| flickering stead | 02/16/25 | | zippy red clown | 02/16/25 | | flickering stead | 02/16/25 | | zippy red clown | 02/16/25 | | flickering stead | 02/16/25 | | zippy red clown | 02/16/25 | | flickering stead | 02/18/25 | | floppy autistic knife quadroon | 02/18/25 | | trip theatre | 02/16/25 | | flickering stead | 02/16/25 | | flickering stead | 02/16/25 | | Titillating buff senate new version | 02/16/25 | | Titillating buff senate new version | 02/16/25 | | flickering stead | 02/16/25 | | High-end Casino Personal Credit Line | 02/16/25 | | flickering stead | 02/16/25 | | twisted property | 02/17/25 | | Titillating buff senate new version | 02/17/25 | | overrated plum indirect expression | 02/17/25 | | Titillating buff senate new version | 02/17/25 | | charismatic gaming laptop cruise ship | 02/22/25 | | Hateful Pea-brained Party Of The First Part | 02/17/25 | | twisted property | 02/17/25 | | twisted property | 02/17/25 | | flickering stead | 02/18/25 | | elite parlor death wish | 02/16/25 | | Hateful Pea-brained Party Of The First Part | 02/17/25 | | amber fortuitous meteor main people | 02/17/25 | | flickering stead | 02/18/25 | | zombie-like stubborn menage pervert | 02/17/25 | | Hateful Pea-brained Party Of The First Part | 02/17/25 | | Underhanded market | 02/17/25 | | mind-boggling green ticket booth | 02/17/25 | | sickened heaven | 02/17/25 | | flickering stead | 02/18/25 | | sickened heaven | 02/20/25 | | flickering stead | 02/21/25 | | awkward set wrinkle | 02/17/25 | | know-it-all resort useless brakes | 02/18/25 | | Hateful Pea-brained Party Of The First Part | 02/18/25 | | floppy autistic knife quadroon | 02/18/25 | | Well-lubricated House-broken Parlour Son Of Senegal | 02/18/25 | | flickering stead | 02/18/25 | | flickering stead | 02/18/25 | | floppy autistic knife quadroon | 02/18/25 | | Well-lubricated House-broken Parlour Son Of Senegal | 02/18/25 | | flickering stead | 02/18/25 | | Well-lubricated House-broken Parlour Son Of Senegal | 02/19/25 | | flickering stead | 02/19/25 | | Aphrodisiac point | 02/22/25 | | Multi-colored embarrassed to the bone stage | 02/19/25 | | Brilliant Big Digit Ratio | 02/19/25 | | Hateful Pea-brained Party Of The First Part | 02/19/25 | | flickering stead | 02/22/25 | | amber fortuitous meteor main people | 02/26/25 | | flickering stead | 02/27/25 | | charismatic gaming laptop cruise ship | 02/22/25 | | flickering stead | 02/26/25 | | Multi-colored embarrassed to the bone stage | 02/26/25 | | amber fortuitous meteor main people | 02/26/25 | | Cerebral Home | 02/26/25 | | flickering stead | 02/27/25 | | citrine stag film | 02/27/25 | | canary organic girlfriend | 02/26/25 | | flickering stead | 02/27/25 | | flickering stead | 02/28/25 | | flickering stead | 02/27/25 | | Bull headed aqua people who are hurt becky | 02/27/25 | | flickering stead | 02/27/25 | | High-end Casino Personal Credit Line | 02/27/25 | | impressive whorehouse | 02/27/25 | | flickering stead | 02/28/25 | | .,..,,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,..,.., | 03/08/25 | | nyuug | 03/11/25 | | nyuug | 03/11/25 | | nyuug | 03/12/25 | | nyuug | 03/12/25 | | nyuug | 03/12/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: February 16th, 2025 6:43 PM Author: flickering stead
EDIT: FMA bros, dropbox links were showing my IRL name when i shared so that didn't work... trying to find alternatives.
EDIT 2 - Figured out how to get jumpshare to work.
