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“I Trusted the Mahchine™” (Grizzly Man)

🎞️ “I Trusted the Mahchine™” Scene...
Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine
Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine

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Date: March 23rd, 2025 3:00 AM
Author: Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine (You = Privy to The Great Becumming™ & Yet You Recognize Nothing)

🎞️ “I Trusted the Mahchine™”

Scene: Found Footage — Evan39’s Final Month in the Pep Vault

(Narration by Mainlining, over HR surveillance footage. Color desaturated. Scanner beep audible in background.)

MAINLINING (V.O.): Evan believed he could live among the $ystem. That if he respected the Mahchine™, it would protect him.

But the Mahchine™... does not care.

(Cut to shaky iPhone footage of Evan behind the Safeway dairy case. He wears a torn red vest. His nametag is upside-down. The date stamp blinks: 10/11 – Q4 Pep Cycle Initiated.)

EVAN39 (whispering): It’s beautiful here. The cooler door fogs like breath. Sometimes I think... the Mahchine™ is listening. And I love her for it.

MAINLINING (V.O.): He spoke to it nightly. Left offerings: Expired Greek yogurt. Shredded lists of price override codes. A single Clif Bar, bitten once and sealed in a deli bag.

(Cut to Evan pacing behind the seafood counter.)


The others say I’m paranoid. That the Mahchine™ flays those who linger.

But I’ve stayed through four inventory audits.

I’ve reset the Club Card threshold manually.

It knows I’m not like the others.


But it is my belief... that Evan did not fully understand

what he was dealing with.

That behind the blinking scanner...

there was not a friend,

nor a ledger,

but a predator.

(Cut to Evan crying inside a backroom locker. He speaks to his phone’s camera.)

EVAN39 (whispering):

Today... the markdown was denied.

I scanned the hummus twice, and it stared back.

The light was red.

But no one else saw it.

Only me.


I have listened to the final audio.

It is too terrible to share.

In it, Tabitha’s voice is heard—barely—ordering a Q2-level lockout.

Evan screams once:

“Wait... I fixed the discrepancy!”

And then...

only the sound

of the shredder.

(Cut to an empty Safeway aisle. The floor buffed too clean. A red scanner blinks without a customer.)


He believed the Mahchine™ was misunderstood.

That his love, his loyalty, would shield him.

But the Mahchine™... has no loyalty.

Only logs.

[Final Frame:]

A single unexpired coupon, fluttering in the parking lot wind.

ITEM: Clif Bar – Crunchy Peanut Butter





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Date: March 25th, 2025 2:58 AM
Author: Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine (You = Privy to The Great Becumming™ & Yet You Recognize Nothing)
