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Reminder: race-relations in the US will WORSEN as whites decline in %

right now we're still working (politically and culturally) o...
cerebral main people private investor
thriller sneaky criminal brunch
Describe what will start happening as a result
Dashing Field Voyeur
"democracy" will become about as viable for us as ...
cerebral main people private investor
citrine sound barrier public bath
Credited. Just look at California for a preview. A coalit...
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
The more blacks/Latinos/women fall behind in an economy that...
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
smoky sickened market cuckold
Which is fine as long as there is money in the system for de...
Salmon Liquid Oxygen Macaca
See my edit above. If they start putting quotas in their hir...
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
lol @ u racist piece of shit. I love how your hypothetica...
Sepia site halford
LOL, you seem MAF. I'm only assuming they'll be dead wei...
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
"probably useful" You keep on keeping on, Adolf...
Sepia site halford
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
I'd like to think that non-black minorities could decently a...
cream forum friendly grandma
"assimilate" You mean just act and do as white ...
Sepia site halford
shut up idiot
cream forum friendly grandma
(left wing dumbass)
ultramarine stimulating university
(Guy pretending he isn't a whitewashed cornball brother)
big elite hunting ground kitchen
Ya basically act civilized
Shaky internet-worthy meetinghouse
no, as white people DO.
Self-centered laser beams feces
Irradiated Heaven Legend
charismatic fortuitous meteor associate
cali is somewhat different, because it is only 7% black (a b...
cerebral main people private investor
I can see some local clashes, like Hispanics taking over a b...
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
Drug turf idiot.
Shaky internet-worthy meetinghouse
clearly not the kind of thing OP was talking about
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
Counterexample: Texas
Scarlet shrine regret
how is that a counterexample? most of south texas lives off...
cerebral main people private investor
>>A coalition of blacks, latinos, women, liberal white...
Scarlet shrine regret
it partly is (just visit fucking brownsville sometime), but ...
cerebral main people private investor
Well, Texas is an extremely conservative state with very few...
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
texas is 10-15% black
silver titillating double fault
Texas is just as Hispanic as California and probably has mor...
ultramarine stimulating university
the states aren't as different as people think in the measur...
cerebral main people private investor
Oddly enough Texas does a lot better than California in demo...
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
it does somewhat better with hispanics because a lot of texa...
cerebral main people private investor
actually no, that result is due to them gaming the numbers.
Self-centered laser beams feces
California is actually doing pretty well compared to shithol...
godawful point background story
that's dumb, when whites become the minority then they get a...
disgusting faggotry telephone
Why would the darker "powers that be" help out Whi...
Sepia site halford
wait if whites are just gonna be less powerful and start get...
disgusting faggotry telephone
Like Whitey has a choice. We have a Black President. We'...
Sepia site halford
ultramarine stimulating university
(GUy who will get his ISP subpoenaed by the Thought Crimes P...
Sepia site halford
cr, see South Africa for example
Talented Useless Genital Piercing
Shaky internet-worthy meetinghouse
"when whites become the minority then they get affirmat...
Irradiated Heaven Legend
Blacks and Latinos fucking hate each other though. There won...
Dashing Field Voyeur
President Eric Trump in 2046: I'd be ok with Czar Putin II b...
disgusting faggotry telephone
This is only true in SoCal between Blacks and Mexicans and B...
charismatic fortuitous meteor associate
Whites are the only ones holding this society together. Once...
Clear set faggot firefighter
total chaos diversity
Irradiated Heaven Legend
that's basically what the trend has been for the past 15 yea...
Self-centered laser beams feces
Japan: 98.5% Japanese and clean, efficient, and virtually ze...
contagious gay ladyboy
that's not what anyone is freaking out about u tard
Irradiated Heaven Legend
if anything the logical conclusion to OP is countries need t...
contagious gay ladyboy
NYUUG truly ahead of his time
:_( I always ask this question in these threads - how wou...
gold queen of the night orchestra pit
by taking a more sophisticated view of race relations than &...
Self-centered laser beams feces
Stop saying that only whites can be racist.
Dashing Field Voyeur

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: October 29th, 2015 3:26 PM
Author: cerebral main people private investor

right now we're still working (politically and culturally) off the 60's-era script of white/black being the only meaningful division. for boomers and other olds, this will be the model they have until they die, because their brains are calcified at this point.

but coming up underneath them is a dizzying welter of groups and sub-groups. inter-racial interactions in the future will frequently not involve whites at all, but will occur between nonwhite groups.

this is not a stable configuration for a society like ours.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:37 PM
Author: thriller sneaky criminal brunch


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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:38 PM
Author: Dashing Field Voyeur

Describe what will start happening as a result


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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:51 PM
Author: cerebral main people private investor

"democracy" will become about as viable for us as it is for iraq.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:42 PM
Author: citrine sound barrier public bath


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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:45 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing

Credited. Just look at California for a preview.

A coalition of blacks, latinos, women, liberal whites turning government in to a piggy bank to repeatedly plunder for dumb projects like giving solar panels to the ghetto, as well as identity politics pandering like "Yes means yes."