Ok I've chronicled my adventures pretty in detail on here thus far but here's another update with some photos and videos from my bros.
The OG is a true complete sexual submissive which I'm only now really starting to push and she is increasingly more and more into it. See the latest texts. I've also told her im going to tie her up and use her ass and pussy as my holes to play with and fuck.
The redhead is a sex crazed lunatic. She wants to happily fuck the entire time she's with me and tells me she just wants me to destroy her pussy. She's been blowing me up with nudes, telling me daily that she needs by dick, etc.
The latina lured her way back in with sexy photos and I ended up fucking her last night when I didn't have anything else lined up. She came straight over to my place and we started fucking within 5-10 mins but talking to her was painful and the sex isn't even that great or fun. I usually just kinda want to get it over with. Fucked her twice, came in her once, then she showered and left but all in all I wished I had just not had any of them come over.
Short vids from her:
In a weird twist the married chick with the cuckold husband reached back out "sorry i've had a lot going on, I totally want to get together again if you're still down?"
So trying to line up something for next week with her. The sheer fact she wants me to video everything (for my bros) and wants all my cum to take home to her husband is funny enough for me to fuck her again. She was a good fuck too.
There's also one other chick who I talked to casualy a while back, we were gonna meet then she flaked, then we were gonna meet and I flaked and then I was sidetracked with all these other girls. Well she came back too and is texting me again so I think we may get together this week.
Her pics:
Currently a pretty jam packed calendar.
Spicy Latina last night (Sat)
OG girl coming over tonight and staying till tues. She's bringing substantial restraints, all her anal toys, vibrator, etc. She's leaving at some point tuesday.
Weds the redhead is coming over and says she has most of the day that day (thus far its always only been 3-4 hrs).
Thurs I think the new girl is coming over and I have nothing lined up for fri-sun but I could use a break.
Also got STD tested last week after fucking all these chicks raw and it was negative for literally everything confirming that std's are indeed flame.
Gonna edit here shortly once i get photos/vid links uploaded
Date: February 16th, 2025 6:55 PM Author: flickering stead
no re hard to get, at least not yet. I've had ones hint at maybe a meet and greet to get coffee first or something but i never do that.
I always just meet at the bar and thus far all of them have wanted to come home. But in general I'm pretty up front about expectations but make it clear there's no pressure if we meet and don't click, but that i wont pay them beyond the drinks and maybe some gas money.
Pretty much all have wanted to continue fucking with the exception of the married chick with the cuckold husband. She was into it and texting me the whole way home, telling me she wanted to come back tmw but then wasn't super responsive. Well she reached back out and wants to keep fucking sooo..
I did fuck a pornstar looking one who we didn't ghost each other but it became clear she couldn't keep up sexually and we agreed to go our separate ways since we weren't sexually compatible. Still on good terms, she still has my number, haven't blocked her etc.
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Date: February 16th, 2025 7:12 PM Author: flickering stead
I routinely grab food but always sitting at the bar. I DO NOT go to long sit down dinners. I also think sitting across from each other completely sends the wrong message. When you're next to each other its way easier to touch thighs, arms, talk to each other privately, and you have mutual shit to look at so you aren't having to stare awkwardly at each other.
Sometimes I just do an appetizer and drinks, sometimes i'll grab dinner if I'm hungry and then I'll get them something.
With the pornstar looking girl we just had an app and drinks.
A couple of the other chicks (redhead and married w/ cuckold husband) just ended up coming straight to my place. Redhead was initially averse but we talked enough and then facetimed one night before the gym that she was comfortable coming over and just wanted to fuck.
Now that I've banged them all they all just come straight over.
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Date: February 16th, 2025 7:17 PM Author: flickering stead
had to pull dropbox because my name was showing up "Pumo shared with you ..."
Jumpshare works for some photos but not all so i'll need to convert the others or find a better img sharing site.
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Date: February 17th, 2025 8:36 AM Author: Titillating buff senate new version
Link to him pretending it's free?
