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NYC Financial Analyst Zoe Yang blogs for a "date" ;)

Re. Zoe Yijing Yang
Flesh shrine
Wouldn't analing a girl who has no ass be weird, like doing ...
White slimy stag film
lulz, astute point!
Flesh shrine
fuck. her. flat. ass.
titillating clown pervert
You are a tiny girl trying to grow fat. You will succeed onc...
Deep stimulating location
180 Let us know if you get a response! lulzlulzlulz
Flesh shrine
Ooh...it gets better, according to Google cache: http://w...
Flesh shrine
Does she really think posting pics of herself in her underwe...
White slimy stag film
Who knows nowadays?
Flesh shrine
Oh, and she was a "bunnette" http://www.slantey...
iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker
"I treat my life as a social experiment." Pretty ...
Heady Locus
She treats her vagina as a petri dish for whiteboy semen and...
Racy fanboi
she so HORNY http://www.memegenerator.net/China-Gurl/Imag...
Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale
sounds like she is very lonely--i think some xoxo dude shoul...
nubile trust fund
so casually destroy her then
motley anal cruise ship
flat face she devil
rusted church building
i'd throw it at her
Bossy kitchen
Olive Disturbing Center
She seems like a decent person. I don't have a problem with...
underhanded concupiscible milk lodge
Olive Disturbing Center
Oh, SNAP! Date: July 21st, 2008 6:27 PM Author: The conv...
Flesh shrine
"Do you know the background story?" Did not kno...
underhanded concupiscible milk lodge
Cute, but seems to have relatively little junk in the trunk....
Gay vigorous hospital
Olive Disturbing Center
so she's also a ho. Awesome. Would bring condoms.
Gay vigorous hospital
Olive Disturbing Center
she looks like your average 20-something asian girl. u can f...
histrionic primrose really tough guy
Beggars can't be choosers, dude.
Gay vigorous hospital
Olive Disturbing Center
is she a hooker?
sadistic orange karate
Olive Disturbing Center
rofl what is it with asian girls wanting to mimick sex an...
sadistic orange karate
They want to be white SO badly
marvelous organic girlfriend new version
What pensive would say: SELF-HATING.
galvanic stock car range
Canary Dashing Whorehouse Bbw
They want to date alpha white males like Mr. Big, they'll se...
Clear Set
Olive Disturbing Center
Looks like McKenzie has some VERY liberal hiring practices.....
Flesh shrine
you think they would hire me?
sadistic orange karate
Why not? They hired HER! http://www.linkedin.com Cur...
Flesh shrine
Until I just looked it up a second ago, I'd never heard of P...
Gay vigorous hospital
not really credited Pomona is well known. For rich peop...
Nighttime alpha
Electric wine azn dragon
this is true
Flickering appetizing office place of business
are you a dumb?
scarlet comical brunch
they're a fan of "cool" people
floppy address
What pensive would say is that anyone who uses the word &quo...
galvanic stock car range
What's really sad is that this is pretty much what I came he...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
Outnumbered Institution
bistre insecure theater
iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker
LINK these pics
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
bistre insecure theater
not clicking that at work
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
bistre insecure theater
Wish I'd had that thought, too. Eww.
iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker
these are not pics of zoe, you are not a good person
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
I think OP (for this threadlet) is the credited context &...
Flesh shrine
DEMAND the nude pics.
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
jingaling@gmail.com Good luck, sir!
Flesh shrine
hey...these people are pioneers. they are the first people t...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
bistre insecure theater
and we're talking about MODERN sex. they are blogging OPENLY...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
bistre insecure theater
CREDITED Lena "I lowered my mouth over his cock and ...
iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker
asian women are nasty
Maize magical hall fortuitous meteor
she is quite qt
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
Maize magical hall fortuitous meteor
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
she's nasty bro
Maize magical hall fortuitous meteor
not from the smallish pics on the blog~
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
I bet she has sex with niggers.
Glittery massive den
http://twitter.com/jingtastic How do I remove something f...
Flesh shrine
Canary Dashing Whorehouse Bbw
bistre insecure theater
pretty sure she only dates white guys. most asian-american c...
aquamarine university
They think the white men can protect them from the ultraviol...
Racy fanboi
http://twitter.com/jingtastic I wonder whether the guy wh...
Flesh shrine
bistre insecure theater
whats with the rash of annoying azn women?
sadistic orange karate
bistre insecure theater
great analysis
sadistic orange karate
you suggest that white women don't do this anymore. i think ...
Milky dilemma
bistre insecure theater
hateful coiffed sanctuary
There's a lot of attention-whoring on the twitters and blogs...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
bistre insecure theater
lol, d00d ur FAMOUS! http://twitter.com/jingtastic/statu...
Flesh shrine
I'm a nobody even on this board, and I've been here since th...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
If she wants a reply, it's this. Follwing your life is wh...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
Flesh shrine
I mean I wrote this thread yesterday but bam here is another...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker
This is funny.
passionate sneaky criminal
Credited "She seriously works at McK?" If sh...
Flesh shrine
at least she's hotter than lena
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
Yeah. Comparing yourself to GTO sets such high standards. ...
passionate sneaky criminal
Right, most of this thread is about WHY people keep writing ...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
yikes, i dont wanna THINK about what 4chan would do...if eve...
iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker
she sounds like a chick who wants to and needs to get raped
Milky dilemma
Jesus Christ, here we go again...
Know-it-all garrison
http://twitter.com/jingtastic/status/2766416401 "Peo...
Flesh shrine
Is she referring to herself? She's following our lives prett...
passionate sneaky criminal
"People with marginally more boring lives follow your l...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
Zoe, I know you read this. I think you're cool. hth. xoxo...
Bossy kitchen
If I were this chick, I'd think back to the 2-5 guys she's a...
flushed elastic band parlour
Curious impressive genital piercing
she not class-e
Out-of-control provocative native
Zoe, I'd definitely fuck u. I am white, attractive, and fai...
Bossy kitchen
Electric wine azn dragon
Electric wine azn dragon
Objective 5.
saffron jew
Olive Disturbing Center
http://twitter.com/jingtastic/status/2783838185 ZOMG I ha...
Flesh shrine
lolwut? Massive denial or flat-out retardation, you be th...
saffron jew
" jingtastic: Hahaha no, they're "not following my...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
"and fooooood." She can't be a native speaker o...
iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker
Only in the era of twitter can someone following 48 people a...
apoplectic lavender site mental disorder
Well put.
Flesh shrine
hateful coiffed sanctuary
iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker
hateful coiffed sanctuary
hateful coiffed sanctuary
Zoe Yang on being a sex worker...
Flesh shrine
MOAR pics found... http://www.anonib.com/_aznchikz/index....
Flesh shrine
ty ty she is qt
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
Flesh shrine
iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
Moar details, pls?
Big citrine voyeur weed whacker
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
hateful coiffed sanctuary
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
hateful coiffed sanctuary
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
hateful coiffed sanctuary
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
hateful coiffed sanctuary
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
hateful coiffed sanctuary
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
hateful coiffed sanctuary
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
hateful coiffed sanctuary
180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness
update, pls?
Big citrine voyeur weed whacker
hateful coiffed sanctuary
:( TrYing
Big citrine voyeur weed whacker
hateful coiffed sanctuary
Oh...I captalized the "TY" in "trying".....
Big citrine voyeur weed whacker
hateful coiffed sanctuary
http://zoeyangmckinsey.blogspot.com/ lol, zoe yang, who g...
Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale
awww...looks like it's gone http://www.google.com/profile...
Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale
a.k.a. "Zoe Yijing Yang"
Big citrine voyeur weed whacker
Yay! She has sex on the first date! http://collegecandy.c...
Big citrine voyeur weed whacker
hateful coiffed sanctuary
This is actually similar to what many posters were saying to...
Bateful spot skinny woman
even the preTTTenTTTious tripe about "binaries"?
Big citrine voyeur weed whacker
Flesh shrine
Posts on a feminist blog...gets pwned Post: (http://torr...
Flesh shrine
and now we know who plays asian suckiewhore with her... ...
Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale
Flesh shrine
Electric wine azn dragon
# Wow, is it spam o'clock or did tweeting about Asian fetish...
Flesh shrine
oops...look like she's out of a job... http://www.xoxohth...
godawful adventurous lay
lol, she's ba-a-a-a-aa--ack http://zoehasappetite.blogspo...
Stirring Duck-like Casino Ratface
she is qt
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
Enjoy! http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Jing_Yang
domesticated misunderstood resort dingle berry
ty :)
Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry
lol...u mad, fired McKinsey NYC skank Yijing Yang? http:/...
domesticated misunderstood resort dingle berry
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3YbZRROYHQ LOL, looks lik...
Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale
you know who else would LOVE the Jing Yang nude pics? Y'k...
Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale
In the blogging age, we can all take to punditry like ducks ...
Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 11:21 AM
Author: Flesh shrine
Subject: Re. Zoe Yijing Yang


Do you despise vegetarians?

