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Stephen J. Gould applied to CockSize

Distinctions between cocksizes are but a social construction...
so that's what "punctuated equilibrium" is?
Long Red Poon Tie Covering Your Wang
This is a failing answer to my single question CockSize fina...

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Date: March 20th, 2025 7:21 AM
Author: fluid

Distinctions between cocksizes are but a social construction. Yes, there are vast differences between human cocksizes extending at least between 3 and 9 inches. But the very idea to make these size distinctions is derived from the human mind and shared social exchanges. We still consider a 3 inch organ to be the same organ as a 10 inch one. To do otherwise would be to engage in outdated pseudoscientific taxonomy, akin to physiognomy. Classical systems often delineated between penis, dick and cock -- considering cock to be "40-50x" the size of penis, as if it were an entirely different species of organ. But nature does not make such distinctions. A female still gets just as much pleasure, pain and sensory experience from 3 inches as from 10 inches-- and they all still result in insemination


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Date: March 20th, 2025 8:23 AM
Author: Long Red Poon Tie Covering Your Wang

so that's what "punctuated equilibrium" is?


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Date: March 21st, 2025 8:49 AM
Author: fluid


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Date: March 21st, 2025 9:18 AM
Author: .....;;,,.........;.;.;.;.,;,;,;.;.;,;

This is a failing answer to my single question CockSize final exam. Student clearly has no clue about 40-50x scholarship and how it relates to the “feel something” vaginal sensation threshold, let alone the fact that this answer makes no mention of length v girth, turgidity, or the relationship between thrust force and male body size and fitness. Student should see me after class to work out an arrangement so that he can avoid a failing overall grade.