Asians/South Asians mostly standing back, but occasionally flexing their muscles to get in on some of the fun.

Some whites MAF about all this, but too few in number to do anything to stop it.

I disagree that there will be Latino-black fights. It's whites/East Asians/South Asians vs. Latinos and blacks.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:47 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing

The more blacks/Latinos/women fall behind in an economy that increasingly rewards the top 1% in some skill (mostly STEM and entrepreneurship), the more self-flagellation we'll see.





Every "solution" will be some awful kludge that leaves the powerful entrenched, reward the well-connected race/feminism hustlers, and punish ever so slightly the middle class.

For example, If 30% of Google Engineering jobs go to underqualified women/blacks/Latinos, that just means Google has a bunch of dead weight. The superstars will be unaffected, but it means it's just MUCH harder for a white/Asian dude who is just barely above the current cutoff.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:50 PM
Author: smoky sickened market cuckold


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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:51 PM
Author: Salmon Liquid Oxygen Macaca

Which is fine as long as there is money in the system for dem programs. Google is happy to foot the bill on a coding camp for women of color, but if things tighten up, those will be the first things cut. Then people will get pissed.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:53 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing

See my edit above. If they start putting quotas in their hiring, it's fine for the very very top tier of engineers (almost all of whom are white or Asian), but the white/Asian guys who are 171 coders are fucked.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:00 PM
Author: Sepia site halford

lol @ u racist piece of shit.

I love how your hypothetical assumes the black/latinos are all going to be dead weight while the white/asian will be the unfortunate, but hardworking, victim.

Go die in a fire.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:02 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing

LOL, you seem MAF.

I'm only assuming they'll be dead weight if they're hired because of AA. If they don't get AA, they're probably useful. As we can see now, even with some level of AA but no quotas, blacks and Latinos make up a tiny fraction of engineers.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:03 PM
Author: Sepia site halford

"probably useful"

You keep on keeping on, Adolf.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:04 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing



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Date: October 29th, 2015 4:57 PM
Author: cream forum friendly grandma

I'd like to think that non-black minorities could decently assimilate and we wouldn't have these racial conflicts and identity politics, but, as we've seen, libs will NEVER stop race baiting.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:00 PM
Author: Sepia site halford


You mean just act and do as white people say?


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:01 PM
Author: cream forum friendly grandma

shut up idiot


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:16 PM
Author: ultramarine stimulating university

(left wing dumbass)


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:23 PM
Author: big elite hunting ground kitchen

(Guy pretending he isn't a whitewashed cornball brother)


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:55 PM
Author: Shaky internet-worthy meetinghouse

Ya basically act civilized


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:13 PM
Author: Self-centered laser beams feces

no, as white people DO.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:32 PM
Author: Irradiated Heaven Legend


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Date: October 29th, 2015 9:12 PM
Author: charismatic fortuitous meteor associate


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:09 PM
Author: cerebral main people private investor

cali is somewhat different, because it is only 7% black (a bit more than half the national percentage) but is 38% hispanic (more than double the national average). a lot of the black-hispanic clashes of the 80's/early 90's have ended because black californians simply moved away and ceded the field.

that won't work on a nationwide basis, though.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:17 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing

I can see some local clashes, like Hispanics taking over a black neighborhood and black people resenting that. But what else is there to fight about? Some city council seats and random US congressional districts, maybe. They're all on board with the current Democratic party and expansion of the welfare state, and they march in lockstep on identity politics issues.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:56 PM
Author: Shaky internet-worthy meetinghouse

Drug turf idiot.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 6:10 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing

clearly not the kind of thing OP was talking about


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:13 PM
Author: Scarlet shrine regret

Counterexample: Texas


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:18 PM
Author: cerebral main people private investor

how is that a counterexample? most of south texas lives off of federal and state handouts.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:19 PM
Author: Scarlet shrine regret

>>A coalition of blacks, latinos, women, liberal whites turning government in to a piggy bank to repeatedly plunder for dumb projects like giving solar panels to the ghetto, as well as identity politics pandering like "Yes means yes."

How is that Texas?


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:22 PM
Author: cerebral main people private investor

it partly is (just visit fucking brownsville sometime), but a lot of this stuff will only become more prominent in the future when the current majority-white boomer-aged power structure dies off or is replaced.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:25 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing

Well, Texas is an extremely conservative state with very few blacks and liberals, so the liberal coalition isn't strong enough to form there -- YET


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:50 PM
Author: silver titillating double fault

texas is 10-15% black


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:53 PM
Author: ultramarine stimulating university

Texas is just as Hispanic as California and probably has more blacks. I think the difference in culture is what makes th difference. Texas is still the south in a lot of ways. The counterculture shit and holly weird really changed California over the past 50 years. California used to be pretty conservative


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Date: October 29th, 2015 6:06 PM
Author: cerebral main people private investor

the states aren't as different as people think in the measurements that matter.