Is your foreign-language vocabulary strictly, yet expansively, food-related?

Do you carry a mental map of New York City restaurants and their respective Yelp ratings?

Most importantly,

Will you eat anything?

I'm a financial analyst by day, hardcore foodie by night. As a relatively new transplant to NYC, I'm desperately seeking someone to explore the edible landscape from food carts to foie gras. If you think that no meal should be wasted on "just a salad," we should talk.

Reply to every enquiry. Eat to every suggestion.

Want to meat up with me?


Ooh! Slutty pictures!






Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 11:23 AM
Author: White slimy stag film

Wouldn't analing a girl who has no ass be weird, like doing a dood?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 11:28 AM
Author: Flesh shrine

lulz, astute point!


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 12:51 PM
Author: titillating clown pervert

fuck. her. flat. ass.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:59 PM
Author: Deep stimulating location

You are a tiny girl trying to grow fat. You will succeed once the metabolism slows naturally.

You ass is like a man's, compact. Are your testoserone levels abmormally high?

You are not shy. But I bet you pose spread eagle to mock him for staring.

I very much like your writing. Why don't we meet somewhere?We can talk with our mouths full.

Let's eat out tonight! I will hold us a table, at such and such a restaurant, for 7 o'clock.

Make your mouth watery?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:02 PM
Author: Flesh shrine


Let us know if you get a response!



Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 11:35 AM
Author: Flesh shrine

Ooh...it gets better, according to Google cache:


Zoe Yang

Qualitative Analyst at McKinsey & Company

Greater New York City Area


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 11:40 AM
Author: White slimy stag film

Does she really think posting pics of herself in her underwear is a great career move?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 11:55 AM
Author: Flesh shrine

Who knows nowadays?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 12:41 PM
Author: iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker

Oh, and she was a "bunnette"




About: I treat my life as a social experiment. I’ve been on a reality dating show, moonlighted as a go-go dancer, and wrote a sex blog before choosing the straight path of financial analyst by day, food devotee at by night. Food is my first love. With my current project, the Strictly Platonic blog, I’m on the search for an eating buddy in NYC. I am a fresh-out-of-college transplant looking to eat cheaply and eat well. My ideal platonic eating buddy is someone who would help me set up squirrel traps in Central Park…or at least entertains the possibility. I’m currently auditioning for the role on Craigslist.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:01 PM
Author: Heady Locus

"I treat my life as a social experiment."

Pretty cool way to live life, IMO (no sarcasm).


Reply Favorite

Date: August 1st, 2009 10:47 PM
Author: Racy fanboi

She treats her vagina as a petri dish for whiteboy semen and STDs


Reply Favorite

Date: November 23rd, 2010 5:44 PM
Author: Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale

she so HORNY


Zoe Yang is a research associate at Harvard Business School and a co-founder of CivilChina.org. She previously worked as a qualitative analyst at McKinsey & Company before quitting to study traditional Chinese cooking — a lateral move. Zoe has a bachelor of arts degree from Pomona College and a soft spot for Hot Pockets.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 12:43 PM
Author: nubile trust fund

sounds like she is very lonely--i think some xoxo dude should email her.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 12:45 PM
Author: motley anal cruise ship

so casually destroy her then


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 12:49 PM
Author: rusted church building

flat face she devil


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 1:04 PM
Author: Bossy kitchen

i'd throw it at her


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:17 PM
Author: Olive Disturbing Center


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:37 PM
Author: underhanded concupiscible milk lodge

She seems like a decent person. I don't have a problem with her.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:49 PM
Author: Olive Disturbing Center


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:54 PM
Author: Flesh shrine


Date: July 21st, 2008 6:27 PM

Author: The conventional wisdom



“Sex columnist Zoe Yang had some explaining to do after she wrote a column she wrote last week that described how she used to do a little role playing with her former boyfriend. I'll save you the sexually explicit details and just say that Ms. Yang likes to pretend she's a Vietnamese prostitute and her boyfriend is an American G.I circa the War Against North Vietnamese Communist Aggression.”



Date: July 21st, 2008 6:34 PM

Author: The conventional wisdom



Pomona College '08


"I had an interview set up with a Very Important Company, and they made me take a personality test online, after which the recruiter called back to say "we're actually going to schedule you for a phone interview first." After the phone interview ("What happened to Bear Stearns? What is beta and how would you evaluate it?"), he called back again to say my interview was "postponed." I feel like this Very Important Company should have the balls, being cutthroat and all, to reject me without being all wishy-washy about it."


Date: July 21st, 2008 6:35 PM

Author: Zoe Yang's Vietnamese Whore fantasies...

Zoe Yang writes...


Two of two happened one weekend night towards the end of the semester. C and I stayed in for some reason, and we decided to smoke. The week had been tough and we both needed to relax. I don't love weed; I always feel stupid for days afterward so I rarely touch it. But if there's one thing I do love about it, it's how it makes sex 80 times better.

When I give massages when I'm high, I put on music with a strong, steady rhythm, and I end up almost hypnotizing myself with the task. I knead like some master baker, only more creative with the body parts I use. Did you know that elbows are particularly excellent for working the deep tissue of butt muscles? I can tell how the person under my me feels because my whole being has melted into his skin. People tell me it's the best massage they've ever gotten. I also often dance when I'm high, just moving and spinning by myself for hours.

Sex usually follows massages and dancing - which often becomes lap-dancing, and it's the same investment in physicality. I hear meditation is supposed to make you more aware of everything happening inside you and around you. Stoned sex is like meditating, like the nerves in my brain have migrated into more pleasurable places and all my little body parts are as obscenely sensitive as tentacles.

The sad thing is, my memory of that night in April (or was it May?) is really, really hazy due to the same culprit. Weed giveth and weed taketh away. It probably did start with a massage. My memory begins with C sliding down my body as I lay back, too lazy to dissuade him. As with Malcolm, I had held off on letting C put his face in the general vicinity. Guys usually don't put up much of a fight when you grab their cocks and tell them you'd rather fuck.

His mouth was tentative, but at least he knew where to put it. Together, we explored: "harder," "suck..." "yes, like THAT," Through the green veil, everything felt sharper, slicker, better, like I was seeing a porno reel of what we were doing in my head and the nerves were juicing from two different places. A small tingle appeared and disappeared in my abdomen and I realized that maybe, just maybe...

"If you're doing it right, she should be humping your face," the sex educator from Babeland had announced to over 100 students gathered in Walker Lounge earlier that year. "Your entire face should be wet and your eyelashes should be like, gumming together afterward." Her words were the ones I recalled as I realized I had laced my fingers around the back of C's neck and was smothering him in my cunt. I was amused by the memory, but also briefly distracted. I pushed it away and returned to the possibility at hand (or mouth).

With Malcolm I hadn't dared move or even touch him, to say nothing of gyrating with abandon. He had been sweeter and sexier for the restraint his presence induced from me. It was a first, and with him I'd felt like a virgin. But C was my steadfast consort. His role in my life was not intrigue and adrenaline but a vanilla sort of pleasure, regardless of how kinky the sex itself was. A very delicious, but very safe flavor.

