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4th Circuit: AR ban is ok because AR's aren't suitable for self defense

they aren't? https://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/2024/08/0...
supple insane ticket booth clown
I'm not a scholar on this topic. How relevant is self-defens...
excitant knife
seems pretty foundational to those who use the "well re...
opaque hall
So you're saying a militia should be armed with pistols? Is...
razzmatazz plum alpha
not a shitlib, just putting myself in the other side's shoes...
opaque hall
scotus will probably reverse this and hold that we can all p...
Marvelous disrespectful selfie dysfunction
Haunting Den
cr. just because we said that the handgun is "the quin...
Citrine soggy laser beams senate
cr. In 2008 they held 5-4 that everyone gets a gun. Mass sho...
Overrated Diverse Brunch
Mark Poe makes his billionth shitty legal prediction of the ...
cocky stirring black woman background story
welcome to costco i love you
opaque hall
wow, let's argue about 'Assault Rifle 15s' for literally 50 ...
drab passionate incel pit
“[R]ounds from assault weapons have the ability to eas...
chartreuse antidepressant drug
Or modern automobiles
Wonderful chestnut business firm
this is so retarded. our courts process is just unending wav...
drab passionate incel pit
Wow this is retarded.
Racy queen of the night
you don't get it, dude. if it's *too* effective then it's *n...
supple insane ticket booth clown
To wit: the heightened size of Darnell's cock “pose[s]...
maniacal bearded hospital messiness
Clint Smith regularly says “Your handgun is what you u...
Peach adventurous locus jewess
chartreuse antidepressant drug
That's not going to work for the current SCOTUS
Vigorous jew

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Date: August 7th, 2024 9:14 AM
Author: supple insane ticket booth clown

they aren't?


4th Circuit Upholds Maryland’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Says ARs ‘Ill-Suited for Self-Defense

We have described the AR-15’s capacities in abundant detail to demonstrate just how far outside the animating purposes of the Second Amendment this weapon lies. While we know that the AR-15 thrives in combat, mass murder, and overpowering police, appellants have failed to demonstrate that the weapon is suitable for self-defense. This is likely because such a showing would be difficult to make. Indeed, many of the weapon’s combat-functional features make it ill-suited for the vast majority of self-defense situations in which civilians find themselves

To wit: the heightened firepower of AR-15s “pose[s] a serious risk of ‘overpenetration’—that is, [bullets] passing through their intended target and impacting a point beyond it.” For example, AR-15 rounds “can pass through most construction materials, even at ranges of 350 yards,” thereby threatening the lives of “bystanders, family members, or other innocent persons well outside the intended target area.” (“[R]ounds from assault weapons have the ability to easily penetrate most materials used in standard home construction, car doors, and similar materials.”). Overpenetration poses a grave risk in the home—“where the need for defense of self, family, and property is most acute,” because firing an AR-15 in close quarters will often put the safety of cohabitants and neighbors in jeopardy.

The large magazines that are integral to the AR-15’s effectiveness in combat and mass murder are also ill-suited for typical self-defense scenarios. As the First Circuit has noted, “civilian self-defense rarely—if ever—calls for the rapid and uninterrupted discharge of many shots.” Indeed, “most homeowners only use two to three rounds of ammunition in self-defense,” with one study finding that when citizens fire shots in self-defense, they fire an average of two shots and, 97% of the time, fire five shots or fewer.

The AR-15 also does not have any of the advantages that the Supreme Court identified in Heller as establishing the handgun as the “quintessential self-defense weapon . . . for home defense.” Compared to a handgun, the AR-15 is heavier, longer, harder to maneuver in tight quarters, less readily accessible in an emergency, and more difficult to operate with one hand.

Outside the home, the AR-15 has even less utility for self-defense. It is significantly less concealable than a handgun and much more difficult to carry while conducting daily activities. When shot in cities, towns, or other densely populated areas where armed confrontations most often occur, the AR-15 presents at least as great a risk as it does in the home of harming innocent bystanders due to overpenetration. Moreover, public carry of an AR-15 in modern-day America may well “spread[] ‘fear’ or ‘terror’ among the people” due to its frequent and devastating use in mass shootings of innocent civilians— an effect that our common-law tradition has long regarded as incompatible with lawful carry for self-defense.

