Most prestigious way to die?
| light marketing idea tank | 11/10/24 | | Talented Hunting Ground Messiness | 11/10/24 | | Thriller adulterous scourge upon the earth | 11/10/24 | | Talented Hunting Ground Messiness | 11/10/24 | | Spectacular citrine idiot | 11/10/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/11/24 | | Spectacular citrine idiot | 11/10/24 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 03/22/25 | | Wild Boyish Step-uncle's House | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | Zippy tanning salon | 11/10/24 | | Wild Boyish Step-uncle's House | 11/10/24 | | Metal Background Story Alpha | 11/10/24 | | Wild Boyish Step-uncle's House | 11/10/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/10/24 | | Tantric fiercely-loyal pervert | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | translucent sinister quadroon library | 11/10/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/11/24 | | motley know-it-all trailer park mood | 11/10/24 | | Wild Boyish Step-uncle's House | 11/10/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/10/24 | | Vigorous jap new version | 11/10/24 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 03/23/25 | | mahogany 180 orchestra pit | 11/10/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/10/24 | | fragrant stubborn private investor spot | 11/10/24 | | charismatic stage | 11/10/24 | | Alcoholic codepig | 11/10/24 | | fragrant stubborn private investor spot | 11/11/24 | | Pale titillating personal credit line institution | 11/10/24 | | appetizing abnormal faggotry | 11/10/24 | | Wild Boyish Step-uncle's House | 11/10/24 | | Pale titillating personal credit line institution | 11/10/24 | | carmine station | 11/10/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | carmine station | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | carmine station | 11/10/24 | | Wild Boyish Step-uncle's House | 11/10/24 | | Oh, you! Travel! | 03/25/25 | | passionate den | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | passionate den | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | passionate den | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | passionate den | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | Pale titillating personal credit line institution | 11/10/24 | | Spectacular citrine idiot | 11/10/24 | | Stirring slimy menage electric furnace | 11/10/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | Godawful deer antler | 11/10/24 | | mind-boggling flickering stage | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | mind-boggling flickering stage | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | mind-boggling flickering stage | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | mind-boggling flickering stage | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | mind-boggling flickering stage | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | mind-boggling flickering stage | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | mind-boggling flickering stage | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | mind-boggling flickering stage | 11/10/24 | | Ebony Cocky Cruise Ship Goal In Life | 11/10/24 | | peach heady french chef temple | 11/10/24 | | Low-t legal warrant | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | Low-t legal warrant | 11/10/24 | | Anal Roommate | 11/10/24 | | Spectacular citrine idiot | 11/10/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/11/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/11/24 | | Khaki school sandwich | 11/10/24 | | translucent sinister quadroon library | 11/10/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/11/24 | | Honey-headed supple rehab philosopher-king | 11/10/24 | | Alcoholic codepig | 11/10/24 | | House-broken clear forum voyeur | 11/11/24 | | Drab offensive senate | 11/11/24 | | aphrodisiac aquamarine location chad | 11/11/24 | | Concupiscible theater boistinker | 11/11/24 | | Drab offensive senate | 11/11/24 | | Copper Internal Respiration Multi-billionaire | 11/11/24 | | Wild Boyish Step-uncle's House | 11/11/24 | | silver haunted graveyard incel | 11/11/24 | | Racy ticket booth | 11/11/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/11/24 | | Racy ticket booth | 11/11/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/11/24 | | translucent sinister quadroon library | 11/11/24 | | Racy ticket booth | 11/11/24 | | translucent sinister quadroon library | 11/11/24 | | Pale titillating personal credit line institution | 11/11/24 | | henna theatre preventive strike | 11/11/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/11/24 | | Drab offensive senate | 11/11/24 | | Vermilion resort stain | 11/11/24 | | magenta misunderstood wrinkle digit ratio | 11/11/24 | | Pale titillating personal credit line institution | 11/11/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/11/24 | | mauve adventurous theater stage | 11/11/24 | | light marketing idea tank | 11/13/24 | | floppy bistre hissy fit | 11/13/24 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 03/25/25 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 03/25/25 | | Deranged Pangolin | 03/25/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: November 10th, 2024 4:49 PM Author: motley know-it-all trailer park mood
inventing a cost-effective and efficient form of execution only to be executed by the same method shortly after
eg, guillotine
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Date: November 10th, 2024 5:07 PM Author: mahogany 180 orchestra pit
Killed in the process of accomplishing an as yet unaccomplished feat, e.g., George Mallory on Everest.
Killed by an invention you're working on, like if one of Samuel Colt's guns exploded in his hand, killing him.
Disappearing with a few clues but nothing definitive.
On a prestigious suicide mission.
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Date: November 10th, 2024 5:24 PM Author: Pale titillating personal credit line institution
SACRED to the MEMORY of MAJOR JOHN ANDRÉ, who raised by his Merit at an early period of Life to the rank of Adjutant General of the British Forces in America, and employed in an important but hazardous Enterprise fell a Sacrifice to his Zeal for his King and Country on the 2nd of October AD 1780 Aged 29, universally Beloved and esteemed by the Army in which he served and lamented even by his FOES. His gracious Sovereign KING GEORGE the Third has caused this Monument to be erected.
The Remains of Major JOHN ANDRÉ Were, on the 10th of August 1821, removed from Tappan, By JAMES BUCHANAN ESQr His Majesty's Consul at New York, Under instructions from His Royal Highness The DUKE of YORK, And, with the permission of the Dean and Chapter, Finally deposited in a Grave Contiguous to this Monument, On the 28th of November 1821.
