s and 50s was a devout Catholic who hated cities and globalism. If you want people to enjoy rural, punish the urban.

Another example is Texas where the state is run by conservatives because its large rural areas have enough population to swing at large elections despite the majority of the population living in blue cities. The shitlibs view this as "tyranny" because the rural are imposing their values upon them. In Texas property taxes are much higher in cities and there's a lot of tax breaks and handouts for rural people so the rural areas are subsidized by the urban.

Duplessis also cut most social services in the cities so it sucked to live there. But punishing rural people for commuting would lead to armed rebellion.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:15 PM
Author: Racy greedy multi-billionaire

Mass graves

Bulldoze “buildings”

Scalp people


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:21 PM
Author: startling den



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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:23 PM
Author: Hairraiser Flushed Chad French Chef

just move to the Great State of Connecticut


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:25 PM
Author: startling den

i've seen the "town" of new canaan. fuck off.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:27 PM
Author: Hairraiser Flushed Chad French Chef

There’s a whole state beyond that you goddamned idiot


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:31 PM
Author: startling den

yeah hang on let me just drive an hour to get there


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:36 PM
Author: Hairraiser Flushed Chad French Chef

what you're asking for in the OP is the average CT town, or Mass or RI too. so either move there or stfu fag


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:39 PM
Author: Charcoal Stag Film Mother

You would have to descale society by completely neutering corporations and the government


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:49 PM
Author: Racy greedy multi-billionaire

highly esl poast


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Date: May 18th, 2024 4:59 PM
Author: Bat-shit-crazy cowardly business firm organic girlfriend

The key is the women. Plenty of dudes would be fine with living in small towns; would even prefer it. But women's natural herd mentality has gotten completely out of control, to the point that they find it desirable to cluster in bigger and bigger cities. Not sure what exactly the answer is, but it starts with addressing this. Possibly by men just being more manly and asserting themselves.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 5:07 PM
Author: Curious mint ticket booth

These days even the outer ring suburbs of the 1980s are desirable. Just live there. Yes, there is more diversity, but there’s also infrastructure that one might want close by: grocer, Costco’s, maybe an auto repair shop. Forget the wasteland of the countryside or the hyper connected city. Just look at me. I’ve never been more weird.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 5:12 PM
Author: hairless school weed whacker

Higher gas tax and more investment in regional mass transit (not just city transit systems). This was actually Robert Caro’s argument in his book about Robert Moses. More Compromise on the planning of American suburbia would have gone a long way to making them more livable. Train systems that would take you from suburbs or exurbs to the city in an hour, with a small downtown dense Devlopment around the train station (bars, restaurants, stores, offices, some apartment buildings) would have been better. You’d have downtowns and some variety in housing options while still allowing a bunch of single family developments in the area on big lots. There are some examples of this but for the most part it’s absolute sprawl with strip malls and no downtowns.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 5:14 PM
Author: big-titted silver piazza

i think a proper pandemic that wipes out 90% of the worlds population would be a strong start.


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Date: May 19th, 2024 12:41 PM
Author: buck-toothed travel guidebook

Annual tax credit of $30,000 for living most of the year in a town with a population smaller than 20,000.
