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A Degenerate Jew Reviews ANORA - ITT

wife and i watched anora last night. random thoughts: - m...
magenta galvanic principal's office clown
magenta galvanic principal's office clown
hairraiser locale dopamine
wife thinks a theme of the movie was to "show zoomer cu...
magenta galvanic principal's office clown
irl zoomers don't have sex so she's wrong.
aggressive apoplectic cruise ship pervert
wife "feels traumatized" by the movie because &quo...
magenta galvanic principal's office clown
she added in "russian oligarchs"
magenta galvanic principal's office clown
I think you are overthinking it but I need to watch it first...
aggressive apoplectic cruise ship pervert
magenta galvanic principal's office clown
shorthand re the award it was bold, gritty, and pornograph...
motley antidepressant drug
>i think i know why but don't want to say it is this I...
magenta galvanic principal's office clown
No Ure just not supposed to give away the magician's secret...
motley antidepressant drug
This thread is a monument to jewish stupidity
daniel gay luis

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Date: March 4th, 2025 10:15 AM
Author: magenta galvanic principal's office clown

wife and i watched anora last night. random thoughts:

- my first thought is: how the fuck did this win best picture? recent best pic winners have never been great and legendary, and have generally ranged from films that are total shit to films that are good but unmemorable and unhistoric. anora is probably in the latter category. there's nothing special or historic about it that's going to make people think about it 6 months later. i had the same feeling about parasite. but with the shit that has won best pic in recent years, it's hard to say that this film is any more undeserving than any other recent best pic winner.

- my second thought is that i don't even know what i think of the film. it entertained me. i was engaged the whole time. i was intrigued. was it a good movie? 12 hours later, i still don't even know whether i thought it's a good movie or not.

- this leads me to... overall, neither wife nor i got the point of the movie. i have no idea what the viewer is supposed to walk away thinking. maybe that's intentional. is it just supposed to be a softcore porn t&a flick? a cinderella story where cinderella gets pwn3d in the end? a glimpse into the sex industry? a suspense movie that has you on the edge of your seat? the film has a little bit of everything, but but it's hard to say what it is. maybe that's the point. it doesn't fit a traditional formula and it's not clear what it is supposed to be.

- on that note... it's also not clear what the viewer is supposed to think of anora (the girl, not the movie). is she a victim? is she an empowered slut? are we supposed to feel bad for her? are we supposed to like her? is she a tragic hero? are we supposed to think she's a dumb whore and had it coming?

- one major problem i had with the film is that there was zero character development relating to anora (the girl). the film introduces nothing about her background, i.e., her childhood, her family, how she got to be a stripper, whether she likes it, whether she's been abused or exploided, whether she's in it for the money, whether she could have done other things. it's totally unclear who this girl is. there's oddly way more character development about the guy (ivan) than anora, and it's very weird that you know much more about him and his family than her. to the extent the film is supposed to be a glimpse into the sex industry, it does it pretty shitty job at being some sort of sex worker biopic.

- *SPOILER ALERT* the ending scene was really fucking confusing and weird. i have no idea what we're supposed to make of that, either. why did she fuck igor? was she horny? was she depressed? was she thanking him? is she just crazy? the failure to develop her character makes that ending scene purely confusing.

- i also thought the premise of the movie was extremely unrealistic. how often do strippers/whores fall in love in a legit romantic way and exclusively marry a rich client? she was supposed to be 23 which is an experienced stripper, and i think no 23 y/o stripper would be dumb enough to think some 21 y/o rich playboy she knew for 2 weeks was really serious about a real fairy-tale marriage with her. if they built up some love over a longer period of time, it'd have been more realistic, but i just didn't buy the storyline.

- since we're talking about the girl... how the fuck did she win best actress for this? she isn't the first woman to win an oscar for crying, screaming and taking off her clothes, so i guess it's not such a surprise. this didn't strike me as some difficult performance that only this jewess could pull off, though. she was a good actress, but i feel like anyone could have played this role and i didn't think this was the performance of a lifetime by any means.

- as for this jewess's looks... it's weird how jewesses sometimes have this asian-ish looking phenotype. her face isn't that subjectively attractive to me. and her body isn't that remarkable either. only if a leon-era natalie portman had been available to be play this role.

- the opening scenes (the first 5 mins or so) had 95% of the movie's t&a. wife didnt even believe me that this was an oscar winning film and thought i having her watch some porno. fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your perspective), it wasn't just random vids of strippers naked at strip clubs for most of the rest of the movie.

- as a lolyer, i spotted several legal gaffes. i called flame in my head right away about dragging her to a ny court to annul a nevada marriage; i was confused why the fuck they were going to a ny court when a ny court couldn't annul a nv marriage, and it was totally unrealistic that the lawyers didn't figure that out. it also made no sense that ivan's mom was going to blackmail anora if she refused to annul the marriage; she threatened to run her financially and reputationally, when she's a fucking whore and has nothing to run. it also made no sense that she thought she was going to get half; he likely has no assets in his name, and she wouldn't get much anyway from a 2 week marriage.

- while the movie was generally very compelling, i felt that the "search for ivan" middle of the movie totally dragged on way more than necessary. the repetitive scenes going from place looking for ivan didn't really add much to the movie, and they could have cut a lot of that out.

- lastly, this film is total jewish degeneracy. i still can't believe writer/director/producer sean baker is supposedly a goy. on that note, was that a menorah that she used during the fight in the house? or just some random candelabra that happened to look like a menorah? odd case. relatedly, i wasn't clear if anora (the character, not the actress) was supposed to be jewish or not. she's the daughter of russian immigrants, apparently. tons of russian jews in brighton etc.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:19 AM
Author: magenta galvanic principal's office clown


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:57 AM
Author: hairraiser locale dopamine


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Date: March 4th, 2025 5:21 PM
Author: magenta galvanic principal's office clown

wife thinks a theme of the movie was to "show zoomer culture" because it's about people dressing and acting trashy. i told her that makes no sense. i said that russians have always been trashy, and so have hookers. does anyone think her theory makes sense?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 5:22 PM
Author: aggressive apoplectic cruise ship pervert

irl zoomers don't have sex so she's wrong.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 5:31 PM
Author: magenta galvanic principal's office clown

wife "feels traumatized" by the movie because "it was just really repulsive in many ways. the stripper stuff, the spoiled rich douche, her being pathetic about her 'marriage.' and just that men are gross about sex."


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:07 PM
Author: magenta galvanic principal's office clown

she added in "russian oligarchs"


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Date: March 4th, 2025 5:22 PM
Author: aggressive apoplectic cruise ship pervert

I think you are overthinking it but I need to watch it first them compare notez.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 5:32 PM
Author: magenta galvanic principal's office clown



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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:35 PM
Author: motley antidepressant drug


re the award

it was bold, gritty, and pornographic in a few different ways. oscar bait especially during a slow cycle. director knows this and plays with it to slip stuff over the heads of the SAG crowd

re the point of the film

sexual morality, the debased times of the present

re best actor

i think i know why but don't want to say it. her performance was really good and also i get the impression that the actress was sexually abused earlier in life so the characterization works


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:37 PM
Author: magenta galvanic principal's office clown

>i think i know why but don't want to say it

is this IMGUR weirdo schtick?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:00 PM
Author: motley antidepressant drug


Ure just not supposed to give away the magician's secrets


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Date: March 14th, 2025 5:59 PM
Author: daniel gay luis

This thread is a monument to jewish stupidity


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Date: March 14th, 2025 6:13 PM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,

