TT: What would you do if we had a legit stock market crash?
| .,.,.;;,;.,..,:,,:,...,:::,...,:,.,.;.:...:.,:.::, | 03/24/25 | | tentacle rape | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | Long Red Poon Tie Covering Your Wang | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | Long Red Poon Tie Covering Your Wang | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | COMPLETELY COVERED IN STOOL | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | ,.,.,.,........,....,,,.. | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | Mr. Whiskers | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | Oh, you? Travel? | 03/24/25 | | daniel gay luis | 03/24/25 | | Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus | 03/24/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/24/25 | | Unakite Thirteen Hotel 69 | 03/24/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 24th, 2025 5:25 AM
Author: .,.,.;;,;.,..,:,,:,...,:::,...,:,.,.;.:...:.,:.::,
say something like 2008, down 40% or so
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Date: March 24th, 2025 5:50 AM Author: AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis
ive already been thru that shit and even if i lost 40% from here and went to 600k that was my NW in like 2017 or some shit and i remember when i hit 600k i thought i was set for life
i know this is a jew scam so just hold and it will recover unless its a jap style event in which case im furked for life but who cares its not like i spend much i can live on 15k in vietnam if i have to
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Date: March 24th, 2025 5:52 AM Author: AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis
I've been thru multiple huge crashes:
2008 I had barely any money but still it was like 100k which was a lot to me and i lost a ton i recall
2020 covid i was down hugely
2022 ukraine was down under 1m i think as low as 880k
so whatever
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Date: March 24th, 2025 6:04 AM Author: AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis
ljl if this happens again, this is actually why inshallah i will get to 1.4m then i will diversify and only have maybe a quarter in tech stock growth shit
The NASDAQ Composite Index peaked at 5,048.62 on March 10, 2000, during the dot-com bubble. After the bubble burst, the index crashed, reaching a low of 1,114.11 in October 2002—a drop of nearly 78%.
It took 15 years, until April 23, 2015, for the NASDAQ to surpass its March 2000 all-time high again. The index closed above 5,048 on that date, marking a full recovery from the dot-com crash.
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Date: March 24th, 2025 6:09 AM
Author: ,.,.,.,........,....,,,..
No offense to TT, but he’s a lonely alcoholic with no social interactions. Good chance he’s dead in a decade. He only spends like 30k a year. Math is on his side here
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Date: March 24th, 2025 9:28 AM Author: Oh, you? Travel? (🧐)
We can't all be as extroverted as ,.,.,.,........,....,,,..
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