Libs, any news about Durham? (lsd)
| adulterous vigorous abode community account | 05/06/21 | | scarlet garrison | 05/31/22 | | greedy comical station | 05/31/22 | | scarlet garrison | 06/01/22 | | Mischievous mad-dog skullcap | 06/01/22 | | adulterous vigorous abode community account | 06/01/22 | | Mischievous mad-dog skullcap | 06/01/22 | | adulterous vigorous abode community account | 06/01/22 | | Mischievous mad-dog skullcap | 06/01/22 | | adulterous vigorous abode community account | 06/01/22 | | Mischievous mad-dog skullcap | 06/01/22 | | adulterous vigorous abode community account | 06/01/22 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/01/22 | | adulterous vigorous abode community account | 06/01/22 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/01/22 | | adulterous vigorous abode community account | 06/01/22 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/01/22 | | adulterous vigorous abode community account | 06/01/22 | | Avocado Shrine | 06/01/22 | | Avocado Shrine | 06/01/22 | | Avocado Shrine | 06/01/22 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/01/22 | | Avocado Shrine | 06/01/22 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/01/22 | | violent sable electric furnace | 06/01/22 | | aphrodisiac erotic field affirmative action | 09/28/23 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/01/22 | | Rose stirring hell | 06/01/22 | | Boyish Spot | 06/08/22 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/24/22 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/24/22 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/24/22 | | Frozen razzle-dazzle address becky | 06/24/22 | | anal philosopher-king main people | 05/15/23 | | Boyish Spot | 05/15/23 | | """'"'"""'' | 03/21/25 | | """'"'"""'' | 03/21/25 | | """'"'"""'' | 03/21/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: June 1st, 2022 1:19 PM Author: Mischievous mad-dog skullcap
I hope you realize that your style is very counterproductive.
What does an outside observer see? They see you bounce from one savior to another. First it was trust Q, and trust Trump and his plan, then trust the AZ audit, then trust Durham, etc. I’m sure you’ve spotted the pattern by now, you jump from savior to savior always confident in the knowledge they will make everything right and take care of the bad guys. Never acknowledging past mistakes as they pile up and only continuing to focus on the latest savior.
So with such a terrible track record and long-established pattern, advocating for the final savior, Jesus, is hardly persuasive lol. You’re lucky that people have faith despite your efforts as your efforts only harm your cause
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Date: June 1st, 2022 1:56 PM Author: adulterous vigorous abode community account
Your above-mentioned Talmudic proclivities have led you to a state of permanent mendacity, I'm afraid. For you deceit is as natural as breathing air, apparently. Very sad!
I haven't once poasted about "trusting Q" or "trusting" Trump or "trusting" Durham, or "trusting the plan". The only time where I encourage trust is in reference to God.
My goal is exposure of truth. I make threads with thread titles that I think will generate clicks and attract eyeballs. Sometimes the thread titles are to rile up libs, and are intended to generate controversy (such as the very thread you made your snarky comment in).
Unlike you I don't attempt to tell people WHAT they should think, I just encourage them TO think and try to point them in direction of information they otherwise may not be exposed to. I encourage people to do their own research and not blindly trust the MSM (which aside from a few lib holdovers most ppl on xo do not any more, thankfully). I encourage people to not blindly "trust the experts", but rather instead practice discernment.
I try to act as a good shepherd and to lead people to the truth, to borrow Biblical terms.
Your goal, as is apparent to even a casual observer of your poasting oeuvre, is obfuscation of truth. With a bit of critical thinking it is apparent which side you are actually fighting for, which side you put your bet on to win. That side is not interested in truth, which is why it dispatches out foot-soldiers like you to try to stomp out the truth and divert discussion of truth through any means.
I'm here to tell you your side is going to lose, in fact it already lost, you just don't know it yet. The Father of Lies will have nothing for you nor for his (many) other useful idiots in the end.
But you have chosen your side and are certain you made the right bet.
All I can say is good luck in your endeavors and I do sincerely hope you will see the Light some day (hopefully sooner rather than later, there is not a lot of time left). I will welcome you to the side of Light when you do.
God bless, friend.
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Date: June 1st, 2022 2:04 PM Author: Mischievous mad-dog skullcap
I find it very ironic you repeatedly accuse me of having “Talmudic proclivities” (as if that’s a substantive response) yet engage in the exact same behavior you accuse me of doing. Projecting much?
For example, this is the core of your response to me: “Unlike you I don't attempt to tell people WHAT they should think, I just encourage them TO think and try to point them in direction of information they otherwise may not be exposed to.”
Surely you don’t actually believe this, do you? What would you consider this very thread to be? You don’t think this thread is a clear indication of your very confident belief that libs should be scared because Durham, your latest savior of the day, is going to take care of business very soon?
I could probably link to 20 other example threads by you. None of which are encouraging others to think and all of which are confidently informing others as to what’s going to happen any day now
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Date: June 1st, 2022 2:16 PM Author: adulterous vigorous abode community account
It is a substantive response, because of your own stated ethnic origin (specifically your mother) many years ago here, before you did a turnaround and started LARPing as a Christian for awhile, championing false prophets such as Joel Osteen and "prosperity gospel".
This was all before you did YET ANOTHER turnaround and now make threads such as this and many others:
where you try to sell people on the idea that Christianity is a "jewish scam".
Interestingly there's another notorious poaster Consuela, who incidentally also admitted to being jewish previously and now denies it, who makes these same exact threads and constantly attacks "Christ cucks".
After awhile of being on the internet, it is fairly easy to see these sort of ((patterns)) and connect the dots of what's really going on here, I hope the reader will forgive me for using shorthand like "Talmudic proclivities", if it wasn't abundantly clear.
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Date: June 1st, 2022 2:43 PM Author: adulterous vigorous abode community account
I will let the reader decide as to the merits of my and your arguments. If you haven't realized by now a lot of my responses to you don't have you as the primary audience. The goal is exposure of truth, just one being your jewishness and your allegiance to NWO.
My only response to you is the continued invitation to join the side of Light and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, something that I sincerely do hope you will choose to do one day before it's too late.
Good day, friend.
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Date: June 1st, 2022 12:52 PM Author: Avocado Shrine
Jeff lol LSD gets blown out on a daily basis.
What a fucking retard
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