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Ezra Klein continues to whiff on why Trump is so popular

https://youtu.be/TnzTnALI720 This is interesting because ...
backroom poasting couch
"tho powerful"
the parade of twinky, overeducated jews trying to figure out...
Thompson ended the segment with the words: "We need to ...
backroom poasting couch
little different from the twinky always-online polic sci goy...
daniel gay luis
he doesn’t want to touch the underlying problem that l...
This is why someone like Elizabeth Warren can never come clo...
backroom poasting couch
warren can’t win a primary because she’s a grati...
This has to be flame. Every progressive gets btfo in the pri...
backroom poasting couch
bernie would have absolutely won the primaries in 2016 and 2...
"and then something occurred to me that is so crazy bec...
He even says make California more like Texas
backroom poasting couch
Yeah that was confusing. So they're going to adopt good gove...
backroom poasting couch
it's always entertaining to see high-iq people with mental i...
He and Cenk are on the vanguard of the internal revolt again...
backroom poasting couch
"and the perfect example of what government should do i...
Oh, You Travel?

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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:33 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch


This is interesting because he halfway understands the problem. Of course it's inflation and housing crisis and the working class standard of living going down over multiple generations.

But he has no way of comprehending how much of the issue is cultural, tribal, and visceral. It's not just Covid hit and wham inflation. It's also the liberals attack on the working class way of life. These people will never understand things like why Trump's McDonald's stunt is so powerful. They can't wrap their minds around how much Middle America feel in their bones that the coastal elite globalists genuinely hate them.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:53 PM
Author: _;;__;;;__"_'_;_:_;__:___;;;

"tho powerful"


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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:46 PM
Author: UhOh

the parade of twinky, overeducated jews trying to figure out what happened is hilarious


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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:53 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Thompson ended the segment with the words: "We need to show America that blue cities and states can wield power to make people's lives materially better today, else we don't deserve power."

It's funny my mind went right to Portland, and CHAZ/CHOP. I think people know what happens when Democrats try and exercise their power lmao. And it's not to build Utopia.

Also so much mentioning of failed CA high speed rail programs and Biden's failed infrastructure. "People can't trust the government if we just waste their money, but we can get BETTER at spending taxpayer money on services and then people will respect Dems!" Lol, just fucking lol.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:08 PM
Author: LathamTouchedMe

little different from the twinky always-online polic sci goys who talk like they're "real working class Joes" but spend all day on twitter and tik-tok acting like catty bitches


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:44 PM
Author: daniel gay luis


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:12 PM
Author: ataraxic

he doesn’t want to touch the underlying problem that leads dems to call for regulations in the first place, which is that some people are just really shitty and either incapable or unwilling to support themselves at this point because they’re irreversibly used to the government providing for them in part or in full, and even the most clear-eyed dem isn’t willing to undertake the “cruelty” of trying to wean them off of benefits for fear of lost votes.

doing away with building regulations in a vacuum would help the blue-collar working class by lowering the price of housing, but that’s not going to change the fact that landlords don’t want to build more apartments around o-block because there is no foreseeable path to profits. so then you get a new set of regulations saying that x% of new housing has to be set aside apartments for unprofitable “diverse” people with government housing vouchers or whatever, and once again no developer wants to build, and no landlord wants to risk a new project that forces them to take on these problem tenants. and you end up right where you started with a ”housing shortage.”

in practice klein’s “deregulation” means killing single-family zoning laws and filling every neighborhood in america with soviet-style apartment blocs. and even this wouldn’t be enough to fix the underlying problem: if you make it your party’s policy to serve those who are beyond help you are going to make life really hard for those who are trying to help themselves and who are just scraping by, because you are subsidizing the people with whom they are directly competing for housing and services, and destroying their tier of the housing market.

this is what leads to price controls too.: you want cheaper things for the masses so you “deregulate” production, it doesn’t make life any easier for the worst of the worst, so you try to make everything cheaper by brute force, and suddenly you get bacon shortages and prices go up, not down. oops!

this problem doesn’t get solved until dems finally acknowledge they can’t let the world’s detritus flow freely into the country, and that some people cannot be helped and need to be left to figure stuff out on their own or stop reproducing. but that will never happen because they are too afraid of losing that voting block and narrative battle.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:22 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

This is why someone like Elizabeth Warren can never come close to winning a Primary. She gets up there and goes "We're raising taxes... So kids can go to directional schools for free!" *libs boo*

Libs don't want their kids to go to state school. They don't want black people to move to Westchester County, or build a subway stop at Georgetown either.

Libs correctly assessed that prosperity is a zero sum game, and they seized whatever they could from those who did not possess the means to meaningfully compete. And they paid homage to minorities via nigger worship to get the votes to round out their high/low coalition. And they thought the roosters would never come home to roost.

And that's how we got to Trump 2.0. This is the horrible reckoning they feared the most. Because yeah, their government does not support business as usual. And it is going in a different direction. And their monopoly on institutions is not long for this world. They did this to themselves.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:37 PM
Author: ataraxic

warren can’t win a primary because she’s a grating bitch. a more seemingly authentic bernie-type person or a faux-hip obama-like brotha could make these same arguments and libs will cream themselves over finally getting a real “progressive,” and he would probably win the general election. voters are not intelligent or thoughtful enough to think about this shit or to want to think about it, they will hear “cheaper shit” and “more services” and whoever says those words will win, notwithstanding how they propose to get there.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:40 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

This has to be flame. Every progressive gets btfo in the primary by some neocon running as a D. These people don't actually want what they say they're for.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:50 PM
Author: ataraxic

bernie would have absolutely won the primaries in 2016 and 2020 were he not railroaded by party bigwigs.

you're not understanding what klein is doing here. he's not so much making a policy argument as he is coaching dems on their rhetoric for future elections, and telling them what their best path to success is at this point. socialist bernie might have been a little to scary for the party machinery but klein is telling them that they have to adopt some of that language in a "safer" package to win. it was the same policy under obama except it was more explicitly racialized instead of economic. it is all the same and it always ends in the working poor getting fucked, which they could care less about as long as they win elections. dems are just trying to figure out how to package it right.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:31 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"and then something occurred to me that is so crazy because it just may be true! harness the power of the free market and turn self-initiative loose! cut government regulation!"

lol, where did these geniuses ever come up with that notion?


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:31 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

He even says make California more like Texas


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:32 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:39 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Yeah that was confusing. So they're going to adopt good governance, low taxes, efficiency, and affordability, but never their heinous social values. Except they're not going to do anything at all lol.

I also laughed out loud when he talked about green energy materially benefitting people's lives. Everyone knows by now that renewables are a farce and just lead to deindustrialization.

It's crazy these are the lefts thought leaders.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:42 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

it's always entertaining to see high-iq people with mental illness.

but it's infuriating when you see them running things.

at least Ezra Klein has been publicly saying that places run by Dems suck ass.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 4:22 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

He and Cenk are on the vanguard of the internal revolt against the grandees. If they actually cared about people, which they don't, but if they did I think the move is to go in on economic populism and just say hey we're literally about wealth and opportunity redistribution and until regular working people have a future we're not going to quit

This will NEVER happen because the majority of their party are stock owning Americans. You can't be for the people who fix your air conditioner and be the ones writing that swath of society checks. The math isn't mathing.


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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:38 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"and the perfect example of what government should do is the COVID response!"



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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:43 PM
Author: Oh, You Travel? ( )
