Is there a free/alternative to Adobe Acrobat that works just as good?
| internet g0y | 03/09/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/09/25 | | Taylor Swift is not a hobby she is a lifestyle | 03/11/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/09/25 | | internet g0y | 03/10/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/10/25 | | , FUCKIN, | 03/10/25 | | ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;.., | 03/10/25 | | tony pizza | 03/10/25 | | YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND SYNTHPOP, FRAUD$?! | 03/10/25 | | internet g0y | 03/10/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/10/25 | | YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND SYNTHPOP, FRAUD$?! | 03/10/25 | | tony pizza | 03/10/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/10/25 | | tony pizza | 03/10/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/10/25 | | tony pizza | 03/10/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/10/25 | | tony pizza | 03/10/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;.., | 03/10/25 | | internet g0y | 03/10/25 | | ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;.., | 03/10/25 | | poerkan | 03/10/25 | | warlock | 03/10/25 | | AZNgirl demanding 1000% Tariff on AZNmale Embryos | 03/10/25 | | lil jizzy | 03/10/25 | | ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;.., | 03/10/25 | | lil jizzy | 03/10/25 | | ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;.., | 03/10/25 | | ...,....,,........ | 03/11/25 | | lex | 03/10/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/10/25 | | lex | 03/10/25 | | Slow Children Playing | 03/11/25 | | michael doodikoff | 03/10/25 | | cpap | 03/10/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/10/25 | | internet g0y | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND SYNTHPOP, FRAUD$?! | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND SYNTHPOP, FRAUD$?! | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND SYNTHPOP, FRAUD$?! | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND SYNTHPOP, FRAUD$?! | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND SYNTHPOP, FRAUD$?! | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND SYNTHPOP, FRAUD$?! | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/11/25 | | tony pizza | 03/11/25 | | Hawk Taulia Tagovailoa | 03/11/25 | | michael doodikoff | 03/11/25 | | Candy Ride | 03/11/25 | | internet g0y | 03/11/25 | | michael doodikoff | 03/11/25 | | ~~(> ' ' )> | 03/11/25 | | ~~(> ' ' )> | 03/11/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 9th, 2025 6:21 PM Author: internet g0y
Its not a huge expense I guess at $25 a month but I hate this Software As A Service bullshit where I've paid Adobe $1000+ over four years.
Is there a free version of PDF that works just as good that I just dont know about?
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Date: March 10th, 2025 10:32 AM Author: blow off some steam
Is this forum entirely broke kike schlubs grilling each other for coupon clipping advice?
You suck, niggerfaggot
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Date: March 10th, 2025 10:41 AM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,
cr. lol @ this good goy
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Date: March 10th, 2025 10:39 AM Author: tony pizza
roflol at boner police
* goes quotemo and meekly jerks off in his room for years while gjr describes getting analed by sam hyde, mit professor, pretty much whoever she wants
* lashes out in rage at random strangers in innocuous threads
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Date: March 10th, 2025 6:45 PM Author: tony pizza
Date: March 10th, 2025 6:18 PM
Author: blow off some steam
oh, and i'm a cuck --that too
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Date: March 11th, 2025 10:02 AM Author: blow off some steam
tony pizza
too jewish to get any
so he fantasizes that some other jew does
very normal
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Date: March 11th, 2025 10:36 AM Author: blow off some steam
tony pizza
low iq
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Date: March 10th, 2025 10:35 AM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,
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Date: March 10th, 2025 11:00 AM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,
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Date: March 10th, 2025 10:40 AM Author: poerkan ( Subject: Germany Niubian Pills 3000 mg, Xinwei Male Enhancement Pills
Buy Germany Niubian Male Enhancement Pills is made to help people who wish to have better sexual existence develop confidence and produce real happiness for them.
