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I think the biggest fraud of all time is Rick Rubin

I'm pretty sure this guy has never made a single contributio...
backroom poasting couch
It’s a basic bitch hot take albeit a fun one nonethele...
Ok let's entertain this thesis. Even if I grant you that he ...
backroom poasting couch
Cmon dude the bed for 99 problems is lifted directly from ea...
I have never heard anything of substance come out of his mou...
backroom poasting couch
The music industry is not that complicated. He admittedly ha...
Petty couldn't make Wildflowers because he was in his own he...
backroom poasting couch
Wait until you learn about other jews

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Date: March 12th, 2025 1:02 AM
Author: backroom poasting couch

I'm pretty sure this guy has never made a single contribution to music in his life. All he ever did was approach the most talented artists in the world and say hey for 50k slap my name on this thing and with my connections it will get on the radio.

I don't think he had a single musical idea. He claims the most he's ever done was tell a band what they were playing was bad and to do something else. Basically just saying that he didn't hear the hit. But this guy never produced anything. There was just a weird wrinkle in the continuum for a fat Jewish guy who told bands to chill out and meditate. But I think anything he put his name on was going to get famous because he knew all the other Jewish businessmen to call and say this record I'm on is going to be huge.


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Date: March 12th, 2025 1:10 AM
Author: .....;;,,.........;.;.;.;.,;,;,;.;.;,;

It’s a basic bitch hot take albeit a fun one nonetheless. But in reality he had a clear and relatively unique taste advantage over basically any other person working in music for about two decades across a wild variety of artists and eras. I.e. sure Raising Hell and probably even 98% of License to Ill seems like him just slapping his name on it. But everything from the first American Recordings record with Johnny Cash where he has him covering Soundgarden to 99 Problems to the Dixie Chicks’ Album of the Year reflects his influence and taste very blatantly.


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Date: March 12th, 2025 1:15 AM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Ok let's entertain this thesis. Even if I grant you that he was ahead of his time as a tastemaker, what was his exact impact on any of the albums he made.

I mean, when he produced eg Billy Corgan's 2017 single Aeronaut, or a 2021 Strokes record, or the Chili Peppers Return of the Dream Canteen what was he doing then, to supposedly influence shitty unlistenable latter day aging rockstar music no one wanted to hear.

I will admit he figured out rap was cool before other people but the median Rick Rubin production is not good, just him collecting a check.

What did he even do on 99 Problems? Tell Jay-Z to be edgy? Like, what did he physically do to influence the record? Did they actually need him? He probably doesn't do any of the arrangement himself.

I have a strong suspicion that he doesn't actually do anything and he doesn't actually inform the artist of his opinion beyond saying a few mystical words and doing a Jewish incantation.


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Date: March 12th, 2025 1:32 AM
Author: .....;;,,.........;.;.;.;.,;,;,;.;.;,;

Cmon dude the bed for 99 problems is lifted directly from early Def Jam and sounds nothing like stuff Jay Z made before that with Kanye or the Neptunes or whoever. It’s basically a Rick Rubin/early Def Jam tribute song. I fully grant you that he’s churned out tons of dreck that likely was just bands showing up with whatever they wrote and him saying “yeah sure go with that…it uh really captures your essence…uh let’s meditate.” That probably describes like 10 chili peppers records and the majority of his most commercially successful stuff. I watched that Showtime documentary and that’s basically how he seemed eg whenever he was talking to Sza. And of course that also describes like 75% of the producers who have worked for major labels during the past 25 years. But there are still some plaques on his wall that are 100x more important and core to his entire brand as a producer that 90+% of producers come nowhere close to touching with their absolute best work.


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Date: March 12th, 2025 1:41 AM
Author: backroom poasting couch

I have never heard anything of substance come out of his mouth. Despite thousands of hours of podcasts there isn't one clip of him saying something concise, clear, and directive. He doesn't even seem to know what a chord is, what an arrangement is, what a compressor is. Do you think ever once in his career he told a recording engineer "we need the vocals to sound harsher and more aggressive. Figure out how to get that sound and I will tell you if it's right."

I don't even think he's on that level of involvement. I think the sound engineer is doing a lot of the heavy lifting. I think the composer is doing all of the arranging. The most charitable view of him is I could hear him going "OK Jay-Z for this record you should do something really intense that sounds different. You need an edgier sound that's sets you apart." That is what I think the maximum extent of his practical influence is.

He also is world class at slapping his name on things and taking credit for it. But he gets away with it because of the yogi image and he probably was really nice to everybody. He put a LOT of work into his personal appearance and persona. That's a lot of it. Not everyone can pull off showing up and meditating and lying on a couch. But he turbo boomered his way to fame and fortune. I doubt he actually influenced any of the songwriting or sound engineering.


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Date: March 12th, 2025 1:49 AM
Author: justETHbaby

The music industry is not that complicated. He admittedly has little music production skills and cant even play an instrument. Musicians get in their own heads so much they need someone like Rubin to tell them what works and what doesn't. He produced Wildflowers to commercial success in fuckin 1994 when nobody though an aging classic rocker like Petty could ever achieve that in that era.


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Date: March 12th, 2025 1:56 AM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Petty couldn't make Wildflowers because he was in his own head? What did Rubin do to get him out of his head?


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Date: March 12th, 2025 1:25 AM
Author: cpap

Wait until you learn about other jews