So even though holding his head and grinding against his mouth was probably the girl-on-guy equivalent of blowjob handlebars, I didn't worry about it too much. He pulled back slightly every few seconds to catch a breath. Pressure, I wanted to tell him, I need pressure like the pressure of your pelvis against me when we're fucking. I'm pulling you in harder and deeper because your mouth isn't cruel enough. I'm shivering because I'm close, and I can no longer say this in words, but whatever you do, don't ease up on the pressure.

But maybe the antithesis of pressure works too. In the end, it was mostly the sucking that did it - his lips and teeth a tight seal around my clit and some sharp intakes of breath and I was gone, digging my toes into the mattress and pushing even harder up against him to wring out every last shudder. I was making up for last time. This time I could definitely say, yes, I came, I came so hard I truly could not stop myself from screaming even though I tried, for our neighbors' sakes.

"Damn." He sat up slowly and gingerly dabbed his nose and chin with tissues.

"Haha sorry, I guess I kind of smothered you."

"That's ok. Just...wow." His expression was dazed awe. I didn't have to reiterate that it was only the second time I'd come from oral for him to treat my orgasm like it was special. I liked that. I deserve that.

I wonder what it'll be like the third time.



Sunday, March 30, 2008

Oh Dear...

Drunk blogging is 80 times worse than drunk-dialing or drunk-texting. How self-indulgent of me, to let my whiskey-unleashed id scamper across the keyboard like that. Last night's post was one I hadn't planned on sharing until we'd been acquainted a few moons longer/never, but since the sentiment is out, I might as well elaborate.

I have Daddy issues. He made me feel generally inadequate all my life. I've never gotten close to friends, but I spill my guts to the person I'm fucking. That person is usually emotionally unavailable, because that's the type I need to prove that I am adequate and worthy to. That person is invariably no more capable of understanding me than anyone else in my life, but at least he can make me feel better by putting a penis inside me. When we break up, I cut him out of my life completely because he knows too much, and I find myself another. Repeat. That, my friends, is how sexual dependency is born. Even though I talk like it, I am not the poster girl for healthy sexing. Moving on.

A recount of last night:

Lawry party with about 100 people too many: 1

Sober striptease that didn't end in sex: 1

Sloppy sex hours later that I was too drunk to clean up: 1

Zoe being at the right place at the right time: 0

Drunken coeds, oedipal issues, bad grammar, cum...it's all here, folks!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Don't Fucking Cum

C left to jaunt around Thailand for a month. That's what happens when you get your shit together (read: a job). So with no one to even talk to on the phone, I find myself desperately rifling through the memory drawers for fantasies to fulfill my hunger. Kind of like the little beggar girl in that fairy tale who dreams of Christmas feasts by lighting matches and dies in the cold when her last match burns out.

I think this is my favorite memory of us:

Right before his weekend SCIAC tournament for tennis, he warned me that he wouldn't be having sex for a couple of days. Something about sex draining his sharp competitive edge. I think they should just bottle testosterone in Gatorade, but I had every intention of being supportive of his moratorium. Tennis means a lot to him, and I could stand a few days of fun teasing followed by post-win sweaty sex.

So I don't really know how I ended up getting bent over his desk the night before the big match. I know it couldn't have been my fault; some guys just can't handle lapdances. Anyways, we started out playing Just the Tip, deluding ourselves that it was really Just Enough. I broke first, not able to withstand the teasing and pushing myself back onto his cock as hard as I could.

It was hot. I love fucking a taller man standing up. I have to be on my tippy-toes, every muscle in my thighs clenched as I thrust my butt as high as I can to meet him. In that position, everything in me is tight, and I could put a hand on my abdomen and feel his cock inside me. We fucked slowly and deliberately, making every stroke count. It wasn't long before he pulled out fast and exhaled deeply, trying to rein himself back in.

"Don't fucking cum." I commanded. "Don't you dare fucking cum." He pushed himself back in and continued fucking. We carried on like this for a while: every ten seconds, he'd pull out and pause while his cock turned shades of purple I didn't know existed. I was panting, he was breathing hard, working to get the rhythm of his body back under control.

But that was the fun of it - knowing he was losing control. And I alternated what must have been maddening statements - "Fuck me, fuck me harder, don't fucking stop," and "Don't fucking cum, think about tennis, I'm not going to let you cum."

I dragged him to the bed. Only one of us was getting an orgasm out of this. As he ground against my clit, my moans quickened his pulse even more, and every time I teetered on the precipice, he'd pull out, barely able to stop. I could feel the head of his cock throbbing against me every time he paused, and I knew the pauses were accomplishing less and less.

"Make me cum. Don't stop until you make me cum."

Sweat beaded his forehead, and as for me, I was incoherent, murmuring demands as we played deeper into taboo. It was the purest form of teasing. Every five seconds now. I was so close, so close I began clawing at his back, willing him to stay inside and thrust against my clit until I could shake out hard spasms around his cock.

"You better fucking stop after I cum all over you."

"Whoooooo," every time he pulled out in exhaling agony was a triumph. I wanted to rattle the bed, I wanted to see how long he could last, and I wanted him to be so pent up the next day he'd be slamming every sphere that came in his direction.

Finally, the familiar sinking, twisting feeling started in my tailbone and spread throughout my body. I tried to keep quiet but it was impossible; as my screams crescendoed he tried to disengage one last time. I grabbed his hips and bucked, refusing to let him go. It was with tremendous effort that he managed to rip away from me, whispering, "FUCK, I'm cumming..."

"Damn, I almost made it," he smiled ruefully, examining the constellation of cum across my stomach and breasts. My pussy ached from being robbed mid-orgasm, of clenching around empty air. It was a delicious feeling.

"I'm sorry." A half innocent, half apologetic smirk from me. I really was, a little bit.

"It's alright. There was so much buildup that it really didn't take much out of me." I couldn't have agreed more.

But I guess it worked out perfectly, because we did it again the next night, exactly the same way

Sluttier still...

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Posted by Zoe at 11:18 PM 3 comments

Labels: c, erotica, TMI

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

K, you must've done it wrong

Cock ring gets an A+

I decided I like anything that turns a penis into a power drill. C 2.0 was harder, longer-lasting, and vibrated in time with each stroke (don't know why that happened actually). The ring also framed everything quite nicely down there - the bow on the package, so to speak.

Stripper post now has pictures, which K took in our "couples-friendly" fitting room. Do I look better in dark or light colors?

Sluttier still...

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Posted by Zoe at 8:46 PM 3 comments

Labels: K, sex toys, TMI

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The best part of waking up...

I feel like a cat in heat. The doctor had said I'd be getting a heavier period than normal, but I hadn't anticipated every symptom being magnified. First, the PMS depression, and now, an antsy, jumpy friskiness. It doesn't help that it's a hot day. My skin prickles and my head feels clouded and heavy with a dull, almost pleasurable throb. I can't sit still, much less do work.

This morning...

I wake up next to C but we're not touching. I don't sleep well when I'm actually sleeping with someone, and more often than not we'll drift apart during the night. I look over at him. He's so tan in the morning light, brown hair wavering towards gold, arm and chest hairs an even paler shade.

Bzzzzz. His phone buzzes. Instinctively, he slaps it quiet without really waking up. Here's my chance. I'm never patient, and our interactions are built on a foundation of me constantly being annoying at him, so I reach over and tweak his nipple. He's so used to it he barely raises a lazy hand to brush me away. Hmmm. I grab his arm and fling it over my shoulder, essentially squirming my way into small spoon, pushing my butt against his crotch.

"You're like a fucking radiator," he murmers, maintaining the cuddle but scooching back a few inches. Eyes still closed. This isn't working. I sigh, pretending to give up. I move away as well, and flip over so we're facing each other. Slowly, gently, I run my fingertips up his arms, across his upper back, around his neck, down his chest. I trace circles and spirals on his stomach and kiss the nipple I tweaked moments ago. I let my own nipples brush his abdomen. Minutes pass, and I never intensify the pace or pressure in my fingers and mouth. It's a type of hypnosis I'm trying to perform, lulling his body into pleasure before his brain can decide against it. Finally - a stirring in his boxers. Bingo, you do catch more flies with honey. I smile and turn my back to him again.

