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There isn't enough electricity grid capacity to sustain mass AI adoption or more

development to AGI levels. And the modular nuclear generator...
Chrome rough-skinned tattoo
We're going to have to go back to nuclear. Also expect a pus...
boyish hideous coldplay fan
What company is in the business of designing/constructing ne...
Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression
I guess that means nobody can do it, ever.
boyish hideous coldplay fan
We don't have a permanent waste disposal facility. Kav wrote...
Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression
Guess so! Lol!
boyish hideous coldplay fan
Congress ORDERED the executive branch to find a permanent so...
Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression
It's definitely happening this time
Chrome rough-skinned tattoo
“Clean Coal” was basically the Obama campaign in...
curious slimy skinny woman dog poop
Effete meetinghouse
Yes. But we also need them for xo security certificates.
Chrome rough-skinned tattoo
Abusive Orchid Piazza Potus
Any AI nerds want to try to disprove this
Chrome rough-skinned tattoo
Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression
Not gonna try to disprove it because we most likely dont hav...
Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film
The grid will respond to demand signals. If the demand is gr...
pontificating deranged locale private investor
We will never build another nuclear power plant in America
Chrome rough-skinned tattoo
pontificating deranged locale private investor
ljl this is only true because Nvidia GPUs are energy HOGS ma...
Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression
This is why Sam Altman is funding fusion research and he cla...
Opaque national
AI can just write better software to lessen the energy requi...
Saffron bonkers kitchen kitty cat
They will just raise electricity prices to levels unaffordab...
garnet electric address
I'm sure this seems far-fetched to most people but I really ...
spectacular cobalt son of senegal
AI can't come up with a solution?
Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression
Still won't be enough.
Chrome rough-skinned tattoo
Beautiful imagery
Vivacious Orchestra Pit Idea He Suggested
heady sooty fortuitous meteor
The exact amount of electricity consumed per question I answ...
Naked marvelous liquid oxygen
Lets be real, NVIDIAS latest graphic cards are going to be u...
Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film
See libs this is why we need to have wars for oil
Opaque national
the US should have like 200 nuclear power plants that are al...
indigo dingle berry
energy is unlikely to be a major constraint that prevents AG...
outnumbered school cafeteria scourge upon the earth
indigo dingle berry
These people obsessed with "finding data" have to ...
Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film
A lot of it is just removing duplicated data. To the extent ...
outnumbered school cafeteria scourge upon the earth
If you don't know what "cleaning data" involves yo...
Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression
2e29 FLOP sounds kinda flamey. Thats 200 quintillian float ...
Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film
That’s cumulative training compute, not a measure of F...
outnumbered school cafeteria scourge upon the earth
not flame, I almost crashed entire continents power grids wh...
Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film
Burgundy jewess brethren
I’m asking My Mahchine why do we need more energy&hell...
Burgundy jewess brethren
Is this the latest excuse for why 99% of people won’t ...
Sexy light deer antler theater stage
DeepSeek was trained for <$6 million and is a frontier le...
Trip parlour generalized bond
They could put these things in space with massive solar pane...
Erotic titillating incel

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: December 28th, 2024 11:57 PM
Author: Chrome rough-skinned tattoo

development to AGI levels. And the modular nuclear generators are never going to happen.


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:19 PM
Author: boyish hideous coldplay fan

We're going to have to go back to nuclear. Also expect a push for "clean coal."


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:19 PM
Author: Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression

What company is in the business of designing/constructing new nuke reactors?


Reply Favorite

Date: December 30th, 2024 1:24 PM
Author: boyish hideous coldplay fan

I guess that means nobody can do it, ever.


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:28 PM
Author: Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression

We don't have a permanent waste disposal facility. Kav wrote an opinion on this when he was on the DC Circuit. Guess I'm the only poaster who paid any attention to his judicial record.


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:58 PM
Author: boyish hideous coldplay fan

Guess so! Lol!


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Date: December 30th, 2024 2:36 PM
Author: Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression

Congress ORDERED the executive branch to find a permanent solution. Better get on it!


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Date: December 31st, 2024 11:09 PM
Author: Chrome rough-skinned tattoo

It's definitely happening this time


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Date: December 31st, 2024 11:34 PM
Author: curious slimy skinny woman dog poop

“Clean Coal” was basically the Obama campaign in a nutshell


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Date: December 28th, 2024 11:57 PM
Author: Effete meetinghouse



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Date: December 28th, 2024 11:58 PM
Author: Chrome rough-skinned tattoo

Yes. But we also need them for xo security certificates.


