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Redditor asks for gun recommendations

france is bacon
Fuck libs, fuck hipsters, fuck hippies
Taylor Swift is not a hobby she is a lifestyle
barret 50 cal solves all of his problems
sbb214 β€’ 2mo ago then honestly, don't get a firearm....
france is bacon
tsar booba
the whole subreddit is absolutely incredible ive never seen ...
france is bacon
These chicks are actually insane
france is bacon
Why did it work its height into the poast? Internet poasters...
Oh, You Travel?
i-contain-multitudes 9 points 2 months ago Hi, I'm in th...
hours-hungry BILLPIG

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Date: March 16th, 2025 7:32 PM
Author: france is bacon



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Date: March 16th, 2025 7:35 PM
Author: Fuck libs, fuck hipsters, fuck hippies



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Date: March 16th, 2025 8:19 PM
Author: Taylor Swift is not a hobby she is a lifestyle (πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±)


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Date: March 16th, 2025 7:36 PM
Author: hank_scorpio

barret 50 cal solves all of his problems


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Date: March 16th, 2025 7:36 PM
Author: france is bacon



2mo ago

then honestly, don't get a firearm.




2mo ago

My wife is trans and will not detransition even if they make being trans illegal (and i dont want her to! Just saying it's not an option, period). I'm afraid of needing to physically defend us in a SHTF situation.


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Date: March 16th, 2025 7:49 PM
Author: .....,,,,,...,,,,,..,.,,,,,.,,.


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Date: March 16th, 2025 8:23 PM
Author: tsar booba


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Date: March 16th, 2025 8:30 PM
Author: france is bacon

the whole subreddit is absolutely incredible ive never seen anything like it


Prep for Tuesday, not Doomsday, because under fascism, Tuesday can have disastrous consequences.

Flat tire, and you don't know how to fix it? Just a Tuesday, but if you're a woman and abortion for rape victims is illegal, being stranded on the side of the road in the middle of the night can end in disaster.

Run out of cold meds because you didn't stock up your med kit? Just a Tuesday, but if you're a visibly queer person waiting in line at the pharmacy and some idiot decides you're trans and here to pick up your HRT, shit gets ugly real quick.

No emergency phone charger in your bag? Just a Tuesday, but if you're a Black family and get pulled over by fascist police just as your phone runs out of juice, you just lost your one way of calling for help and potentially filming the encounter.

Don't know how to fix basic plumbing issues? Just a Tuesday. You call a contractor, but now you've got a strange man in your home, and he's wearing a MAGA cap, and shit, did you tell your kid to clear away that rainbow flag in their room?

The reason you prep for Tuesday, not Doomsday, isn't that shit won't go down. It's that shit goes down on Tuesdays.


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Date: March 17th, 2025 1:03 AM
Author: .....,,,,,...,,,,,..,.,,,,,.,,.

These chicks are actually insane


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Date: March 16th, 2025 8:31 PM
Author: france is bacon


A Bible: one overlooked prep item that could save your life

No, I don't mean you'll find eternal life when you read the Bible. Maybe some entertaining and even provocative reading, but that's not the prep I'm suggesting here.

What I mean is so completely straightforward that if you haven't lived this life (as I have) you will have a hard time believing it's real in the minds of others:

Most evangelicals truly believe we are currently at a time of "spiritual warfare."

What does this mean? It means they believe that the end times are near. They believe they've seen the signs:

➑️ Global warming/climate change isn't science, it's a sign of the end times.

➑️ Mass poverty and suffering isn't a result of wealth inequity and oligarchy, it's a sign of God's persecution on the sinful. (Or of it is a Christian who is poor, then it's a sign of Satan's attacks becoming more pervasive.)

➑️ Efforts towards DEI, especially women's access to bodily autonomy and LGBTQIA+ rights is not a sign towards loving one another as they are, it's a sign "Satan has infiltrated this world, it's become the new Sodom and Gomorrah, and therefore we are now ready for Christ's second coming."

These are just a FEW. (Don't even get me started on the anti christ.)

As a former evangelical Christian, with current family members who are still fully enveloped within that ideology, I can tell you that one of THE best ways to let them think you're not an enemy is to quote scripture. God/Christianity is the ULTIMATE example of autocracy we have. It explains why Trump+ targeted evangelicals. They are psychologically conditioned to follow his queues.

So get a Bible. You obviously have to know the primary one: John 3:16.

But you may want to dive deep into Romans, Job, and Revelations. These, in my experience, tend to be some of the most quoted verses among Christians. If you're a woman, quote sections of Peter that discuss your role in not being seductive, etc. Practice praying. MANY evangelicals start by saying, "Dear Jesus..." and end with, "In Jesus's name, amen." If you do this, they'll believe you.

NONE of this is a betrayal of the self. NONE of this means you're committing to a lie. All you are doing is masking yourself. Think of it as wearing camo, except those who will seek you out are in war on a plane that we can't see. It's imaginary. So we need to play that game. Our camo is disguising ourselves as Christians.

Buy some bibles. Make them look WORN. Highlight a shit ton of "famous" verses. Plop a ton of random post it notes. Pin some Christian tracks at the outside of your home door. Leave your Bible by your front door. Watch some videos of evangelical pastors to learn how to speak/pray.

This could genuinely save your life. I have personally heard what Evangelicals have said they felt is their "calling" during the end times, and it is to act as warriors of Christ, and defend his Kingdom. With murder. But they say it isn't murder when they're fighting "satan." I was once one of these people. I had an online screen name "ChristsFightingSoldier". Trust me. They mean it.

As we enter an impending theocracy, this is a prep that I will not overlook.


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Date: March 16th, 2025 9:59 PM
Author: Oh, You Travel? ( )

Why did it work its height into the poast? Internet poasters pathologically poast their heights.


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Date: March 16th, 2025 11:13 PM
Author: hours-hungry BILLPIG

i-contain-multitudes 9 points 2 months ago

Hi, I'm in the same situation. My fiancee is trans and I have had SI in the past. What keeps me from doing it is knowing that I will be her fiercest defender against any fascists who want to imprison her, detransition her, assault her, or kill her. Idk if that would work for you, but it keeps me in this hellscape.


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Date: March 16th, 2025 11:58 PM
Author: ,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,,,..,.,. ( )


if I end up on foot, what's the best cat carrier? (self.TwoXPreppers)

submitted 13 hours ago by Ornery-Ride8742

I've got cat transportation planned and set up for situations where I can use my car, but I worry about having to abandon a car and go on foot. I'm thinking a back/front packs or a cross body bag would be best. Does anyone have recommendations? One cat, 9 pounds.
