What action should the US have taken after 9/11?
| cannon | 12/31/24 | | Faggottini | 12/31/24 | | cannon | 12/31/24 | | Faggottini | 12/31/24 | | cannon | 12/31/24 | | Faggottini | 12/31/24 | | Birdshits Gone Wild | 12/31/24 | | office towers | 12/31/24 | | Faggottini | 12/31/24 | | AZNgirl building Great Wall on Gook Airport runway | 12/31/24 | | Birdshits Gone Wild | 12/31/24 | | pitbulls eating your face in hell forever tp | 12/31/24 | | tentacle rape | 12/31/24 | | dude weed | 12/31/24 | | Retro face diaper | 12/31/24 | | Drunkard | 12/31/24 | | Retro face diaper | 12/31/24 | | hustle god | 12/31/24 | | bigtree | 12/31/24 | | Horus Lupercal | 12/31/24 | | office towers | 12/31/24 | | sexy Gaysian daddy | 12/31/24 | | gibberish (?) | 12/31/24 | | ChadGPT-5 | 12/31/24 | | gibberish (?) | 12/31/24 | | ChadGPT-5 | 12/31/24 | | zesty | 12/31/24 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/01/25 |
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Date: December 31st, 2024 2:40 PM Author: Faggottini
Very good recent book about this called Directorate S
Bush admin did not want a big initial deployment in Afghanistan because they were scared of casualties. so most of the al qaeda guys who didn't stay to fight were able to retreat into Pakistan
Once al qaeda was in Pakistan the ISI sheltered them. All US admins concluded that stability in Pakistan was more important than "winning" in Afghanistan or eradicating al qaeda, although CIA under Obama was given permission for the drone campaign to kill any al qaeda guy in Pakistan who stuck his head up.
For example after Obama was elected, Biden flew to Afghanistan and met with Hamid Karzai, the then-president, and told him that Pakistan was 40-50x more important to the US than Afghanistan
ISI really wanted Taliban to win in Afghanistan because they were convinced that India would dominate if the US regime stayed in place
The only thing that could have happened differently is a much bigger deployment at first
US probably never would have evaluated its ultimate priorities differently
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5657331&forum_id=2:#48505222) |
Date: December 31st, 2024 2:43 PM Author: AZNgirl building Great Wall on Gook Airport runway
They shld have taken $100 million in unmarked bills and flown it to afghanistan then sent it directly to Bin Laden's cave and given it to him as a reward. Then flown Osama back on Air Force One and immediately upon landing at Andrews he's crowned the first Sultan of America with dictorial powers.
Mr Osama then partakes in immediately killing all the jews. removing their influence over media, education, politics, etc. Women are not allowed to drive, work, go to school. Feminazism is destroyed over night. All niggas are enslaved again. All men must join the military but on the side they can have a 12 year old boyfriend from Hindustan.
If this had been done instead of the mistakes that were made the US wld literally be paradise right now
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5657331&forum_id=2:#48505230) |
Date: December 31st, 2024 3:17 PM Author: bigtree
1. Close all borders permanently, deport all illegals, overstays, and Muslim non citizens
2. Dissolve CIA / FBI / NSI for catastrophic failure
3. Decimate foreign aid budget. New allocations of aid use per capita X proximity to US
4. Create new org for foreign and domestic intelligence, recruits and hires must pass rigorous special forces physical and be white Christian men (Mormons aren’t Christian)
5. Religious test to hold public office
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5657331&forum_id=2:#48505292) |
Date: December 31st, 2024 4:27 PM Author: zesty
Israeli intermittent camps
Nuke israel
Date: January 1st, 2025 10:56 AM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
nuke israel would have been a good first step
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5657331&forum_id=2:#48507062) |