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New York Times Journalists Are Groveling to Their Readers. Thats Pathetic.

Two things bugged me about the letter. First was Kristof’s p...
Glittery range circlehead

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Date: November 21st, 2017 11:49 PM
Author: Glittery range circlehead

Two things bugged me about the letter. First was Kristof’s presumption that I might be a willing vessel for his gratitude. My relationship with him is more like my relationship to the station manager of the subway—he’s just another interchangeable employee producing a service that I use. I need or want a letter of thanks from Kristof as much as I do one from the station manager for riding the train. The truth of the matter is that I don’t subscribe to the Times so that he can, in his words, shine “a light on important or neglected stories.” I tolerate his heavy moral preening and self-indulgence so that I can read the rest of the Times package. His gratitude is the last thing I want from the paper.

