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What are the French voting on? What is a snap election and why is turnout high?

All I can find are weird articles like this that don’t...
It makes no sense. The French presidency is as close to an E...
Big Clique Energy
ljl wat, french POTUS basically just ccontrols defense and f...
AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance
This is entirely FAUX. The French President is substantially...
spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp
they love to 'vote'! with no consequence to literally anythi...
the right is storming the Bastille, and President Macron may...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
next week, an absolute majority for National Rally in parlia...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
a right wing takeover of a western democracy is what happens...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
Arrêtes ta gueule espèce de pédé ...
spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp
Il faut bonne mémoire après qu’on a ment...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
il n'y a personne qui a menti sauf l'extrême gauche et...
spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp
Dans quelques semaines, ce pouvoir politique aura ét&...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
Ça n'a absolument aucun sens. Arrête d'utiliser...
spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp
Est DCPoast, retard
Tout le monde le sait. C'est juste que, je ne savais pas pou...
spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
Je vais the casse la gueule.
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
The French constitution allows for the President to dissolve...
spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp
Big Clique Energy
So if Le Pen’s party wins is Macron going to be out as...
Update: Le Pen won bigly and Jordan Bardella will be Prime M...
spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp
Wait how does Le Pen fit into all of this then?
She's going to run for President in 3 years unless she decid...
spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp
her and Marechal have kissed and made up after she cucked he...
Yes. Maréchal endorsed her aunt's party and was expel...
spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp
Eric Zemmour came out of nowhere and ran a campaign of "...
A lawyer (or lower)
Holy shit https://x.com/visegrad24/status/18074198590445...
his “wife” is a man

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:33 AM
Author: "''"'"'""'""

All I can find are weird articles like this that don’t explain anything



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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:35 AM
Author: Big Clique Energy

It makes no sense. The French presidency is as close to an Emporer as you get in modern democracies. It’s not a parliamentary system like the UK or whatever, Macron doesn’t need a vote of confidence. It’s all very strange.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 12:26 PM
Author: AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance

ljl wat, french POTUS basically just ccontrols defense and foreign policy, they have weak control over domestic shit, the legislature and prime minister POTUS has more power

macron wont be able to pass shit


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Date: June 30th, 2024 2:58 PM
Author: spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp (retired)

This is entirely FAUX. The French President is substantially more cucked than the US Prez. Macron cannot do anything without the support of the Prime Minister. Bardella will cuck Macron's ass. It is time for him to lube up.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:36 AM
Author: ,,...,..,.......,..,......,.......,..,.,,

they love to 'vote'! with no consequence to literally anything! vive le liberte!

*farts out croissant*


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:36 AM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

the right is storming the Bastille, and President Macron may be forced to choose a new prime minister and cabinet who are against him-- making him a lame duck



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Date: June 30th, 2024 3:08 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

next week, an absolute majority for National Rally in parliament gives Le Pen a de facto takeover of the French government and mandate to rule-- Macron will need to resign out of shame


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Date: June 30th, 2024 3:23 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

a right wing takeover of a western democracy is what happens when leadership fails or falls asleep at the wheel


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Date: June 30th, 2024 3:51 PM
Author: spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp (retired)

Arrêtes ta gueule espèce de pédé hein. Ça suffit !


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Date: June 30th, 2024 4:48 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

Il faut bonne mémoire après qu’on a menti.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 5:17 PM
Author: spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp (retired)

il n'y a personne qui a menti sauf l'extrême gauche et les macronistes qui on trahi la nation. Qu'ils vont à l'enfer ces traîtres.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 6:37 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

Dans quelques semaines, ce pouvoir politique aura été balayé par l’élection. Mais ses fonctionnaires, eux, devront assumer le poids de ces méthodes illégales, car elles sont totalement illégales. Ils mettent en jeu leur propre responsabilité.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 6:48 PM
Author: spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp (retired)

Ça n'a absolument aucun sens. Arrête d'utiliser Google Translate conard.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 7:00 PM
Author: FizzKidd (coquette aesthetic)

Est DCPoast, retard


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Date: June 30th, 2024 8:09 PM
Author: spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp (retired)