This time, he wraps an arm around me, cupping my breast in his hand. He starts kissing the back of my neck, my favorite place to be kissed. I slip my panties - white cotton bikini with a touch of pink lace at the thighs - down a couple of inches, just enough to expose the curve of my ass. He strokes my butt and then squeezes hard, a definite urgency to his touch now. I'm moaning softly even before the first firm slap. Spanking is somewhat Pavlovian for me - all it takes is one palm strike to my bare ass to turn me into a puddle.

Slap. The thing about spanking is that it's all about timing. I like it slow, measured, and deliberate in between and on top of regular foreplay. C has gotten the hang of it recently, all by himself. He surprises me these days with the conviction behind his rougher moves. Right now, he continues the slaps while never letting up on kissing my back and sinking his teeth into my shoulder. Once in a while, a sharp tug at my hair to bring my head back closer to him, further exposing my neck to his mouth.

I pull his cock out of his boxers and start slowly stroking, rubbing the head against my butt. The halting movement, the friction, is awkwardly pleasurable, so there yet not there. We squirm together, radiate heat together. Everything I feel is made of sun, sweat, skin, and circles. I tug his boxers off altogether, while he pulls my panties to my knees. I slip him between my legs, where everything is wet, and we slide against each other in delicious frantic torment. I'm going crazy, trembling as I weave my legs around his to leverage our pseudo-strokes. It's so close to the real thing, yet so incomparably inadequate. I briefly entertain the notion of dragging him to the shower and fucking his brains out, period be damned, but this is too much fun.

Many delirious moments later, I slow my hips, winding down without climax, rolling away playfully.

"You're evil." His cock is starkly red against the rest of his tanned body.

"I'm not evil, I wanna have sex too."

"You're evil because you get pleasure out of this." True. I've always liked to tease, no one more so than myself. But then again, that's why I find myself sitting here, writing erotica and once in a while clambering onto C's lap to bug him (“Jeez, you’re insatiable today”) instead of being productive. It's going to be a long few days. If I run into you, forgive me if I seem spacey.

Sluttier still...

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Posted by Zoe at 6:07 PM 1 comments

Labels: c, erotica, TMI

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"I was doin' it in my Camaro..."

Apologies for the brief hiatus, I have a lot of other things on my mind right now, all of which shall be revealed in Friday's column.

I guess I can tell the Marston Quad story referenced in this post.

Most of the outrageous sexual things I did for the pure sake of their being outrageous, I did freshman year. As all freshman years in college should be, it was a year of firsts. The first time I smoked pot (the first time I did any drug, actually), the first time I drank regularly, the first time I fucked in the mail room...

Ah, the old mail room. Back before the SCC renovation, you could swipe into the mailroom at all hours. Everyone talks about the Honnold stacks as the place to have clandestine public sex on campus, but the mail room is where it was at. There's nothing quite like walking home from a party up north, stopping in the mail room, and having your skirt hitched up and your boobs pressed up against those rows of cold little boxes...

And it wasn't even too risque - it turns out not many people check their mail at 3am. One night, my partner and I, tipsy and still in that flirtatious bantering stage of our fuckbuddyhood, were heading back to Harwood from Mudd's Seven Sins party (I mention this party because as Lust, I was in a slutty black dress and looked like a streetwalker) when we crossed Marston Quad and decided to climb that horizontal propped-up tree. We sat in the tree for a while, not talking much, just looking up at the stars. It was very late, and in the time that we were up there, no one else walked by the Quad. As we were climbing back down, he turned to me and said,

"Let's have sex."

"Ok." I guess we were both feeling cocky (ha ha) from the mail room escapades.

"Wait, really? I'm totally calling your bluff."

I shrugged. "I thought you were serious."

"I am serious."

"Ok, let's do it."

So, businesslike, we dropped our pants right on the grass in the middle of the Quad. He was on top of me, keeping a missionary lookout, but I have to say both of us were a little too nervous to really get into it. All the same, it wasn't until the Campus Security officers were only 20 feet away that we finally saw them.

They approached from behind, so I saw them first.

"Stop stop stop!!" I pushed him off me and yanked my dress down. Too late to worry about panties. He pulled on his boxers as the officers approached - two youngish men.

"Hey, you guys can't be doin' it here," one of them starts. We nod silently.

"Yeah, you gotta find a room or a car or something," the other one chimes in, "we're not gonna write you up or anything but you can't be doin' it here."

They're completely friendly. A little too friendly. They stand there talking at us for about five more minutes, while his belt is still loose and all I want is for them to go away so I can find my panties.

"Thanks, we're sorry." What else is there to say?

"Yeah, it's alright, we're not gonna write you up. I understand 'cause this one time, I was doin' it in my Camaro - and I'm a big guy - and the cops busted me. That sucked. You don't wanna get busted by the cops - they're a different story. You guys have a car?" At this point I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd high-fived my partner.

"No sir."

"Well that's too bad, but you still have to find a car or a room or something, ok?"

"Yes sir." Of course we don't tell them we have two perfectly good rooms only a hundred yards away.

"Have a good night now." Finally! We sort ourselves and start walking again. When we get home, there's no finishing what we started - the mood is completely gone. After all, the whole point of public sex is NOT to get caught. All the same, I still smile a little every time I cross a certain part of Marston Quad.


Date: July 21st, 2008 6:50 PM

Author: The Eohippus

she's not attractive.


Date: August 3rd, 2008 4:37 PM


And that's *before* reading her horrible blog.


Date: August 3rd, 2008 4:15 PM

Author: Botox Biden

Um, okayyyy Zoe Yang....


Here's the thing: I suck at giving head. I blow at giving head. I sputter and choke at giving head. I was with M for six months before I got him to cum from oral. It took weed and perseverance. I successfully gave C head the first two times I tried, and then embarked on a record of failing. He attributes the early successes to embryonic-relationship nervous excitement and says he needed "those bouncing buttcheeks" of sex thereafter. With most other guys, the first few times were misses before I learned how to deal with their sizes, shapes, and rhythmic preferences. I can usually produce consistent results after that, but no one's ever told me I was their best.

Ok, maybe saying I suck and blow at head is a convenient exaggeration: I am merely mediocre. I'm not clumsy but my mouth is small and my back teeth are a nuisance. I've tried to deep throat but I get teary-eyed and as far as I can tell, I don't have a gagging fetish. My tongue doesn't rasp but it's also not pornstar slurpy. I find it awkward to look up at a guy when I'm giving head. It strains my eyeballs.

I'm not looking for tips on technique (although I think it'd be funny if everyone posted demonstrative videos of themselves fellating inanimate objects). I prefer to figure it out as I go rather than read another tutorial - they're too hard to recall when there's an actual cock in my mouth. I still love giving head and no guy has ever complained when I've headed south, either. I'm just sayin': no membership in the Wonderhead Club here, but plenty of preening narcissism anyway.


Date: August 3rd, 2008 5:02 PM

Author: Future Secretary of Defense Eric Shinseki

among american women between the ages of 15 and 24, asians have the highest rate of suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among this group behind only cancer.

i wouldn't be surprised if this girl ends up in that demographic.


Date: August 3rd, 2008 5:09 PM

Author: Botox Biden

What u think? Is Zoe Yang *more* or *less* likely than Lena Chen to fall into "the hoped-for demographic"?


Date: August 3rd, 2008 5:15 PM

Author: Future Secretary of Defense Eric Shinseki

same, no?

the truly sad thing is, at least strippers and prostitutes get paid for becoming dead on the inside. with Lena, there's no hope. If you're at harvard and still can't figure out the wealth of self-hatred issues you have, there's no hope for you.


Date: August 3rd, 2008 5:20 PM

Author: Botox Biden

Scary, too, how many are greasing the skids of Lena's collapse...



Date: August 13th, 2008 3:17 PM

Author: ReadySetGo


Monday, August 11, 2008

Mishap Mondays: Unwelcome Golden Showers

Zoe Yang writes...