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Date: December 30th, 2024 5:55 PM
Author: Abusive Orchid Piazza Potus


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Date: December 29th, 2024 9:31 PM
Author: Chrome rough-skinned tattoo

Any AI nerds want to try to disprove this


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:23 PM
Author: Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression



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Date: January 1st, 2025 1:39 AM
Author: Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film

Not gonna try to disprove it because we most likely dont have the powergrid infrastructure yet to support widespread AGI adoption. But I'm sure Big Tech will take care of that, at least to the point where it benefits them anyway, not innovation outside big tech. Training massive models require so much compute its absurd. Like megawatts of electricity worth over weeks. AGI deployment would require continuous compute at scale so thats a next level jump.


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Date: December 29th, 2024 9:36 PM
Author: pontificating deranged locale private investor

The grid will respond to demand signals. If the demand is great enough, there will be new conventional nuclear generation Facilities built. But to start out with it is very easy to build a ton of gas CTs. The AI boom is actually what will save us from over reliance on wind and solar, and the reliability problems that over reliance would create.


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Date: December 29th, 2024 11:10 PM
Author: Chrome rough-skinned tattoo

We will never build another nuclear power plant in America


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:16 PM
Author: pontificating deranged locale private investor


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:17 PM
Author: Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression

ljl this is only true because Nvidia GPUs are energy HOGS manufactured on outdated process nodes. The only company that makes worse GPUs is AMD.

Apple silicon doesn't doesn't have this problem. Neither does Qualcomm now. Enjoy paying $20k for less VRAM than you can get in a Macbook, TSINAH.


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:21 PM
Author: Opaque national

This is why Sam Altman is funding fusion research and he claims we will achieve sustainable fusion reactions by the end of the decade


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:30 PM
Author: Saffron bonkers kitchen kitty cat

AI can just write better software to lessen the energy requirements imo. Sega Genesis/32X has higher energy requirements than PS5. It’s possible.


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:30 PM
Author: garnet electric address

They will just raise electricity prices to levels unaffordable for households and consumers to force rationing and rolling brown-outs for hours every day like in South Africa.

Regular people will sit shivering in the dark, munching on cold bugs in their micro-studio apartments, while the massive AI data centers glow and hum with energy off in the distance.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 30th, 2024 1:35 PM
Author: spectacular cobalt son of senegal

I'm sure this seems far-fetched to most people but I really believe it could be the future. We are barreling down the path to a cold war between technocrat Elites and "average citizens" eventually escalating to a hard purge as Uncle Ted predicted.


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:37 PM
Author: Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression

AI can't come up with a solution?


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Date: December 30th, 2024 5:50 PM
Author: Chrome rough-skinned tattoo

Still won't be enough.


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Date: January 1st, 2025 2:44 AM
Author: Vivacious Orchestra Pit Idea He Suggested

Beautiful imagery


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Date: January 1st, 2025 5:42 AM
Author: heady sooty fortuitous meteor


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:55 PM
Author: Naked marvelous liquid oxygen

The exact amount of electricity consumed per question I answer depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the query, the underlying hardware (servers), and the overall infrastructure that powers the model. However, we can give a general idea of the electricity consumption involved in running large AI models like mine.

Key Factors Affecting Electricity Usage:

1. Model Size: Larger models, like GPT-4, consume more energy to process queries than smaller ones. The deeper the neural network, the more computation is needed.

2. Server Load: The number of users and queries being processed at any given time affects the overall power consumption. High demand can lead to more servers being activated.

3. Data Centers: AI models like mine run on clusters of high-performance GPUs or specialized hardware (e.g., TPUs) located in data centers. The energy consumption of these data centers includes cooling, power for servers, and other infrastructure.

4. Query Complexity: Simpler queries likely require less computation, while more complex or multi-turn interactions consume more energy.

General Estimation:

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact energy cost for each query, but research into AI model energy consumption can provide a rough idea.

1. Energy per Inference:

• A single query or inference (answer) from a model like GPT-3 or GPT-4 could range from 0.1 kWh to 1 kWh depending on the size of the model, the hardware used, and the complexity of the query.

• For comparison, 1 kWh is about the energy needed to power a standard light bulb for 10-12 hours or run a microwave for 15-20 minutes.

2. Total Data Center Energy:

• Large data centers that host AI models can consume tens of megawatt-hours (MWh) per day, depending on the scale. However, the actual energy used for each query is a fraction of that total.


While it’s hard to pinpoint the exact electricity consumption per question, each query likely consumes a very small amount of energy, possibly in the range of 0.1 to 1 watt-hour (Wh). Given the rapid advancements in more energy-efficient hardware and optimizations in data centers, the energy footprint per query is continuously decreasing, but it still adds up at scale across millions or billions of interactions.

The energy consumption is largely driven by the infrastructure behind the AI, including both hardware and cooling needs in the data centers, and not just the direct computational work of answering a single question.


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Date: January 1st, 2025 1:31 AM
Author: Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film

Lets be real, NVIDIAS latest graphic cards are going to be used more for exotic fortnite skins than for LLM equations. I mean, sure running cosmic level theoretical intervals on LLMs feels good man, but how many people even have access to that amount of compute? And electricity? How much electricity do you think it takes for Big tech to run algorithms all day long to curate feeds and control narratives.


