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let's look at the timeline. kikes take over and suddenly teens are off limits.

and used strictly for blackmail
Navy startled piazza therapy
vengeful flirting meetinghouse jewess
well brother for eons 13-16 was the ideal age to start a fam...
Navy startled piazza therapy
Not good at all but the causes for this are complex and mult...
vengeful flirting meetinghouse jewess
it's simple political warfare, older (21+) women diminish qu...
Navy startled piazza therapy

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Date: April 30th, 2024 11:53 PM
Author: Navy startled piazza therapy

and used strictly for blackmail


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Date: April 30th, 2024 11:56 PM
Author: vengeful flirting meetinghouse jewess



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Date: May 1st, 2024 12:05 AM
Author: Navy startled piazza therapy

well brother for eons 13-16 was the ideal age to start a family, legally (now in the Anglosphere) anathema. instead she should film herself on a Mossad screen and casually fuck Jamal and Nasir for shekels while Freemasons nod approvingly


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Date: May 1st, 2024 12:23 AM
Author: vengeful flirting meetinghouse jewess

Not good at all but the causes for this are complex and multivalent ime. Personally I think 13-16 is a bit young in this epoch to get started on that without some sort of guaranteed land or trade biz to work + some of the time and financial costs being handled by the extended families involved. I also believe that the necessity that comes from sheer need for the early formation of the family unit has been defrayed by social and technological progress & advantage but specific numbers aside, I agree that the delaying of pairing off, if not family-creation, has been a disaster for are West

The toxic half-applied remnants of a Puritanical and, in individual cases, oft-envy driven cultural view on the natural ways and means of teen pair-bonding & love combined with the utter perversion and toxicity of that Jezebel-esque glorification of sex without bond & "hookup culture" have been a disaster for each post-Sexual Revolution generation's mass thrust forth onto this earth

This is one of those uncomfortable cases where the reality on the poisoned ground, polluted by what is effectively a cultural norm that is consciously or unconsciously being promoted for optimal mobilization and callous use of people into the markets, creates friction that ends up cutting against the grain of right wing ideals wrt mating/pairing

Jews may benefit from this some but many find this abhorrent as well and I think it's primarily an economic/class issue before it is one defined first and foremost by the cultural clash between Jews and Gentiles


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Date: May 1st, 2024 12:31 AM
Author: Navy startled piazza therapy

it's simple political warfare, older (21+) women diminish quickly in value in comparison to their traditional competition, only solution was to make teens categorically off limits (but only as it applies to marriage - while the marital act is encouraged with contraceptives) the design is genetic suicide