This post gave me the idea of starting a Mishap Mondays feature. This is the inaugural post. Usual suspects, consider yourselves all tagged.

Yesterday during our photo shoot, Jen Huang had me wrap my naked self up in a sheet. After draping it loosely around myself, I realized it was damp. Very damp. A mutual friend had also crashed at her place last night after many pitchers of Pabst and many hours of Quarters at Yogi's. This was the sheet he'd used.

"But it doesn't smell like pee." She sniffed it.

"But who sweats this much?"

"I don't know..."

"Drunk boy pee doesn't smell like pee 'cause it's basically water." I sighed. I would know.

M did it twice. Both times after getting blazingly drunk off beer. The first time, I woke up and set my feet on the rug, which was soaking wet. His side of the bed, similarly drenched. "Did you spill water last night?" I asked. He just started giggling.

PBR, my rugby-playing Hong Kong fuckbuddy, did it while we were in the Philippines. He'd gotten so hammered the night before, we coined a new name for it - Manila Drunk. There were eight of us staying in one room with 4 queen sized beds and nothing else. He peed all over his side of the bed we were sharing (and my sarong), then woke up and snuggled in with another dude on one of the other beds. Leaving a girl in the bed you just pissed on? That's called chivalry.

I never actually got wet any of the times, but with how I pick 'em, it seems only a matter of time. It was never a big deal when it happened, mostly just funny and awe-inspiring how much liquid boy-bladders can hold. But then, I'd already given real golden showers a brief go (a story for another day).

What's your pee story?


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Back in The City

Last night I had a dream about M. We were having a threesome with his new girlfriend, a squirrelly blonde. It was all too disturbing to detail here.

Today I'm in New York, awaiting job interviews later in the week and shooting boudoir scenes with Jenny. Mutual self-promotion, if that's not an oxymoron. I'll be here til Wednesday, call if you want to play!




Date: August 25th, 2008 3:07 PM

Author: yu56y46t43534rerew

lol...zoe yang sex pics


wonder if she puts them on her resume...


"When I broke up with M," whined Zoe Yang, "he warned me, "You'll never find someone like me." But -don't laugh- I found myself instead. I gave him so much that it's now impossible to say what parts of me were always me and what parts are him, filling vacated space. With him, I never wrote, because he was the writer. With him, I couldn't picture my future where he didn't fill up the whole frame. He was Daddy, decider of what movies we'd watch, which restaurants we'd go to, how we'd spend money, when we'd fuck."


Date: August 26th, 2008 1:59 PM

Author: Suck my dick

lol...Zoe Yang's sex ad on Craigslist...

"i’m an asian college student," wrote Zoe Yang, "who’s into kink and experimentation—bondage, spanking, sadomasochism, role play, etc. Sick of frat boys and looking for a different flavor of man to rock my heels up. Also up for threesomes - wwm or wmm or www. Never had one before but want to pop that cherry badly before i graduate. no car so you’ll have to come to me."






Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:06 PM
Author: underhanded concupiscible milk lodge

"Do you know the background story?"

Did not know.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:41 PM
Author: Gay vigorous hospital

Cute, but seems to have relatively little junk in the trunk. Would casually date.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:49 PM
Author: Olive Disturbing Center


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:02 PM
Author: Gay vigorous hospital

so she's also a ho. Awesome. Would bring condoms.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:08 PM
Author: Olive Disturbing Center


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:00 PM
Author: histrionic primrose really tough guy

she looks like your average 20-something asian girl. u can find much better in nyc


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:05 PM
Author: Gay vigorous hospital

Beggars can't be choosers, dude.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:50 PM
Author: Olive Disturbing Center


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:51 PM
Author: sadistic orange karate

is she a hooker?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:52 PM
Author: Olive Disturbing Center


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:54 PM
Author: sadistic orange karate


what is it with asian girls wanting to mimick sex and the city so badly?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:55 PM
Author: marvelous organic girlfriend new version

They want to be white SO badly


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:20 PM
Author: galvanic stock car range

What pensive would say: SELF-HATING.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:06 PM
Author: Canary Dashing Whorehouse Bbw



Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:27 PM
Author: Clear Set

They want to date alpha white males like Mr. Big, they'll settle for omegas though


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:36 PM
Author: Olive Disturbing Center


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 4:56 PM
Author: Flesh shrine

Looks like McKenzie has some VERY liberal hiring practices...


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:01 PM
Author: sadistic orange karate

you think they would hire me?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:03 PM
Author: Flesh shrine

Why not? They hired HER!



Qualitative Analyst at McKinsey & Company


Pomona College

Zoe Yang’s Experience

Qualitative Analyst

McKinsey & Company

(Partnership; 5001-10,000 employees; Financial Services industry)

Currently holds this position

Zoe Yang’s Education

Pomona College

BA , Economics , 2004 — 2008


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:30 PM
Author: Gay vigorous hospital

Until I just looked it up a second ago, I'd never heard of Pomona College.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 1:19 PM
Author: Nighttime alpha

not really credited

Pomona is well known. For rich people who can't hack it at the HYP level or "artistic" types (who are also rich).


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 8:48 PM
Author: Electric wine azn dragon



Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2010 6:08 PM
Author: Flickering appetizing office place of business

this is true


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 5:57 PM
Author: scarlet comical brunch

are you a dumb?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:10 PM
Author: floppy address

they're a fan of "cool" people


Reply Favorite

Date: July 18th, 2009 5:17 PM
Author: galvanic stock car range

What pensive would say is that anyone who uses the word "foodie" to describe him- or herself deserves to slapped across the face with a big, gray elephant cock. Replies to the rest of the OP are left as an exercise for the reader.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:47 AM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

What's really sad is that this is pretty much what I came here to post. Self-described "foodies" - especially a certain breed of mid-20s, blogging, professional, girl "foodies" - are so grating on me, but I can't explain exactly why.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 27th, 2010 5:47 PM
Author: Outnumbered Institution



Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 10:40 AM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:34 AM
Author: iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker



Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:38 AM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

LINK these pics


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:43 AM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:43 AM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

not clicking that at work


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:44 AM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:53 AM
Author: iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker

Wish I'd had that thought, too.



Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 11:53 AM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

these are not pics of zoe, you are not a good person


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 12:17 PM
Author: Flesh shrine

I think OP (for this threadlet) is the credited context

"In other news - I'm beginning to understand people who never want to have a daughter. Jesus Christ, her poor parents (not to mention Lena Chen's parents). Just when you think your daughter is successful and you've done well *BAM* turns out she's a slut that blogs about it. Oh, and are those nude pics of her and a pic of her covered in jizz? Oh, not my baby..."


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 12:23 PM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

DEMAND the nude pics.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 1:49 PM
Author: Flesh shrine


Good luck, sir!


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:49 AM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

hey...these people are pioneers. they are the first people to ever talk HONESTLY about sex. EVER.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:50 AM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:57 AM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

and we're talking about MODERN sex. they are blogging OPENLY and HONESTLY about it. not honestly enough to realize that the guys that fuck and chuck them have no respect for them, which is something that all the readers realized at the time, but they are probably just jealous or obsessed.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:58 AM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 12:00 PM
Author: iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker


Lena "I lowered my mouth over his cock and slid my lips over his shaft easily" Chen will have her place in the NORTON ANTHOLOGY!


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:39 AM
Author: Maize magical hall fortuitous meteor

asian women are nasty


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:39 AM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

she is quite qt


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:40 AM
Author: Maize magical hall fortuitous meteor



Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:41 AM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry



Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:42 AM
Author: Maize magical hall fortuitous meteor

she's nasty bro


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:44 AM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

not from the smallish pics on the blog~


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:44 AM
Author: Glittery massive den

I bet she has sex with niggers.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 12:36 PM
Author: Flesh shrine


How do I remove something from Google cache?

about 13 hours ago from web



Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:07 PM
Author: Canary Dashing Whorehouse Bbw



Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:13 PM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 12:43 PM
Author: aquamarine university

pretty sure she only dates white guys. most asian-american chicks in nyc exclusively date white men.