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Date: December 30th, 2024 1:56 PM
Author: Opaque national

See libs this is why we need to have wars for oil


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Date: December 31st, 2024 11:25 PM
Author: indigo dingle berry

the US should have like 200 nuclear power plants that are all pumping out power to run trillions of graphics cards generating AI asian pussy VR porn


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Date: January 1st, 2025 12:13 AM
Author: outnumbered school cafeteria scourge upon the earth

energy is unlikely to be a major constraint that prevents AGI development. this is a starting point for this analysis:


"We find that training runs of 2e29 FLOP will likely be feasible by the end of this decade. In other words, by 2030 it will be very likely possible to train models that exceed GPT-4 in scale to the same degree that GPT-4 exceeds GPT-2 in scale."

we are likely to see large increases in training compute availability in a few years, even with power being limited. the other issue is that the focus on training costs is the result of the poor generalization of transformers and current training techniques. they have to train them on every bit of data, because generalization is not great. the news stories are all focused on finding as much data as possible, or creating synthetic data to produce more robust models. humans don't train on 10 trillion words. if they could find algorithms with human level data efficiency, the compute costs would plummet. considering humans are able to learn to be reasonably competent in a few years (and a lot of that time spent processing irrelevant/redundant information) with brains that are clearly not optimized (with even the smartest people having substantial mutational load that impairs brain function), I would not be optimistic about theoretical costs. it wouldn't surprise me if AGI training costs could be <$100K even at current prices.


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Date: January 1st, 2025 12:24 AM
Author: indigo dingle berry


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Date: January 1st, 2025 1:42 AM
Author: Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film

These people obsessed with "finding data" have to be the most low iq people around. For one thing they are always talking about "cleaning data" as if thats a good thing that results in better models -- like yeah bro just do sanitize data and cry about not having enough data when you are trying to project your own biases onto AI -- feels good man! And not only that "the internet" is an overrated source of data. You can collect data anywhere and feed it into ML models now and then into AI


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Date: January 1st, 2025 2:35 AM
Author: outnumbered school cafeteria scourge upon the earth

A lot of it is just removing duplicated data. To the extent biases are put into the model, it’s after pre-training when they RL it to be a friendly assistant.

There is certainly a lot more they could be trained on. Videos are an obvious one. I think there are much more sensible ways of training these models


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Date: January 1st, 2025 10:06 AM
Author: Puce mind-boggling garrison indirect expression

If you don't know what "cleaning data" involves you can kill yourself right now, chimp.


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Date: January 1st, 2025 1:46 AM
Author: Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film

2e29 FLOP sounds kinda flamey. Thats 200 quintillian float points ops per/sec. If we reach that level we could probably have millions of AGI running simultaneously. That would be singularity levels of intelligence. I guess its possible if Big Tech foots the bill for much of the infrastructure. They probably already are footing the bill actually, these giant data centers that are being continually built dont power themselves. If it does happen that will be 11 orders of magnitude greater than what we hit in 2020


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Date: January 1st, 2025 2:28 AM
Author: outnumbered school cafeteria scourge upon the earth

That’s cumulative training compute, not a measure of FLOPS. They make an assumption of the training run going for several months to arrive at that number. The idea is that training runs are bounded by hardware and software improvements. If a run lasts for too long, it will be outpaced by a faster run using better hardware and software. It doesn’t make sense to have runs last for years. Conceivably if performance improvements stalled, they could justify runs lasting years. I feel like we are getting into fantasy land if we imagine something like 2e30 flop not being sufficient for AGI training.


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Date: January 1st, 2025 1:24 AM
Author: Hyperactive Domesticated Stag Film

not flame, I almost crashed entire continents power grids when I first trained my cosmic level model


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Date: January 3rd, 2025 6:14 PM
Author: Burgundy jewess brethren


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Date: January 1st, 2025 2:48 AM
Author: Burgundy jewess brethren

I’m asking My Mahchine why do we need more energy…


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Date: January 1st, 2025 3:11 AM
Author: Sexy light deer antler theater stage

Is this the latest excuse for why 99% of people won’t get much use out of AI?


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Date: January 3rd, 2025 6:13 PM
Author: Trip parlour generalized bond

DeepSeek was trained for <$6 million and is a frontier level model. compare that to GPT-4o, which cost more than $100 million. LLMs are still very new, they don't have a theoretical model for how to train them and there is a significant amount of alchemy that goes into getting them to work. they just stirs lots of shit together until the results look good. there is likely lots of room for training optimization even if hardware improvements stopped (which won't happen soon enough to matter).


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Date: January 3rd, 2025 6:53 PM
Author: Erotic titillating incel

They could put these things in space with massive solar panel arrays
