do people still pretend that the simpsons is better than south park or family gu
| Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | cpap | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/13/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/13/25 | | disco fries' big fat nude butt | 03/13/25 | | animeboi | 03/13/25 | | Oh, You Travel? | 03/13/25 | | lex | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | irl chink | 03/13/25 | | piss | 03/13/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/13/25 | | peeface | 03/13/25 | | Brother Peter Dimond | 03/13/25 | | Mr Right | 03/13/25 | | peeface | 03/13/25 | | ........,,,,,,......,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,, | 03/13/25 | | Ass Sunstein | 03/13/25 | | irl chink | 03/13/25 | | Risten | 03/13/25 | | Ass Sunstein | 03/13/25 | | ~~(> ' ' )> | 03/13/25 | | evan39 | 03/13/25 | | Ass Sunstein | 03/13/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 13th, 2025 10:09 AM Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)
the first ~10 seasons of the simpsons are some of the smartest and funniest shows that have ever aired.
simpsons as a whole is diminished because of how shitty everything was after that. but classic simpsons is superior to anything southpark and family guy has ever done.
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Date: March 13th, 2025 10:23 AM Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)
nothing in either of those shows has peak simpsons subtle humor that also manages to appeal to a broad audience.
closeted gay smithers: "I Think Women and Seamen Don’t Mix."
"To Alcohol! The Cause of... and Solution to... All of Life's Problems."
my favorite deep cut is when mr. burns calls a columbian hitman.
Burns: "Fernando, it's M. B."
Fernando: "Ah, Marion Barry. Is it time for another shipment already?"
this type of smart and subtle wordplay that most of the audience will not understand but is not distracted by is what makes classic simpsons great and is completely absent south park and (ugh) family guy, which has never been smart but just edgy and absurdist.
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Date: March 13th, 2025 10:20 AM Author: blow off some steam
The Simpsons was at least clever at some points
Family Guy and South Park are just too jewy to ever really be good
Anyway I’m sure you’re some weird mystery meat freak so your shitty opinion completely makes sense
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Date: March 13th, 2025 10:26 AM Author: lex
family guy was never that good and aged like milk.
the simpsons had a couple dozen inspired plots, which is an insane amount for a weekly sitcom, so people think back fondly on the show when they remember those. you're right that any given episode might not be too clever, but marge v. the monorail stands out as a comedy gem to many, many millennials/young gen x'ers in a way that not a single episode of family guy does for anyone.
more abstractly, the simpsons reflect an american culture that many look back fondly on. it 'pushed boundaries' ever so slightly wrt mainstream christian values, but every episode ultimately ended up celebrating those values with some kind of wholesome message. king of the hill is similar. we're nostalgic for that america.
everyone downplaying south park ITT is dead wrong, though. that show had similarly inspired, very memorable high-points in the 90's/2000's.
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Date: March 13th, 2025 10:34 AM Author: metaphysical certitude
South Park has retarded moralisms throughout. It's supposed to be ironic that writers of a crude cartoon are right about a controversial topics. They're not and are retards.
The Simpsons had genuine American values in its plots. There's no grand moralism at the end of the show. The show uses conflict to show the values and is lighthearted about any grand morals at the end.
Family guy is for dipshits.
The Simpsons is clearly the superior show
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Date: March 13th, 2025 10:34 AM Author: peeface
they all had great periods, and none have been worth watching in at least a decade.
but simpsons peak was the highest - there are no memorable family guy episodes, and very few south park.. just some good gags.
Date: March 13th, 2025 10:41 AM Author: Brother Peter Dimond
compared to a lot of my friends, i could never really get into any of those three. laughed at them though. family guy “sucks” but was actually pretty funny sometimes
king of the hill otoh, now that was a great show
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Date: March 13th, 2025 9:50 PM
Author: ........,,,,,,......,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,
1. Simpsons - very funny, touched on what it meant to be an American and our way of life, community dynamics, occasioally opined on political issues without being political.
2. South Park - very funny with overtly political themes but usually in an interesting manner
3. Family Guy - easy random jokes with nothing interesting to say
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Date: March 13th, 2025 9:56 PM Author: irl chink
family guy was by far the funniest one but it also tried the hardest to be funny and not all of its jokes hit. but the ones that were funny were really, really funny
early simpsons was actually relatively high brow compared to anything made today, like gunnerattt is pointing out in this thread
south park was never good. ever, at any point. that show was just objectively bad and if you thought it was funny or clever you are just...not a very sophisticated person
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Date: March 13th, 2025 10:27 PM Author: Ass Sunstein
Conan-era Simpsons by far.
South Park and Family Guy were funny but no subtlety.
Same reason Seinfeld >>> Curb.
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