Reply Favorite

Date: August 1st, 2009 10:45 PM
Author: Racy fanboi

They think the white men can protect them from the ultraviolent blacks roving the streets. this is a common misconception. those azn girls get their alabama blacksnake in the (rear) end


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 2:58 PM
Author: Flesh shrine


I wonder whether the guy who started that stalkerish new blog about me was rejected by a girl or by a company? Probs both.

I bet unemployment really releases those creative juices.

It's funny how they keep saying they're going to come find me. How do they think that's going to go?

"Hi, I once wrote about sex, therefore I'm so blind that I'm going to accidentally fall onto your no doubt vitamin-D-deprived pimpledick?"


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:11 PM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:19 PM
Author: sadistic orange karate

whats with the rash of annoying azn women?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:20 PM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:22 PM
Author: sadistic orange karate

great analysis


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:27 PM
Author: Milky dilemma

you suggest that white women don't do this anymore. i think they persist


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:43 PM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 8:19 PM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 3:35 PM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

There's a lot of attention-whoring on the twitters and blogs and so on, you write exciting stuff about your life, make yourself sound interesting, people with marginally more boring lives follow your life just as you are following somebody elses, and it gives you a feeling of BEING SOMEBODY.

As for why there's a few notable asians out there blogging about sex, it doesn't seem like a massive wave (although I know a few others that are at least sensible enough to be anonymous). I think part of it comes from having very strict upbringings slash strict dads (this one admits to daddy issues) combined with, most likely, the lack of crushing Christian anti-sex ideals.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 4:08 PM
Author: bistre insecure theater


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 7:08 PM
Author: Flesh shrine

lol, d00d ur FAMOUS!


"People with marginally more boring lives follow your life and it gives you a feeling of BEING SOMEBODY"

-Posted without any apparent irony by one of my stalkers/detractors on Autoadmit.

dumb skank


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 7:36 PM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

I'm a nobody even on this board, and I've been here since the PR days.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 7:38 PM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

If she wants a reply, it's this.

Follwing your life is what all your friendly commenters were doing when you wrote your blog. We're not following your life. We're passing by the wreckage of it.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 7:51 PM
Author: Flesh shrine



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Date: July 21st, 2009 8:16 PM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

I mean I wrote this thread yesterday but bam here is another person to add to that list. http://autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1046226&mc=3&forum_id=2


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 8:21 PM
Author: iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker



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Date: July 21st, 2009 8:58 PM
Author: passionate sneaky criminal

This is funny.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 4:19 PM
Author: Flesh shrine


"She seriously works at McK?"

If she wasn't outted before, she's outted herself now...



2 days ago

Actually, I didn't fuck up at all. Writing Zoehassex was one of the most valuable experiences of my life, and I don't regret it. I actually kind of miss it.

A year ago, when I started at McK, I didn't know what I was going to do with my life and thought it best to keep my options open. Now that I know I'm not going to stay in finance, it doesn't even matter. Also, McK does pretty extensive background checks, and they clearly found my shit and didn't give a damn. (Even after the blog disappeared, there was enough stuff lingering on the internet to condemn me, had they wanted to).

I actually stopped blogging months before I started at McK, I was just getting bored. In fact, the blog is undergoing a revival these days, not that I'd ever let you in on it.

I don't believe for a second I'd end up where you described. You know nothing about me or about the world, for that matter. In fact, it's funny that Autoadmit losers like yourself keep talking about how sluts like me and Lena are never going to get a job, when we are both gainfully employed with respectable companies. I think you need to check your facts - it was Autoadmit's cofounder, Anthony Ciolli, who had his job offer rescinded for doing something that was actually morally reprehensible: facilitating misogyny, racism, and malicious attacks on innocent people."


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 4:33 PM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

at least she's hotter than lena


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 9:00 PM
Author: passionate sneaky criminal

Yeah. Comparing yourself to GTO sets such high standards.

The bizarre thing is that AutoAdmit is not reaching out to harass her. We're just doing our own thing here. I'm amused that she keeps writing about XO instead of moving on with her life.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 4:14 PM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

Right, most of this thread is about WHY people keep writing sex blogs, what compels them to do it, and so on. I haven't even read most of Zoe's stuff so most of my comments are based off Lena's blog and some others I've seen.

I'd say it's pretty clear she likes the attention. Otherwise, why not contact that host of the zoehasskank site and issue a copyright notice.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 4:31 PM
Author: iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker

yikes, i dont wanna THINK about what 4chan would do...if ever there were a low-cost, hi-lulz target, this is it.

only way she could make herself more conspicuous is by blogging "i'm not afraid of Anonymous" lol


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 4:18 PM
Author: Milky dilemma

she sounds like a chick who wants to and needs to get raped


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Date: July 22nd, 2009 11:39 AM
Author: Know-it-all garrison

Jesus Christ, here we go again...


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 7:07 PM
Author: Flesh shrine


"People with marginally more boring lives follow your life and it gives you a feeling of BEING SOMEBODY"

-Posted without any apparent irony by one of my stalkers/detractors on Autoadmit.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 9:03 PM
Author: passionate sneaky criminal

Is she referring to herself? She's following our lives pretty intently.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 9:32 PM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

"People with marginally more boring lives follow your life and it gives you a feeling of BEING SOMEBODY"

-Posted without any apparent irony by one of my stalkers/detractors on Autoadmit.

-Posted without any apparent irony by Zoe


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 7:30 PM
Author: Bossy kitchen

Zoe, I know you read this. I think you're cool. hth. xoxo.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 7:32 PM
Author: flushed elastic band parlour

If I were this chick, I'd think back to the 2-5 guys she's actually denied in her life, because apparently they're making her life hell.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 7:33 PM
Author: Curious impressive genital piercing



Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 7:38 PM
Author: Out-of-control provocative native

she not class-e


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 8:18 PM
Author: Bossy kitchen

Zoe, I'd definitely fuck u. I am white, attractive, and fairly well hung. hit me up.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 11:28 PM
Author: Electric wine azn dragon


Reply Favorite

Date: July 21st, 2009 8:30 PM
Author: Electric wine azn dragon


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 3:47 PM
Author: saffron jew

Objective 5.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 9:14 AM
Author: Olive Disturbing Center


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 3:51 PM
Author: Flesh shrine


ZOMG I have papparazzi. It's cute HOW HARD he's trying to make this go viral. Think about all that time creating logins at all those sites!

& TCR: "Follwing your life is what all your friendly commenters were doing when you wrote your blog. We're not following your life. We're passing by the wreckage of it."


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 4:03 PM
Author: saffron jew


Massive denial or flat-out retardation, you be the judge.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 4:08 PM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

" jingtastic: Hahaha no, they're "not following my life" at all. Better go back to the wreckage that is my awesome job, apt, friends, and fooooood. "

"A year ago, when I started at McK, I didn't know what I was going to do with my life and thought it best to keep my options open. Now that I know I'm not going to stay in finance, it doesn't even matter. "


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 4:13 PM
Author: iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker

"and fooooood."

She can't be a native speaker of English.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 4:17 PM
Author: apoplectic lavender site mental disorder

Only in the era of twitter can someone following 48 people and having 121 followers pretend to take my statement about "marginally less boring" people and somehow flip it on this board.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2009 5:55 PM
Author: Flesh shrine

Well put.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 23rd, 2009 1:12 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: July 24th, 2009 12:41 PM
Author: iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker



Reply Favorite

Date: July 23rd, 2009 1:14 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: July 23rd, 2009 1:32 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: July 24th, 2009 4:38 PM
Author: Flesh shrine
Subject: Zoe Yang on being a sex worker...


What I have to say about this?


about 2 hours ago from web

1) Jesus Christ, another one? 2) Please stop using the word "Confessions" in every fucking article related to sex work.about 2 hours ago from web

As if that industry needs more of a religion/morality bent.about 2 hours ago from web

And THIS: "I always requested a photo so I could weed out any obvious serial killers" What a dangerously misleading sentence!about 2 hours ago from web

@dotcom9000 Also, her issues drove her to sex work? I feel like there should be a disclaimer: you don't HAVE to be damaged to do sex workabout 1 hour ago from web





Reply Favorite

Date: August 3rd, 2009 4:44 PM
Author: Flesh shrine

MOAR pics found...