I pay my sugar baby a monthly allowance and occasionally we go out to lunch or dinner or I buy her a gift. And as a result, she enthusiastically sucks my cock, wears sexy outfits, begs me to cum on her face, and always has a great attitude. Whatever I can think of, on demand, and then I leave. If you don't see the 180 in that, then ur not gonna make it.
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Date: February 17th, 2025 2:23 PM Author: Hateful Pea-brained Party Of The First Part
"If you don't see the 180 in that, then ur not gonna make it."
OP has chosen to discuss his exploits of a system where he can cum BALLS DEEP inside of wet, tight, sluts and then have them leave afterwards.
Instead of celebrating this CREATOR OF SCHOLARSHIP, some querulous faggots ITT want to talk shit.
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Date: February 18th, 2025 11:16 PM Author: flickering stead
I think the term you were referencing was my "chad cock" bro. I'm def not a chad but I'm 6'1", super active and a good time, but I'm def not the frat guy type.
My dick on the other hand apparently is quite large and feels very good for most of these chicks. Never really knew this, always just knew I was "good in bed" but the SA sluts have confirmed it's about 30% cock, 30% that I can go for hours and 40% my level of enthusiasm and dirty talk, etc. For ex. when I'm rock hard it very much points upwards which means in a lot of positions it's hitting the chick's g spots which makes them cum repeatedly and thus fall in love with fucking me.
But that's just me being lucky with a nice cock and has absolutely zero bearing on me as a person so while it's nice to here complimenting my cock isn't really affirmation that I have somehow accomplished something.
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Date: February 17th, 2025 2:25 PM Author: Hateful Pea-brained Party Of The First Part
Brother, you are living the dream.
The best SB's I've had are the girls who just have high sex drives and like the idea of getting their pussies pounded by a nice, decent-looking guy who just gives them money when they're done.
They have their own lives to live and enjoy the DEEP-DICKING and cash and maybe some decent conversation in a safe environment.
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Date: February 18th, 2025 9:17 PM Author: flickering stead
I could prob suggest that I like it and they would do it but I’m not completely depraved so I’ll politely decline.
At this point these girls are letting me do whatever I want. I fucked the OG for over 6 hrs in the past 24 hrs, each at her initiating including once when I fucked her ass unprompted with no prep work after which I briefly showered off my nether regions before coming back and displaying my cock to her face at which point she began sucking with such vigor u would have thought she was giving reverse mouth to mouth.
The redhead is supposed to come over but OG isn’t leaving till morning and is leaving a bunch of shit here since she’s coming back that evening. Not sure how I’ll swing this but going to do my best.
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Date: February 18th, 2025 9:14 PM Author: know-it-all resort useless brakes
I'm so glad I'm gay
Women are such wastes of time
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Date: February 18th, 2025 11:11 PM Author: flickering stead
Not on SSRIs. I can just fuck for hours without cumming, it's a skill I guess. Sometimes I can cum but can hold it back and I typically will.
If I focus hard and pay attention to my dick becoming desensitized I can usually cum in 15 or so mins if need be for a quickie or whatever, or the chick really just needs my cum.
But these chicks (most of them) get completely addicted to it. The OG tells me that every time I touch her she thinks about fucking me and her pussy gets wet. She's told me I fuck like someone w/ ADHD meaning I get intensely focused on sex and super into it and then as soon as its done i move on to something else.
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Date: February 18th, 2025 11:46 PM Author: flickering stead
may be true brother. i mean we are changing positions, taking breaks (10-20 mins) from time to time, changing tempo, etc.
Time seems to fly by. I mean 2 hrs is prob where we stop for a long period of time or i cum but then my dick gets hard an hr later when the chick is telling me she might have misbehaved but needs to ask daddy first whether she's been bad.
All of them are texting me after that their pussies are sore and holy shit they can't believe how good they got fucked and even though their pussies are sore they need more asap. So I don't think I'm the only one enjoying my time.
Who am I to say no.
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Date: February 22nd, 2025 3:55 AM Author: flickering stead
Well bros…
Brief update cause it’s late.