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Date: November 10th, 2024 5:32 PM Author: light marketing idea tank
One tier above death in combat: being betrayed by your closest allies, dying with full knowledge of your own martyrdom, and watching as the narrative re$hape$ you into a legend. Think Major André or even Caesar—men who died not merely for their cause, but as icons of it."
Prestige i$ not in the act, but in the legacy.
Date: November 10th, 2024 6:04 PM Author: passionate den
did i say dying in the act of failing to save others and dying for no reason? no. dont be obtuse, jfc.
real-life example of what i mean: child falls in water, is drowning. grandfather jumps in water, saves child, but then drowns himself.
Date: November 10th, 2024 5:48 PM Author: mind-boggling flickering stage
To be fair,
Quickly and painlessly, while you're sleeping in your own comfortable bed at the age of >90, after otherwise living a long and healthy life right up until the very end, has to be near the top of the list.
That's called "winning," folx.
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Date: November 10th, 2024 5:56 PM Author: mind-boggling flickering stage
To be fair,
I think reasonable minds can differ on what "prestigious" means in this context.
I wouldn't consider a bear attack to be inherently "prestigious," for example. That retarded "Grizzly Man" self-righteous shitlib who got gaped to death by a bear up in Alaska for being a stupid delusional hippie retard doesn't get to claim "prestige" just because a bear predictably took him out, for example.
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Date: November 10th, 2024 5:59 PM Author: mind-boggling flickering stage
To be fair,
Yeah I could get onboard with that, like I said I think it depends and it's probably a case by case analysis to some extent.
What would be the more "prestigious" death -- Trump being assassinated by some faggot commie kike in February before he can really do anything in his 2nd term and then JD Vance turns out to be a cuck faggot who reverts back to GOPe bullshit and ruins everything, or Trump dying peacefully in his bed at 85 after having let Elon assfuck the administrative state for four years and getting a ton of solid shit done over the next four years and then retiring to become a kingmaker for a few years?
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Date: November 10th, 2024 6:00 PM Author: mind-boggling flickering stage
To be fair,
"isn't as prestigious"
Where did I ever say this?
Do you people ever get sick of shamelessly lying?
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Date: November 10th, 2024 6:03 PM Author: mind-boggling flickering stage
To be fair,
"...has to be near the top of the list"
"the list"
"the list"
"the list"
"the list"
Please, Jews, stop lying and twisting people's words just for once.
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Date: November 10th, 2024 6:04 PM Author: mind-boggling flickering stage
To be fair,
You're such a faggot it's absurd.
Can't wait for all of you "people" to get gassed.
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Date: November 10th, 2024 10:29 PM Author: Alcoholic codepig
Angustam amice pauperiem pati
robustus acri militia puer
condiscat et Parthos ferocis
vexet eques metuendus hasta
vitamque sub divo et trepidis agat
in rebus. Illum ex moenibus hosticis
matrona bellantis tyranni
prospiciens et adulta virgo
suspiret, eheu, ne rudis agminum
sponsus lacessat regius asperum
tactu leonem, quem cruenta
per medias rapit ira caedes.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori:
mors et fugacem persequitur virum
nec parcit inbellis iuventae
poplitibus timidove tergo.
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Date: November 11th, 2024 4:43 PM Author: Racy ticket booth
Posted this 1000x
Park your car near a woods, forest, ravine, gulch etc and walk out to till you find a clearing and just fucking die like a man
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Date: November 11th, 2024 5:09 PM Author: Racy ticket booth
you guys are legit autistic retards
this is for end of life "care" instead of nursing home non-prestige
if you want to kys bring a gun with you into the woods FUCKING MOUTH BREATHING GOYIM RUBBAGE BRAIN
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Date: November 11th, 2024 4:55 PM Author: light marketing idea tank
Space Shuttle Challenger disaster
At least some of the crew were alive and conscious after the breakup, as Personal Egress Air Packs (PEAPs) were activated for Smith[17]: 246 and two unidentified crewmembers, but not for Scobee.[16] The PEAPs were not intended for in-flight use, and the astronauts never trained with them for an in-flight emergency. The location of Smith's activation switch, on the back side of his seat, indicated that either Resnik or Onizuka likely activated it for him. Investigators found their remaining unused air supply consistent with the expected consumption during the post-breakup trajectory.[17]: 245–247
While analyzing the wreckage, investigators discovered that several electrical system switches on Smith's right-hand panel had been moved from their usual launch positions. The switches had lever locks on top of them that must be pulled out before the switch could be moved. Later tests established that neither the force of the explosion nor the impact with the ocean could have moved them, indicating that Smith made the switch changes, presumably in a futile attempt to restore electrical power to the cockpit after the crew cabin detached from the rest of the orbiter.[17]: 245
On July 28, 1986, NASA's Associate Administrator for Space Flight, former astronaut Richard H. Truly, released a report on the deaths of the crew from physician and Skylab 2 astronaut Joseph P. Kerwin:[16]
The findings are inconclusive. The impact of the crew compartment with the ocean surface was so violent that evidence of damage occurring in the seconds which followed the disintegration was masked. Our final conclusions are:
the cause of death of the Challenger astronauts cannot be positively determined;
the forces to which the crew were exposed during Orbiter breakup were probably not sufficient to cause death or serious injury; and
the crew possibly, but not certainly, lost consciousness in the seconds following Orbiter breakup due to in-flight loss of crew module pressure.[16]
Pressurization could have enabled consciousness for the entire fall until impact. The crew cabin hit the ocean surface at 207 mph (333 km/h) approximately two minutes and 45 seconds after breakup. T
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