Reply Favorite

Date: August 3rd, 2009 4:45 PM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

ty ty she is qt


Reply Favorite

Date: August 3rd, 2009 5:15 PM
Author: Flesh shrine



Reply Favorite

Date: August 5th, 2009 8:12 PM
Author: iridescent exhilarant ticket booth boistinker



Reply Favorite

Date: August 5th, 2009 8:25 PM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 5th, 2009 9:43 PM
Author: Big citrine voyeur weed whacker

Moar details, pls?


Reply Favorite

Date: August 5th, 2009 10:20 PM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:16 AM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:17 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:20 AM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:23 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:27 AM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:30 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:30 AM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:31 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:32 AM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:33 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:37 AM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:47 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:49 AM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 12:55 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2009 1:02 AM
Author: 180 kink-friendly twinkling uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 11:30 AM
Author: Big citrine voyeur weed whacker

update, pls?


Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 11:31 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 11:45 AM
Author: Big citrine voyeur weed whacker




Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 11:46 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 12:01 PM
Author: Big citrine voyeur weed whacker

Oh...I captalized the "TY" in "trying"...as in "thank you for trying (to get the pix from treetime before)"


Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 12:44 PM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: November 23rd, 2010 5:31 PM
Author: Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale


lol, zoe yang, who got mediafucked when her fuckie-suckie blog got discovered by mckinsey & co, is desperate for attention...


Zoe Yang - http://www.foreveryoungadult.com/2010/10/20/between-two-lockers-with-leila-sales/

Omg too funny, I can't believe the Tampon Locker is actually now immortalized by way of YA fiction.

Also, no love from Winsor: http://www.winsor.edu/alumnae/alumnae-spotlight/index.aspx

Winsor School Class of 2004 Yijing Yang thinks they want their name associated with her???

Zoe Yang - Buzz - Public - Muted

Boss 1: Guys, what does L O L mean? Me: Laugh out loud. Boss 1: Can it mean anything else? Boss 2: Lol is laugh out loud, duh. Hahaha laugh out loud. Boss 1: That's what I thought. Well, I just got it as an inappropriate response to an email. Me: What was the context? Boss 1: This guy wanted to be introduced to these other guys and I wrote back and said they don't want to be introduced to you...Boss 1: Guys, what does L O L mean?

Me: Laugh out loud.

Boss 1: Can it mean anything else?

Boss 2: Lol is laugh out loud, duh. Hahaha laugh out loud.

Boss 1: That's what I thought. Well, I just got it as an inappropriate response to an email.

Me: What was the context?

Boss 1: This guy wanted to be introduced to these other guys and I wrote back and said they don't want to be introduced to you right now but they will in the future, and he said "Lol ok"

Me: That works. Sometimes it's not actually "laughing out loud," sometimes it's used as filler...

Boss 2: What? No! That's not laughing out loud!

Me: Yeah, it can mean "awkward chuckle" rather than "laughing out loud."

(Other twenty-something analysts are nodding to back me up)

Boss 2: I'VE never heard of that usage.

Boss 1: Huh, laugh out loud. Who knew.

Boss 2: Everybody did. It's weird that you didn't.

Ok, you probably had to be there.

Collapse this post

1 person liked this - Meredith Saylor

Victoria Chia - um... awkward.

Julia Seaman

Victoria Chia - just the tip!

Meredith Saylor

Dylan Groves (asian fetish) - so cool.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 28th, 2010 6:31 PM
Author: Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale

awww...looks like it's gone




Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 3:10 PM
Author: Big citrine voyeur weed whacker

a.k.a. "Zoe Yijing Yang"


Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 11:31 AM
Author: Big citrine voyeur weed whacker

Yay! She has sex on the first date!


I think many intelligent women wait because they understandably fear being shuttled into the “slut” side of the wifey/slut binary. We all know that this binary shouldn’t exist in the first place, that no guy who’s that shallow is worth dating, and that to play that game is to lose some integrity, but still. It can be so hard to stick to principles when one is lonely/bored/vulnerable.

Which is so ironic: lonely/bored/vulnerable women DON’T have sex so they can keep some certifiable dickwad strung along a little bit longer, while that dickwad probably only wants to drown his own loneliness/boredom/vulnerability in NSA vadge.*

*excuse my overgeneralizing and hetero-ness.

I don’t understand the whole “this isn’t the girl you want to bring home to mom” thing. I really don’t. Does a girl having sex with you on the first date mean she’s going to show up to your house with no panties on, offend your mom, flash your little brother, and wink at your dad? Can we forget “mom,” since mom has no business knowing when you had sex with her, and just recognize that maybe you just don’t want to picture all those other dudes when she’s squeezing out your spawn? That maybe it’s about your own insecurity?

Is it outrageous to suggest that sex on the first date does not equal indiscriminate sex? Take it as a compliment, maybe she likes you.


Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 11:48 AM
Author: hateful coiffed sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 12:42 PM
Author: Bateful spot skinny woman

This is actually similar to what many posters were saying to the OP on the "Went Home With A Guy On First Date" thread.


Reply Favorite

Date: August 11th, 2009 1:51 PM
Author: Big citrine voyeur weed whacker

even the preTTTenTTTious tripe about "binaries"?


Reply Favorite

Date: August 14th, 2009 10:18 AM
Author: Flesh shrine


Thursday, August 13, 2009

A New Proposal

I'd been allocating a liiiiittle too much of my paycheck to retirement, what with the markets doing so well, and suddenly, with the onset of September's quarterly loan payments, I find myself a little short on unencumbered cash.

For the next month (or whenever my liquidity squeeze ends), I invite you to show me how and where to eat cheaply! I'm talking $10 a day or less. Don't worry, I'm not that broke, but I do want to make this challenging. But since even $10 is not particularly challenging in New York, I'm looking for the really creative ideas out there. Don't send me links to NY Mag's cheap eats issue, take me dumpster diving or something. Better yet, take me hunting or fishing, since my new year's resolution this year was to kill my own food at least once.

Or we could cook! You provide the recipe, I provide the ingredients. You provide the kitchen, I provide the labor.

Seriously, suggest something or I might just go on the Master Cleanse out of boredom.

Want to meat up with me?



Reply Favorite

Date: August 17th, 2009 10:05 AM
Author: Flesh shrine

Posts on a feminist blog...gets pwned



Comment Clusterfuck:

Real Asian Feminist on 15 August, 2009 said:

I'm disappointed. Yang sounds the alarm against stereotypes which are simultaneously AntiAsian and AntiWomyn. So far, so good. The problem is, a quick internet search makes matters uncomfortably murky.

Specifically, imagine my shock when I learned that "feminist" Zoe Yang used to write a blog where she CELEBRATED her "fantasizing she was a Vietnamese prostitute and her [white, I presume] boyfriend is an American G.I." (http://www.claremontconservative.com/2008/04/tsl-smut-life-or-sensitivity-training.html)

And somehow I doubt that photos like this do much to subvert the dominant paradigm which objectifies the yellow body. (http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Zoe_Yang)

It seems QUITE disingenuous for a writer to denigrate "sex kitten" stereotypes on one hand, while propagating such dehumanizing images, on the other.

In the future, Torrent should actually VET bloggers to make sure they have legitimacy. Thank you.

2 Shiyuan on 15 August, 2009 said:

Hi, Shiyuan Deng here.

Just to be clear: Torrent Magazine is 100% behind columnist Zoe Yang.

We at Torrent Magazine believe that a woman can be both pro-sex, and pro-women. That Zoe has sex, enjoys sex, and feels comfortable enough with her sexuality to write about it on the internet, I do not think makes her less credible as a cultural commentator, a feminist, or an intellectual.

It is a particularly conservative form of feminism that punishes women for having sex & talking about it. Your marshaling of "evidence," mainly pictures and quotes taken out of context, to discredit & humiliate my columnist makes me think that you're not really interested in feminism, or rigorous debate, or the Ying Chu article.