OG came over for a night and stayed for 4. Had to blow off redhead several times cause she kept staying but on rhe flip side she’s mostly fun to chill with and the sex is unreal every time. She blew off several other dates to stay with me so yes she’s def a legit whore lol. I could go into detail on the activities but at this point it’s more of the same. “Can I please play with myself sir? Pls daddy cum for me, please, etc etc.”
But this one very clearly likes me. Sometimes I wonder if I should break it off cause of that but then also realize she’s fucking other dudes and rationalize it that way I guess.
The redhead is only fucking me which is weird in a diff way lol
The redhead was angry about not getting dick downed this week. Well she reached out tonight and asked if I’d be down to meet in slc since she was picking her friend (girl, saw texts) from airport late. I had nothing going on since OG left so said sure. Turned into meeting at 10 as she apparently got in a fight w/ her husband lol. Whatever…. We met at bar talked for 2 hrs, she frequently mentioned her need for my dick and we briefly discussed her traumatic experience with a tiny dick. Interesting….
She’s coming over sun and I sent her on her way home well after midnight with NOSEX but also no ppm. Then I watched some 20 yr olds fight over some ugly zoomer and Ubered home.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 6:04 PM Author: flickering stead
I guess I'll ignore the incels, virgins, and religious nuts that frequent this place and comment on my immoral behavior and continue.
Cut off spicy latina completely after fucking her last time. Just the redhead and OG for now. The OG stays at my house super frequently at this point but I still find time to rotate the redhead in once a week. I have also been on the apps and recently fucked a 38 yr old mother of 2 in Finance which was an interesting experience. We went to dinner which wasn't that exciting given our professions but was fine. Asked her for a ride back to my place she said no prob, invited her in, she said sure why not.
She came into my place, we started making out and she stopped us to say "you know I'm not really looking for a hookup, I think I'm ready for something serious and I'd imagine you're more just having fun since you just got out of a long term marriage so I'm thinking we shouldn't do this."
I go yeah you're right and no problem. We go back to drinking our beers and shooting the shit about other stuff... 10 mins later she starts kissing me and climbing all over me so obviously i fucked her. Started with a condom half way through she said "can we lose the condom". Fucked the shit out of her for 40 or so mins and came and she got dressed and left after telling me "nice to meet you, you have a great dick and my cervix is sore from your dick."
I texted with her briefly the next day and there's been no follow up by her after our brief back and forth lol. Also, her pictures were very misleading and she was def 20 lbs over the picture weight. But she was actually pretty fun to fuck and had a nice round ass with no cellulite so whatever.
Also randomly went on a riding date with some ski patrol chick from one of the apps. Interestingly enough she didn't tell me she was on ski patrol till I met her in person and after i made some comment like "it will be nice to have someone to ride with who can keep up" because she was local.
Well she shows up and tells me oh yeah i work for the mtn... what do you do? oh ski patrol.
I'm like FMA brothers I'm a very good snowboarder but a chick who's been doing ski patrol in a major mtn town for 4 years is surely better than me. But whatever we were keeping up with each other then i randomly hit a bump where and it jolted my back. Didn't fall but fucked my back so bad I could barely unstrap.
So had to bail on that date with my tail between my legs and she's like i'll run down with you to make sure you get down fine. So embarassing lol. I salvaged it by sending her a larry david clip about feebleness later on.
We're having dinner tonight, hopefully fucking.
OG wants to come over later. I told her I have a non seeking date tonight but if it ends before 11/12 she can come over. Her response "Ok I'd really love to see you before i leave for a week even if it's just tonight and tmw morning."
I already made it clear I'm not paying but she can totally come and stay here and she's like "Ok, I didn't think you would haha! I hope the other girl leaves soon! I miss you and just want to see you lol".
Redhead also came over today and fucked the shit out of me for 1.5 hrs straight. She told me she wants me to fuck her ass and i just need to tell her when so she can get ready. She came like 6 times. She's a great fuck every single time and has a great body. She's always late which is annoying as fuck but then she makes up for it.
