I've watched 11.5 hours of JRE/Alex Jones in the last 18 hours
| Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | amethyst brunch | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | amethyst brunch | 10/30/20 | | snowy spectacular senate | 10/30/20 | | Mint pistol love of her life | 10/30/20 | | Aphrodisiac parlour | 10/30/20 | | Burgundy Buck-toothed Kitty Sanctuary | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | amethyst brunch | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | offensive candlestick maker | 10/30/20 | | motley vermilion potus | 10/30/20 | | Scarlet Hairless Volcanic Crater | 10/30/20 | | Carnelian casino dog poop | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | domesticated hall | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | domesticated hall | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | Dashing Jet Step-uncle's House Factory Reset Button | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | demanding abnormal boistinker | 10/30/20 | | Dashing Jet Step-uncle's House Factory Reset Button | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | Mint pistol love of her life | 10/30/20 | | At-the-ready french generalized bond bawdyhouse | 10/30/20 | | Aromatic purple hairy legs place of business | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | Dashing Jet Step-uncle's House Factory Reset Button | 10/30/20 | | cream cerebral den | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | Internet-worthy Stead Hissy Fit | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 10/30/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 11/14/20 | | domesticated hall | 11/14/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 11/14/20 | | Lascivious theatre | 02/23/21 | | Lascivious theatre | 04/30/21 | | Lascivious theatre | 06/21/21 | | Lascivious theatre | 07/15/24 | | Lascivious theatre | 07/15/24 | | Lascivious theatre | 07/15/24 | | Spruce provocative selfie | 07/15/24 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/14/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: October 30th, 2020 2:14 AM Author: Lascivious theatre
Jones' views are dramatically influenced by his father and grandfather's involvement in US government and their ties to upper class Germans in America during and after WW2. He is at once a ubermensch German and someone who was appalled by the dehumanization in Nazi Germany.
His concern that "elite globalists" are running the world comes from his exposure to the secret and nefarious society of scientists in Nazi Germany, which colors his view that these and other scientists in America formed a break-away government after the war. This historical nefariousness influences his view that these elites are attempting to ascend to higher spiritual dimensions and leave the rest of humanity behind through an exclusivist merger of humans and AI. That he feels this process of spiritual ascension is exclusivist in this way may in part cause his belief that these technologies are the result of communication with interdimensional beings with ill will towards humanity (rather than communications with God) thus forming the basis of his belief that technology is Luciferian.
It seems Jones has adopted a American military-man persona as a means of coping with the intergenerational traumas resulting from Nazi culture. It is perhaps this military-man's man philosophy that influences his belief that the American leftwing is run by decrepit, perverted pedophiles who are obsessed with prolonging their own lives without regard for infanticide and fetal tissue harvesting.
Most charitably, Jones is an economic populist who is at the same time trying to understand his spiritual identity in a diverse American society. I would rate this pursuit of truth - following Jones' own - as 180.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=4666335&forum_id=2:#41219470) |
Date: October 30th, 2020 2:25 AM Author: Lascivious theatre
The basis of his apparent insanity is rooted in a well-established esoteric metaphysical tradition that sees humanity as on a path of ascending through higher and higher dimensions of spiritual realization. This puts Jones in the tradition of Rudolph Steiner and the theosophists.
However, as a result of intergenerational trauma from his Father and Grandfather, who had ties to the Upper Class of Germans in America during and after WW2, most of Jones's political and metaphysical beliefs are colored by a reaction to the dehumanizing use of technology by the Nazis. For this reason, where Steiner and the theosophists see technology as at worst benign and in some ways complementary or even necessary for the ascension of man through the spiritual dimensions, Jones sees technology as antithetical to spiritual progress (even Luciferian).
Jones however does maintain a noble response to an upbringing that could without difficulty cause a normal person to suffer serious difficulties. He is steadfast in the belief that the dissemination of the truth about higher spiritual dimensions should be free and open, and that the ascension through these dimensions should be available to all people. Whether he is reacting to a true fear that these spiritual dimensions are being corrupted by humans with ill intent remains an open question.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=4666335&forum_id=2:#41219507) |
Date: October 30th, 2020 2:33 AM Author: Lascivious theatre
I would recommend watching it. Jones provides important commentary on the relationship between spirituality, technology and culture. While his belief that technology is ultimately Luciferian is only one possible view, it is an important one that sets a baseline for further discussion.
As an example of an alternative view, Jones does not seem to consider that the "globalist, technocratic elites" have formed a basis for investment in technologies that may help produce the democratization of spiritual ascension he seems to have respect for. At the same time, Jones is caught denigrating this spiritual ascension, insisting it has been coopted by evil, perhaps due to his proximity to the German scientific culture around Nazi-era dehumanization. Watching Jones struggle with his profound spirituality on the one hand, and the deep realization of its possibility for evil, is an important one for the current political and social moment.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=4666335&forum_id=2:#41219539) |
Date: October 30th, 2020 7:05 PM Author: Dashing Jet Step-uncle's House Factory Reset Button
This is a MFCR podcast.
Funny, the podcasts you've listed in this thread are some of the few podcasts I've listened to multiple times.
95% of the content out there with Peter Theil is him spouting the same shit over and over again you find in his book Zero to One. Nice to see him talk about some other shit.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=4666335&forum_id=2:#41224661) |
Date: October 30th, 2020 3:41 PM Author: demanding abnormal boistinker
The OP has a higher IQ than me but I watched the interview and though it was okay, with the second half better than the first half. Alex has trouble focusing on one topic, which I find to be annoying, and when pressed can start to rant about other stuff as a way of not revealing his incomplete knowledge.
Joe was being a little annoying by pressing Alex to show sources, which was obviously to satisfy the left (of course they will never be satisfied) but Alex could have done a better job of clearly articulating his views and more clearly sourcing what he was saying.
Was better in second half talking about technology, Bohemian Grove, and more.
Date: October 30th, 2020 3:57 AM Author: Lascivious theatre
In addition to on some of my prior descriptions of the way Jones thinks about interdimensional knowledge, I would add that Jones thinks the technglobalists are getting this knowledge from the DMT elves, having meetings with them at Microsoft for example.
At the risk of going too far into editorial, I think it’s fair to say that for Jones there is a making literal of things that others often think of abstractly, and that is the nexus point with Rogan’s interest in aliens and particularly DMT elves. On an interpretation of the DMT breakthrough space as one where the nature of consciousness is made visual, the elves and the apparent existence of higher dimensions might be the objectification (the making an object) and self-display of consciousness to consciousness. When Jones says Microsoft is making deals with interdimensional beings he may be expressing the abstract notion of intelligent people coming to understand things about mathematics and science through an analytic interrogation of their own minds. Again an implicit negative or Satanic description of this process may be a contingency of Jones’ personal historical context.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=4666335&forum_id=2:#41219710) |