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Rate Lovecraft's description of the residents of Lower East Side

The organic things—Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid—inhabiting that ...
Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king
Tbf, this could describe all NYers
Spectacular Wrinkle Really Tough Guy
frozen yellow public bath
At the elevated station at 6th Ave. and 42nd St. I lost my f...
Yapping Nighttime Heaven Fortuitous Meteor
Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king
frozen yellow public bath
Literally a poaster. "Get gassed, lower East side"...
disrespectful mad-dog skullcap
Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king
Bronze abode
Mewling multi-colored gay wizard
Libs will be burning his books if they find out he wrote a p...
floppy slimy forum athletic conference
180 poem: When, long ago, the gods created Earth In Jove...
Yapping Nighttime Heaven Fortuitous Meteor
what's really funny to me is he allegedly wrote that poem wh...
Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king
chestnut vigorous library queen of the night
Bronze abode
Aromatic Pozpig
stupid libs.
Bronze abode
xo lovecraft
Heady kitchen
Bronze abode
Trump should tweet this
sapphire learning disabled senate
Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king
bespoke wild garrison
And now we consider them white.
Exhilarant antidepressant drug
Glad to see things haven’t changed in 100 years
territorial 180 lodge
My ancestors!
indigo galvanic legend liquid oxygen
Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king

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Date: November 29th, 2016 3:44 PM
Author: Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king

The organic things—Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid—inhabiting that awful cesspool could not by any stretch of the imagination be call’d human. They were monstrous and nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal; vaguely moulded from some stinking viscous slime of earth’s corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnamabilities.


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Date: April 29th, 2018 12:15 PM
Author: Spectacular Wrinkle Really Tough Guy

Tbf, this could describe all NYers


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Date: November 29th, 2016 3:49 PM
Author: frozen yellow public bath



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Date: November 29th, 2016 4:04 PM
Author: Yapping Nighttime Heaven Fortuitous Meteor

At the elevated station at 6th Ave. and 42nd St. I lost my fellow Anglo-Saxon, whose home is far to the north in the semi-African jungles of Harlem… ...Kleiner proceeded to lead us into the slums; with "Chinatown" as an ulterior objective. My gawd—what a filthy dump! I thought Providence had slums, and antique Bostonium as well; but damn me if I ever saw anything like the sprawling sty-atmosphere of N.Y.s lower East Side. We walked -- at my suggestion -- in the middle of the street, for contact with the denizens, spilled out of their bulging brick kennels as if by a spawning beyond the capacity of the places, was not by any means to be sought. At times, though, we struck peculiarly deserted areas these swine have instinctive swarming movements, no doubt, which no ordinary biologist can fathom. Gawd knows what they are--…--a bastard mess of stewing mongrel flesh without intellect, repellent to the eye, nose, and imagination would to heaven a kindly gust of cyanogen could asphyxiate the whole gigantic abortion, end the misery, and clean out the place. The streets, even in the centre, are filthy with old papers and vegetable debris -- probably the street-cleaners dislike to soil their white uniforms by visiting such infernos. >from a letter written May 18, 1922

Your slum travelogue interested me vastly, and I hope you will take me to this hideous cesspool someday soon. Whether I have ever beheld any place of equal putrefaction remains to be seen—at present I find it hard to conceive of anything more utterly and ultimately loathsome than certain streets of the lower east side where Kleiner took Loveman and me in April 1922. The organic things -Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid- inhabiting that awful cesspool could not by any stretch of the imagination be call’d human. They were monstrous and nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal; vaguely moulded from some stinking viscous slime of earth’s corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of windows and doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnamabilities. They -or the degenerate gelatinous fermentation of which they were composed- seem’d to ooze, seep and trickle thro’ the gaping cracks in the horrible houses… and I thought of some avenue of Cyclopean and unwholesome vats, crammed to the vomiting-point with gangrenous vileness, and about to burst and innundate the world in one leprous cataclysm of semi-fluid rottenness. From that nightmare of perverse infection I could not carry away the memory of any living face. The individually grotesque was lost in the collectively devastating; which left on the eye only the broad, phantasmal lineaments of the morbid soul of disintegration and decay…a yellow leering mask with sour, sticky, acid ichors oozing at eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and abnormally bubbling from monstrous and unbelievable sores at every point… >from a letter written March 21, 1924


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Date: November 29th, 2016 4:13 PM
Author: Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king



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Date: November 29th, 2016 4:22 PM
Author: frozen yellow public bath



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Date: November 30th, 2016 12:11 PM
Author: disrespectful mad-dog skullcap

Literally a poaster. "Get gassed, lower East side"

would to heaven a kindly gust of cyanogen could asphyxiate the whole gigantic abortion


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Date: April 28th, 2018 3:40 PM
Author: Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king


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Date: April 29th, 2018 12:05 PM
Author: Bronze abode



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Date: November 19th, 2018 7:38 PM
Author: Mewling multi-colored gay wizard


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Date: November 29th, 2016 4:12 PM
Author: floppy slimy forum athletic conference

Libs will be burning his books if they find out he wrote a poem entitled "On the Creation of Niggers"


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Date: November 29th, 2016 4:19 PM
Author: Yapping Nighttime Heaven Fortuitous Meteor

180 poem:

When, long ago, the gods created Earth

In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.

The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;

Yet were they too remote from humankind.

To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,

Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.

A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,

Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.


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Date: November 29th, 2016 9:35 PM
Author: Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king

what's really funny to me is he allegedly wrote that poem while bed-ridden after having a debilitating nervous breakdown at age 18. he truly was the proto-poaster.


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Date: January 16th, 2018 5:15 AM
Author: chestnut vigorous library queen of the night


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Date: April 29th, 2018 12:09 PM
Author: Bronze abode



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Date: April 29th, 2018 11:20 AM
Author: Aromatic Pozpig



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Date: April 29th, 2018 1:35 PM
Author: Bronze abode

stupid libs.


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Date: November 29th, 2016 4:17 PM
Author: Heady kitchen

xo lovecraft


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Date: April 29th, 2018 12:09 PM
Author: Bronze abode


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Date: November 29th, 2016 4:20 PM
Author: sapphire learning disabled senate

Trump should tweet this


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Date: November 30th, 2016 11:53 AM
Author: Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king


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Date: February 7th, 2018 9:46 PM
Author: bespoke wild garrison


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Date: April 28th, 2018 3:44 PM
Author: Exhilarant antidepressant drug

And now we consider them white.


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Date: April 29th, 2018 11:54 AM
Author: territorial 180 lodge

Glad to see things haven’t changed in 100 years


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Date: April 29th, 2018 12:07 PM
Author: indigo galvanic legend liquid oxygen

My ancestors!


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Date: April 29th, 2018 1:37 PM
Author: Exciting step-uncle's house philosopher-king