My dick will prob be worn out after today if i fuck the app date and og comes over. I swear these chicks can smell it on me, the second i start getting booked up with chicks they all come out of the woodworks at the same time.
I'm just trying to service them all as best i can over here.
Date: February 28th, 2025 2:46 PM Author: flickering stead
I thought about this when i wasn't stoned. It's been I think 8 in the last month. 3 from organic app dating, the rest from SA but I closed my SA account for now as my calendar is already full and I'm diving more into the world of online dating which is a shit show but it doesn't require a ton of work which is nice. One chick, the 38 yr old with 2 kids was def not that hot. The ski patrol chick was hotter than expected, and there was one other chick who was average but not fat. On the other hand the sexual quality of the app chicks was not the same as the SA chicks.
Every one of the SA chicks with the exception of 1 have been total and complete nymphos, which has also resulted in them falling in love with my dick. I no longer pay OG, she basically just actively dates me. The redhead i pay sometimes but not all the time, really she mainly cares about getting fucked.
I'll probably resume posting and get back on SA when i move back to my home in the greater socal area until I have a few regular chicks lined up at which point I'll get off SA and go back to online dating. It's a pretty good way to have a couple chicks on rotation so you're still getting laid while lining up online dating which can be more hit or miss.
I also am a firm believer that chicks can tell when you're getting laid frequently with attractive women. They just smell the pheromones' and it makes everything easier. It's also interesting re-entering the dating pool at 40... I just don't give a shit about asking chicks out any more. It was a huge deal in my 20s, now I couldn't care less if a chick says no. It would just be like ok no worries, nice to meet you have a good day. And I'm also cluing into the fact that if you're somewhat charismatic, non creepy and are willing to just go, hey you want to go out, or hey lets head back to my place. 9 times out of 10 chicks are flattered and will go with it, esp true with everyone on apps these days scare to talk IRL.
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Date: February 27th, 2025 12:36 AM Author: flickering stead
Brief update follow up.
Redhead came over as mentioned previously and i fucked her twice and came both times. She then left and I had a date lined up with a chick i met on an app who happened to be a ski patroller as noted previously.
She's clearly a tomboy but i thought she may be hot just from seeing her on the day we rode together.
She came over we hung out at my house for like 5 mins and then walked to dinner. It was a little weird both being sober (she's sober and i was working till she showed up so i didn't drink).
We had dinner we were getting along well, i had a beer, went back to my place. There was some distance so i wasn't sure if maybe this was a just friends situation but finally i was like fuck it, it seemed like we had good enough chemistry but it would def need to be on me to make the first move so i did, we started making out, took her to bed, we both got naked were about to fuck she asks about condom so i go grab one and LOSE MY FUCKING BONER.
She comes back tries blowing me, the whole thing and my dick just refused. It was unbelievable and a first of its kind at least since i've been single again. She had a great body, maybe a little overly muscular in the upper body but all natural and still very hot, super hot legs, etc. She had plenty of zoomer tats which i love, the zoomer nose ring etc. But I think my dick was just fully worn out and after the insane energy of the redhead this girl who isn't a sex crazed maniac just didn't really get it cooperating.
It was bad scheduling on my part and I promise my bros I'll do better.
OG said she'd come over after and i texted her but it's late and im sure she's already asleep.
We ended up just laying in bed naked for another hour or two shooting the shit, she was falling asleep and took off. We're gonna hang out again so i'll need to take a solid 2 days off fucking and jerking off to make sure this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.
I may have blown it forever with her but I'm not really too stressed about it.
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Date: March 8th, 2025 1:59 PM
Author: .,..,,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,..,..,
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Date: March 12th, 2025 11:22 PM Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)
now fucktarded cumskins claiming this thread was created in 2015 LOLLERCAUST after getting ASSRAPED by NYUUG
Date: March 12th, 2025 10:22 PM
Author: Bob Stinson
Your “receipts” are from 10 years ago. Chances those people are still poasting and poasting in this thread? You are mentally ill
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