Really underdiscussed how Halloween is dying YoY
| dark lettuce | 02/02/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/02/25 | | submissive stage | 02/02/25 | | impertinent jade associate whorehouse | 02/02/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/02/25 | | Razzle-dazzle chocolate public bath half-breed | 02/02/25 | | Flatulent faggotry parlour | 02/02/25 | | impertinent jade associate whorehouse | 02/02/25 | | Flatulent faggotry parlour | 02/02/25 | | Lascivious purple ceo | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | Pale Appetizing Station Voyeur | 02/02/25 | | bronze beady-eyed really tough guy | 02/07/25 | | violet overrated puppy | 02/07/25 | | Lascivious purple ceo | 02/07/25 | | Claret wonderful shrine | 02/07/25 | | Rebellious Lay Trust Fund | 02/07/25 | | disturbing kitchen | 02/07/25 | | mint temple skinny woman | 02/07/25 | | jet very tactful roast beef | 02/02/25 | | honey-headed dashing address | 02/02/25 | | glittery trailer park macaca | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | bronze beady-eyed really tough guy | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | bronze beady-eyed really tough guy | 02/07/25 | | Poppy dilemma | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | Poppy dilemma | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | shimmering dragon | 02/07/25 | | Lascivious purple ceo | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | aromatic crotch | 02/07/25 | | ruddy concupiscible locale | 02/07/25 | | white ape corner | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | white ape corner | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | white ape corner | 02/07/25 | | disturbing kitchen | 02/07/25 | | shimmering dragon | 02/07/25 | | Insecure stirring base love of her life | 02/07/25 | | big bat-shit-crazy partner | 02/07/25 | | Insecure stirring base love of her life | 02/07/25 | | emerald garrison indirect expression | 02/07/25 | | titillating goal in life | 02/07/25 | | dark lettuce | 02/07/25 | | submissive stage | 02/07/25 | | citrine cruise ship | 02/07/25 | | arrogant house | 02/07/25 | | snowy hospital hominid | 02/07/25 | | arrogant house | 02/07/25 | | bronze beady-eyed really tough guy | 02/07/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: February 2nd, 2025 4:59 AM Author: dark lettuce
Love seeing it DOA every year c. 2020, finally ppl had carte blanche to GIVE UP. dont believe its an economic thing. Pretty cheap to go outside walk around in rags/scream mask etc.
Total societal disintegration, no cohesion, no trust, beyond that, people simply dont even like strangers, their deracinated ugly dusky 'neighbors' etc. Its hilarious.
People cope that it "isnt dying" but "evolving" (house parties) more secluded, for adult children, its less about the 'scary' and more about the social GC plastic garbage commercial side of things for deracinated mutts etc but this is all a red herring, shits falling apart @ the seams IRL across board, noone even has friends anymore
I genuinely pray for disasters which force people to deal w the reality of having hundreds of racial alien strangers living in close proximity to them that they have zero relationship with. Sad Trump won so the power wont get cut out and shit but hey, give it a few decades? maybe when AI is slurping up more, MMAYBEEEE goy will be FUCKED then *crosses fingers*
I really really want to see people in pain, Florida and LA fires have been holding me over for now, more from schadenfreude drank from humiliation of goy being forced to deal with their neighbors. Im a really weird guy. James Woods crying over his house got me hard.
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Date: February 2nd, 2025 10:06 AM Author: Flatulent faggotry parlour
Wtf are you basing this on? You being an adult shut in with no parties to go to and no kids?
Halloween spending has gone insane in recent years..
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Date: February 2nd, 2025 10:26 AM Author: Flatulent faggotry parlour
I live in one of those neighborhoods and i get several hundred trick or treaters. I think people do not stay local anymore so there's a higher concentration of trick or treaters in "nice neighborhoods"
Plus there's tons of "trunk or treat" events and similar stuff in other neighborhoods.
I just don't get what the OP is based on. The only objective measure is way up, and my kids have like dozens of Halloween events between school, the neighborhood, church.
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Date: February 2nd, 2025 10:20 AM Author: jet very tactful roast beef
the trunk or treating thing is some of the lamest shit I've ever known to exist. proles just can't get away from Cars lol.
that being said, whatever brings Boomers the most pain, misery and discomfort has my unyielding support.
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Date: February 2nd, 2025 10:41 AM Author: honey-headed dashing address
There is some of this going on to be sure.
But like the meme says, “Society is on the verge of collapse” usually means “my personal life is shit.”
If you had five kids, Halloween and Christmas and such would be magical again for you. These child-holidays get a little empty in your 20s, but should come back roaring when you see them through your child’s eyes of wonder in your 30s.
Have moar kids!
Date: February 7th, 2025 9:48 AM Author: bronze beady-eyed really tough guy
Trick or treat is still a big thing in my neighborhood and there are a bunch of weirdos who go full powergoy with the massive decorations and shit. We actually put up orange and purple xmas style lights this year.
ever since covid more ppl sit outside vs. coming to the door. that's about it.
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Date: February 7th, 2025 10:20 AM Author: white ape corner
Halloween is a satanic holiday that no Christians should be celebrating.
I live in an all white town and our neighborhood has ton of kids, trick or treating was yuge pre and during “Covid”. Last couple of years it’s been dying off because Christians are finally waking up.
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Date: February 7th, 2025 2:53 PM Author: arrogant house
As a kid it was a night you could go out after dark with your friends with the expectation of some sort of adventure, independence, freedom, chaos etc.
Now, it's a controlled environment supervised by parents: a totally sterilized experience for the kids. I wasn't able to this year, but i try to make sure that after they get home from whatever group activity my wife brings them to, we still go out around our neighborhood. My older ones are just about at the age they can go without me.
Along the same lines, I encourage them to go on bike rides around our neighborhood with their friends and won't let them have phones until they are teenagers.
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Date: February 7th, 2025 3:53 PM Author: snowy hospital hominid
^^solid dad right here.
Moms are so inclined to go to these stupid parties at school, trunk or treats, shopping mall / plaza / downtown events, but those all totally miss the mark of what’s special about that night for kids who are 5-13/14/15. Fine to go to those things in addition, but not as substitutes for the fun of walking around your neighborhood, running into people you know, houses all decorated, etc. and all focused on those 2-3 hours for kids in that pretty narrow age band.
My kids go to a diverse school (in the real meaning, not the xo meaning) and there are lots of people who don’t celebrate Christmas—*all* the kids (even the Jews) celebrate Halloween. It’s probably the biggest event of the year for kids of a certain age. They talk about it for 2 months before and obsess about it for the weeks leading up to it.
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