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Mexican hauler to my black wife: "Life is hard for everyone."

I watched my black wife and this Mexican haggle over the pri...
out-of-control nibblets
Shoulda asked if he'd haul your wife to the dump for an even...
Comical Round Eye
out-of-control nibblets

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Date: January 6th, 2025 4:55 PM
Author: out-of-control nibblets

I watched my black wife and this Mexican haggle over the price of hauling away a bunch of lumber and sheetrock the sellers left on our property. It was like watching two heavyweights duke it out.

The Mexican started complaining about the fee he has to pay the dump and the cost of diesel, etc, so my black wife started bitching about having two toddlers.

That's when the Mexican goes, "Yes, I know. Life is hard for everyone. I have FOUR kids."

My black wife was undeterred and got him to come down $70.

Afterwards, I said, "That was pretty funny wasn't it? When he said life is hard for everyone?" She begrudgingly admitted it was funny.


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Date: January 6th, 2025 4:56 PM
Author: Comical Round Eye

Shoulda asked if he'd haul your wife to the dump for an even hundred sorry that was rude


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Date: January 6th, 2025 5:02 PM
Author: out-of-control nibblets