I posted your pending comment because we're not ashamed of Zoe Yang's online footprints, but seriously. In the future. Get your sleaze off my blog.

3 jingtastic on 15 August, 2009 said:

Interesting. Either you are one of my internet stalkers (probably the one who created that very Encyclopedia Dramatica entry), or you are a "real Asian feminist" (what an absurdly pretentious moniker, by the way) who actually takes seriously the attack pieces she reads on conservative websites and notorious hotbeds of racism and misogyny like ED.

By the shallow nature of your faux-indignation (and the fact that you supposedly Googled a random blogger), I'm inclined to guess the former. Either way, your critique does not hold water, but I'm going to set things straight anyway.

1) Race play has a legitimate place in discussions of race and sexuality, and I was hardly the first one to bring it up. For a great primer, I invite you to read Daisy Hernandez of Colorlines on the topic: http://www.colorlines.com/article.php?ID=46&p=2

The fact that you think my broaching the topic automatically strips away my feminist card, or something, shows how ignorant you really are. (But that's no surprise, since you're most likely one of the guys who�ve been writing that I need to get raped.)

2) The photos on Encyclopedia Dramatica are STOLEN and any idiot should be able to see that I had no hand in writing that entry.

3) That aside, I fail to see how those PG photos are "dehumanizing." Sorry, but not every snapshot of a woman's sexuality is necessarily complicit in "the dominant paradigm." Context matters. Before internet trolls saved them to their desktops and reposted them without permission, the photos were originally posted as part of an exploration on gogo-dancing on my blog, which had an explicitly stated radical agenda: to further discussions of sex-positive feminism. In that space and context my own, where my voice was heard the photos WERE very much subversive. I think this much is proven by the very volume of harassment that I've received from anonymous men. After all, these men don't harass models, amateur pornstars, webcam girls, or any other women who work quietly within industries of sexual objectification. To reprise a phrase I used in the post, the nature of objectification and dehumanization is to be seen and not heard. People wouldn't be trying so hard to shut me up if I weren't so damn loud.

4) Why does my personal history make any difference with regards to how THIS article is read? If you thought my reasoning or any one of my points was flawed, then please say so, and explain your thoughts. Do not resort to thinly-veiled ad hominem attacks. If my suspicions are true and you are one of the losers from Autoadmit, masquerading as another Asian woman to discredit me AND attack Shiyuan's judgment for publishing me is really a new low.

5) There is no inconsistency between what I've written in the past and what I wrote in this post. I've always believed in agency, and it should be obvious that the response I posted to Ying Chu's article was not a piece decrying Asian fetishes but a defense of Asian womens' individual rights to form their own relationships (race play optional) without being condemned as part of some sick trend.

If you would actually like to learn more about my background and my older writing, you can get in touch jingaling@gmail.com.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 29th, 2010 2:52 PM
Author: Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale

and now we know who plays asian suckiewhore with her...

Holden Groves’s Experience


research associate

Palo Alto Veterans Hospital

(Medical Practice industry)

2003 — 2004 (1 year )

Holden Groves’s Education

UCSD Medical School

specializing in asian fetish pussy


Georgetown University School of Medicine

MS , Physiology , 2007 — 2008


Pomona College

2003 — 2007



Reply Favorite

Date: August 19th, 2009 4:10 PM
Author: Flesh shrine


Pricey school, n'est-ce pas?

At the "Why China Matters" workshop, back row: Betts Swan Weitzel '54, P'84 and Esther Chute Williams '54, front row: Yijing Yang '04 and Jen Brown '04.


Reply Favorite

Date: August 19th, 2009 4:24 PM
Author: Electric wine azn dragon


Reply Favorite

Date: September 30th, 2009 4:04 PM
Author: Flesh shrine

# Wow, is it spam o'clock or did tweeting about Asian fetishes make all the pervs come running to me?11:21 AM Sep 27th from web

When my last bf told his ex he was dating again, she asked "Is she Asian?" He said yes, to which she replied "Asian whore! But I repeat myself..."

# One less-discussed aspect of white men's Asian fetishes: white girl hatred toward Asian women. Has anyone else noticed/experienced this?11:07 AM Sep 27th from web


Reply Favorite

Date: May 19th, 2010 5:40 PM
Author: godawful adventurous lay

oops...look like she's out of a job...



Reply Favorite

Date: July 22nd, 2010 5:45 PM
Author: Stirring Duck-like Casino Ratface

lol, she's ba-a-a-a-aa--ack



Reply Favorite

Date: September 27th, 2010 5:34 PM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

she is qt


Reply Favorite

Date: September 27th, 2010 5:37 PM
Author: domesticated misunderstood resort dingle berry




Reply Favorite

Date: September 27th, 2010 5:41 PM
Author: Beady-eyed self-absorbed faggotry

ty :)


Reply Favorite

Date: September 27th, 2010 5:26 PM
Author: domesticated misunderstood resort dingle berry

lol...u mad, fired McKinsey NYC skank Yijing Yang?


..and yet useless enough as a human being to go through the trouble of using an anonymous email address to write a one-sentence run-of-the-troll-mill insult to a total stranger

Tch, if you wanted a life update from me, you should've just asked rather than going the whole "post something untrue so she'll correct me" route! It's cute how shy you are.

In other libel-related news, how 'bout them recent Google subpoenas, huh?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 23rd, 2010 4:36 PM
Author: Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale


LOL, looks like unemployed skank Zoe Yang (aka Yijing Yang aka Jing Yang) hooked up with unemployed skanks Lena Chen, Chloe Angyal, and Amelia Parry-McDonell


"Sex is empowering when it's selfish," sez vietnamese whore-fantasy fucker Zoe Yang, "when there's an authenticity to your motives, and you're doing it to seek your own pleasure."



Reply Favorite

Date: December 30th, 2010 1:10 PM
Author: Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale

you know who else would LOVE the Jing Yang nude pics?

Y'know who else might be interested in the links to nude photos of Jing Yang (aka Zoe Yang aka Zoe Yijing Yang) Her coworkers and colleagues

They might also be interested in the vulgar blogs that Jing Yang (aka Zoe Yang aka Zoe Yijing Yang) has posted

They might also like to see how Jing Yang (aka Zoe Yang aka Zoe Yijing Yang) twitters and how Jing Yang (aka Zoe Yang aka Zoe Yijing Yang) blogs DURING WORK HOURS...

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UPDATE (12/29/10): MOAR whoreblogging from Zoe Yang...




I wonder if they asked her about using the strap-on to assrape her fuckbuddy...

I am deeply invested in my own femininity yet criticize

my partner when he admits to being too deeply invested

in his masculinity to, say, let me fuck him in the ass.


or maybe her New Year's Resolutions?


1. Get DP’d

2. Go to a swinger party

3. Have someone else use one of those remote-controlled vibes on me


or Zoe Yang's Cheating Strategies??


Cleaning up the wax and (unused) condoms before the ex gets here this afternoon. Ridiculous.


Or what Zoe Yang does when teh two guys figure out her cheating, and dump her skanky ass?

Clean Slate?

Two breakups in two days is more than this girl can handle without a grimace and a whimper. Rebound fucks, God Almighty, and a warm dark hole can all feel free to present themselves now.


Details emerge in the telling

* Zoe: I cant decide if I'm tickled or traumatized

* Alex: I think tickled

* Zoe: At one point I called him a Patrick Bateman wannabe and he said something to the tune of "I don't know who that is but shut up whore"


Or how Zoe Yang uses the people in her life like tissue paper?


Just talked, fought, cried, and fucked the ex for the last time. Shaky and panicky, don’t know if anyone can deal with my passel of crazy for the long haul.

Just need to breathe now, and drink some chicken soup.




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Date: January 7th, 2011 10:53 AM
Author: Brilliant spectacular national security agency locale

In the blogging age, we can all take to punditry like ducks to an oil spill

Internet feminism is scary.


Um...a little late to learn THAT, isn't it Jing Yang?

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