Date: March 10th, 2025 12:38 PM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,
lol @ the lib autists on here who dont know warez
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Date: March 10th, 2025 4:24 PM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,
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Date: March 11th, 2025 11:37 AM Author: tony pizza
gjr said they had sex, so i don't mean literal sexual impotence. gjr didn't say she cheated on boner police, so i don't mean literal cuckoldry either.
i mean the cuckoldry of finding the thought of gjr being railed by sam hyde so humiliating and emasculating that the only possible way boner police could find to break up with her was to affirm he loves her through text multiple times in the days before suddenly and passively cutting her off, like an ashamed cuck monkey, yet finding the thought so titillating that he ghosted gjr in order to jack off in solitary peace to gjr being fucked by a real man.
and i mean the impotence of observing powerlessly for years as gjr recounted intimate and humiliating details of their courtship, relationship, and finally, rupture, without the agency to peep a single word. only like three years after the fact did boner police finally muster up the courage to say anything at all, and when he did, it was to call her a whore as a quotemo.
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Date: March 11th, 2025 12:03 PM Author: tony pizza
it's all documented on xo, my man.
also, oh
Date: March 11th, 2025 11:57 AM
Author: blow off some steam
i lash out at people for no reason other than that they're convenient targets of my self loathing
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Date: March 11th, 2025 12:11 PM Author: YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND SYNTHPOP, FRAUD$?! (gunneratttt)
thank you for finely elucidating that clarification.
so we've got 1) being aroused by, and conceding to, a superior man fucking his gf and 2) the humiliation boner police endured silently for years as gjr recounted embarrassing details of their relationship to the whole bort (also thirst traps involving other celebrities like martin shkreli to flout with visual evidence of her further starfucking) that was responded to meekly and anonymously with generic insults, but what about 3) the ongoing mental break boner police has been engaging in since then?
i think (3) is the worst of all because it demonstrates that boner police is still hung up on a person that thoroughly humiliated him on what seems to be his only social outlet. being hung up on a woman for years is very embarrassing in it's on right. being hung up on one that humiliated you publicly over the course of years is truly pathetic. and the damage from it being so severe that he has been reduced to repeating tired insults to random poasters on an obscure chatblog all day in his parent's basements is the worse of all.
interested in your thoughts on this. tyia.
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Date: March 11th, 2025 12:45 PM Author: tony pizza
to be fair to bp, he has always been mentally ill, and would log onto xo to randomly go off on poasters whenever he experienced bouts of self-loathing. it is more that in light of 1) and 2), and knowing that the entire bort is aware of 1) and 2), it's kind of surprising that he still does this without any kind of self-reflection.
bp actually ran into gjr irl several times while she wrote extensively about him in the couple of years that followed their breakup, yet never once managed to even say, "hey, can you stop poasting about me?", instead just avoiding her eyes and ducking away without a word, only to, when gjr came back on xo briefly after several years, limply declaim her a whore.
it's fodder for hilarious content on xo, but sad that he's so mentally broken.
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Date: March 11th, 2025 9:46 AM Author: Hawk Taulia Tagovailoa (High Constitutional Moment)
2005: Adobe Acrobat free with windows.
2010: Adobe Acrobat $25 for lifetime license.
2025: Adobe Acrobat $25/month because it's such important software.
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Date: March 11th, 2025 11:31 AM Author: internet g0y
does it do:
- save word to pdf
- allow me to rearrange pages in PDF
- allow me to add a blank page or slip sheets for exhibits
- recognize text/OCR for PDFs that are poor quality scans
- allow me to edit PDFs to add words
- redactions
- cntrl + f in PDF
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Date: March 11th, 2025 12:06 PM Author: michael doodikoff
Yes with some caveat - for whatever reason, it doesn't from the start allow you to copy and paste from a PDF, you have to OCR it to Word first. I actually got the free Adobe PDF that lets you do that whenever I need to just quickly copy and paste.
- save word to pdf - YES
- allow me to rearrange pages in PDF - YES, however I have seen better
- allow me to add a blank page or slip sheets for exhibits - YES
- recognize text/OCR for PDFs that are poor quality scans - YES I DO THIS ALL THE TIME
- allow me to edit PDFs to add words - YES IF ITS A GOOD SCAN
- redactions - YES
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Date: March 11th, 2025 12:22 PM Author: ~~(> ' ' )>
- Kofax
- PDF-XChange
- PDF Studio
- Wondershare
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