-same murder rate

-both have explosive medicaid bills due to illegals/poors

-both have lagging public school test scores due to demographics

people tend to focus on cosmetic differences without thinking more broadly about the way that the societies are managing themselves.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 6:11 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing

Oddly enough Texas does a lot better than California in demographically adjusted test scores.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 6:14 PM
Author: cerebral main people private investor

it does somewhat better with hispanics because a lot of texas hispanics are still northern mexicans or have a lot of spaniard descent, but the trend is not promising. they also exclude a lot of kids from testing to massage the numbers.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:15 PM
Author: Self-centered laser beams feces

actually no, that result is due to them gaming the numbers.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:37 PM
Author: godawful point background story

California is actually doing pretty well compared to shitholes like Kansas.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:01 PM
Author: disgusting faggotry telephone

that's dumb, when whites become the minority then they get affirmative action too. plus structural racism will disappear


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:02 PM
Author: Sepia site halford

Why would the darker "powers that be" help out Whitey?

There won't be enough of Whitey in position of authority and power to "boost" the struggling dregs of our diverse society.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:04 PM
Author: disgusting faggotry telephone

wait if whites are just gonna be less powerful and start getting picked on more, why are they letting other pplz into the country to out breed them? that doesn't make sense, sounds dumb


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:13 PM
Author: Sepia site halford

Like Whitey has a choice.

We have a Black President. We're gonna have a Female President next.

And within 3 cycles, we'll have a Latino President.

Whitey is fucking done here!


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:18 PM
Author: ultramarine stimulating university


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:46 PM
Author: Sepia site halford

(GUy who will get his ISP subpoenaed by the Thought Crimes Police)


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:05 PM
Author: Talented Useless Genital Piercing

cr, see South Africa for example


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Date: October 29th, 2015 6:03 PM
Author: Shaky internet-worthy meetinghouse



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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:34 PM
Author: Irradiated Heaven Legend

"when whites become the minority then they get affirmative action too."



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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:47 PM
Author: Dashing Field Voyeur

Blacks and Latinos fucking hate each other though. There won't be any interracial alliance between them other than by maybe some fringe dyke women. Blacks will turn to militant Islam and latins will continue to embrace western traditionalism AS LONG AS democrats don't hobble them by getting them addicted to welfare like they did the blacks.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 5:58 PM
Author: disgusting faggotry telephone

President Eric Trump in 2046: I'd be ok with Czar Putin II bombing Atlanta for us


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Date: October 29th, 2015 9:14 PM
Author: charismatic fortuitous meteor associate

This is only true in SoCal between Blacks and Mexicans and Blacks and Cubans in south Florida. Blacks and Puerto Ricans/Dominicans/certain Cubans get along perfectly fine.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 6:16 PM
Author: Clear set faggot firefighter

Whites are the only ones holding this society together. Once we're gone, all hell breaks loose. I hope shitlibs are happy with the mess they've made.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:35 PM
Author: Irradiated Heaven Legend

total chaos diversity


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Date: January 8th, 2025 11:23 PM
Author: evan39


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:30 PM
Author: Self-centered laser beams feces

that's basically what the trend has been for the past 15 years, but libs have been able to ignore it because the decline in race relations from the falling white population has been masked by a simultaneous IMPROVEMENT in race relations from the simple passage of time. the latter thing isn't going to hold forever.

someday libs will have to come to grips with the world they're going to find themselves in. it COULD work out okay, if libs can acknowledge that the time has come to demand something less than infinite beneficence from whites. the question is, can they?


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:35 PM
Author: contagious gay ladyboy

Japan: 98.5% Japanese and clean, efficient, and virtually zero violent crime.

South Korea: 99%+ Korean and clean, efficient, and virtually zero violent crime.

White run countries: violent poors, terrible infrastructure, and shitlibs.

Seriously loling@ all the whites ITT freaking out about how bad the country would be if it were 99% Asian.


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:37 PM
Author: Irradiated Heaven Legend

that's not what anyone is freaking out about u tard


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:51 PM
Author: contagious gay ladyboy

if anything the logical conclusion to OP is countries need to be run by superior Korean cock

oh, and of course, import cute white girls too


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Date: January 7th, 2025 12:34 AM
Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)

NYUUG truly ahead of his time


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Date: January 7th, 2025 5:47 PM
Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)


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Date: January 8th, 2025 11:22 PM
Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:36 PM
Author: gold queen of the night orchestra pit


I always ask this question in these threads - how would you decrease racial tension while respecting the rights of all races involved? What is the best way to create a peaceful multiracial society (US will always be multiracial)


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:42 PM
Author: Self-centered laser beams feces

by taking a more sophisticated view of race relations than "whites are complacent oppressors who bear sole culpability for all racial issues, and their only place in the picture is to be guilt-tripped or browbeaten by the enlightened people into giving up every drop of their ill-gotten privilege that can be squeezed out of them".


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Date: October 29th, 2015 8:47 PM
Author: Dashing Field Voyeur

Stop saying that only whites can be racist.