In sum, the AR-15—with its military origination, combat-functional features, and extraordinary lethality—has “the same basic characteristics, functionality, capabilities, and potential for injury as the” And its all too frequent use in terrorism, mass killing, and police murder shows that the AR-15 offers firepower ill suited and disproportionate to fulfilling the Second Amendment’s purpose of armed self defense. Therefore, just like the M16, the AR-15 is “most useful in military service” and “may be banned” consistent with the Second Amendment. (cites omitted)

— Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in Bianchi v. Brown


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Date: August 7th, 2024 9:20 AM
Author: excitant knife

I'm not a scholar on this topic. How relevant is self-defense to the 2nd amendment?


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Date: August 7th, 2024 9:40 AM
Author: opaque hall

seems pretty foundational to those who use the "well regulated militia" angle to allow restrictions. the constitution doesn't speak to recreational gun ownership.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 9:40 AM
Author: razzmatazz plum alpha

So you're saying a militia should be armed with pistols? Is this correct, lib?


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Date: August 7th, 2024 9:42 AM
Author: opaque hall

not a shitlib, just putting myself in the other side's shoes like any decent lawyer should. they could argue that self defense is an essential part of gun rights, that recreational use is not a consideration, and that because there are many alternatives that are viable and even preferable for self defense ARs aren't necessary for self defense and may be regulated. it's sophistry but that's the argument i'd make if i were a shitlib. the problem is they're making the choice for you; there are plenty of people who prefer ARs for self defense and there are situations - e.g. hordes of migrants invading your ranch, niggers looting your business - in which it is the only real option for keeping people at bay. otoh, the law seems to require that they be pounding down your before you can take lethal action, at which point you need a shotgun with a drum magazine, not an AR.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 9:22 AM
Author: Marvelous disrespectful selfie dysfunction

scotus will probably reverse this and hold that we can all possess ARs and bring them into costco with us


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:10 AM
Author: Haunting Den


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:31 AM
Author: Citrine soggy laser beams senate

cr. just because we said that the handgun is "the quintessential self-defense weapon" does not mean that an ar-15 is *not* a self-defense weapon.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:32 AM
Author: Overrated Diverse Brunch

cr. In 2008 they held 5-4 that everyone gets a gun. Mass shootings are the result. Nothing anyone can do about it now.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:48 AM
Author: cocky stirring black woman background story

Mark Poe makes his billionth shitty legal prediction of the week.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 11:50 AM
Author: opaque hall

welcome to costco i love you


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Date: August 7th, 2024 9:22 AM
Author: drab passionate incel pit

wow, let's argue about 'Assault Rifle 15s' for literally 50 years. just let it the fuck go.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:12 AM
Author: chartreuse antidepressant drug

“[R]ounds from assault weapons have the ability to easily penetrate most materials used in standard home construction, car doors, and similar materials.”)

wait until they hear about 9mm


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:14 AM
Author: Wonderful chestnut business firm

Or modern automobiles


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:22 AM
Author: drab passionate incel pit

this is so retarded. our courts process is just unending waves of fresh jewish sophistry and 'novel' jewish arguments, year after year, decade after decade, designed to subvert. nothing is ever allowed to be non-provisionally 'lawful'; it's always subject to the next onslaught of jewish activist subterfuge, throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. the whole system should be demolished.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:27 AM
Author: Racy queen of the night

Wow this is retarded.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:42 AM
Author: supple insane ticket booth clown

you don't get it, dude. if it's *too* effective then it's *not* effective.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:30 AM
Author: maniacal bearded hospital messiness

To wit: the heightened size of Darnell's cock “pose[s] a serious risk of ‘overpenetration’


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:40 AM
Author: Peach adventurous locus jewess

Clint Smith regularly says “Your handgun is what you use to fight your way back to your rifle that you should not have set down”.


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Date: August 7th, 2024 10:45 AM
Author: chartreuse antidepressant drug


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Date: August 7th, 2024 11:48 AM
Author: Vigorous jew

That's not going to work for the current SCOTUS