Tout le monde le sait. C'est juste que, je ne savais pas pourquoi il fait semblant d'être un européen qui vit à Bruxelles. Il prétend qu'il est quelqu'un d'autre qu'il ne pourrait jamais être en réalité. Ce n'est qu'un juif homosexuel d'âge moyen. Il est vachement bizarre comme type. J'ai tellement horreur à penser de sa vie en réalité. Ça me rend absolument malade de l'imaginer. Quelle espèce de fif inadaptée.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 8:36 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv


Je suis citoyen parisien


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Date: June 30th, 2024 7:16 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

Je vais the casse la gueule.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:42 AM
Author: spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp (retired)

The French constitution allows for the President to dissolve the legislature and hold new elections. Macron did this recently in the wake of the conservative opposition party winning the most seats in the European Parliament a month ago.

The backdrop to this is that during the last Presidential election two years ago, the far right in France came to national prominence. An Algerian Jew and journalist Eric Zemmour came out of nowhere and ran a campaign of "France ought to be a white Christian nation and the Muzzies need to go back to Africa." His campaign did poorly, but his ideology caught on and it got absorbed into the more popular conservative party (RN). And RN just smacked Macron in the Euro elections so now France is sending a bunch of Euroskeptics to Brussels to give the EU the finger. Zemmour is basically screwed politically and no longer relevant, but the RN adopted most of his platform.

So Macron calls a snap election. Unlike the US, the far left in France does not support the centre-left party. They are a bunch of hardcore wokies and commies. Macron's party is technically considered "centrist" by French standards. His tactic here is that he wants to scare people on the fence into joining the middle. Technically speaking, the RN is only polling at about 30%, so that leaves a remaining 70%. Macron thinks he can obtain a plurality.

His problem is that French politics is deeply divided into all sorts of ridiculous pet issues. It would be like if in the US the Green Party and the Libertarians and the Commies and the Wokies all had different parties that were politically relevant and someone like Biden could be President with only 25% of the vote and a lot of mini "alliances". At any rate he believes that he can make the RN small by getting lefties and moderates and people scared of change to come back to the middle and vote for his centrist party. If voters are really anti RN they have the numbers to consolidate power for Macron. If they don't then he really screwed himself and will look like a complete idiot. But decent chance he gets the votes he needs to proceed for the next 3 years of his Presidency.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:53 AM
Author: "''"'"'""'""



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Date: June 30th, 2024 12:53 PM
Author: Big Clique Energy


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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:17 PM
Author: "''"'"'""'""

So if Le Pen’s party wins is Macron going to be out as PM or what?


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Date: June 30th, 2024 2:57 PM
Author: spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp (retired)

Update: Le Pen won bigly and Jordan Bardella will be Prime Minister. He is like a 28 year old Charlie Kirk type.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 2:59 PM
Author: "''"'"'""'""

Wait how does Le Pen fit into all of this then?


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Date: June 30th, 2024 3:01 PM
Author: spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp (retired)

She's going to run for President in 3 years unless she decides to retire. She is passing the party along to Bardella who is young (28) and her niece Marion Maréchal. Bardella will be PM. She is basically just the matriarch of the French right. If she wants to run a third time for President she can. Macron can't run for a third term.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 3:55 PM
Author: peeface

her and Marechal have kissed and made up after she cucked her for Zemmour?


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Date: June 30th, 2024 4:16 PM
Author: spewing derisive hyper-partisan word salad tp (retired)

Yes. Maréchal endorsed her aunt's party and was expelled by Zemmour from R! Zemmour is almost entirely erased from French politics. All his people have joined the Union of rightists and R! is irrelevant going forward.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 7:24 PM
Author: A lawyer (or lower)

Eric Zemmour came out of nowhere and ran a campaign of "France ought to be a white Christian nation and the Muzzies need to go back to Africa." … RN adopted most of his platform.

But not the most important part?


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:53 AM
Author: "''"'"'""'""

Holy shit



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Date: June 30th, 2024 12:37 PM
Author: libclubber (🍑 Pronouns: Ausländer/Raus döp dödö döp)



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Date: June 30th, 2024 12:00 PM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,.

his “wife” is a man


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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:17 PM
Author: "''"'"'""'""
