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If democracy just kibuki theater as libs rule, fave minor character is Ted Cruz

I watched him "demolishing" some lib female judge ...
Vivacious Organic Girlfriend Cumskin
It's all bullshit, this is all theater; and you're right, no...
Razzle Pistol Kitty Cat

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Date: May 23rd, 2024 10:21 AM
Author: Vivacious Organic Girlfriend Cumskin

I watched him "demolishing" some lib female judge over tranny issues. It could as easily have been the same clip Ive seen 100 times or just the 100th time he has done this bit. He knows his character perfectly, is perfectly cast, and just kills it.

He summons moral outrage, sharpens it into these logic traps, interrupts any attempt at escape, MAKES A POINT TO SNEER AT HER DEGREE FROM "BROWN", and then completely pwns her.

Means nothing, accomplishes nothing, but got damn it's always my favorite part of this tv show democracy



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Date: May 23rd, 2024 10:42 AM
Author: Razzle Pistol Kitty Cat

It's all bullshit, this is all theater; and you're right, none of this matters at all. It's good TV though.
