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ITT I rate you as a WW2 character

this is jcm
poaster fatly clinging to a bygone era
Claimed to be in the French "resistance" movement ...
poaster fatly clinging to a bygone era
disco fries
Einsatzgruppen member that became an alcoholic and miraculou...
gedood persoon
Jap who believed the barbaric Americans would invade and rap...
Damn dude
gedood persoon
WLMAS, btw
Cavalry sergeant in the Polish army. Well trained but obsole...
This is Wilbur Mercer
Wilbur Mercer, permanently embarrassed millionaire
WLMAS, btw
An Italian recruit who had no interest in fighting random wa...
A lieutenant in the Japanese army, you were feverish in your...
180 as fuck bro
enviable life in some ways, for sure
Dunedain cowboy
A peasant farmer from some shithole in Siberia, you found yo...
no u
Dunedain cowboy
A poor midwestern farm boy who volunteered in 1942, being an...
richard clock
mountain cat

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 27th, 2025 6:54 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"


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Date: February 27th, 2025 6:55 PM
Author: poaster fatly clinging to a bygone era

this is jcm


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Date: February 27th, 2025 7:02 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

Claimed to be in the French "resistance" movement after WW2 but in reality worked in a cafe in Paris and gladly sucked German cock for chocolates and wine and the hope for a better life in Berlin with a major in the SD


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Date: February 27th, 2025 7:06 PM
Author: poaster fatly clinging to a bygone era



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Date: February 27th, 2025 6:55 PM
Author: disco fries (his own flesh as well as all space was still a cage)


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Date: February 27th, 2025 7:04 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

Einsatzgruppen member that became an alcoholic and miraculously survived the war and all trials but lived in hiding after the war and beat his wife and kids vehemently and blamed it on ptsd (term didn't exist, so just said "it's the war, woman")


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Date: February 27th, 2025 7:03 PM
Author: gedood persoon


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Date: February 27th, 2025 7:08 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

Jap who believed the barbaric Americans would invade and rape away, while destroying the sanctity of your beloved Emperor, a living god you worshipped from birth. You gladly, albeit not without fear, volunteered to be a divine wind that would save Japan, as one had done centuries before. However, you were shot down and rescued, accomplishing nothing and living in confusion about who the ultimate perpetrator was in the war. You found some peace and became a middle manager in Honda late in life, but you can't help but feel that your time in the war was a strange one.


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Date: February 27th, 2025 7:11 PM
Author: gedood persoon

Damn dude


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Date: February 27th, 2025 7:20 PM
Author: WLMAS, btw (🧐)


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:13 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

Cavalry sergeant in the Polish army. Well trained but obsolete before the first shot, you ride into battle with skepticism and get your horse wounded during an ill-fated charge. You're quickly surrounded and surrender. With a last name of Leipowitski, you're separated from the rest of the Polish contingent and interrogated about your Jewish-sounding last name. You quickly drop your pants and show your uncut cock, saying you're no Jew, or "zhid" in local lingo, attempting to deflect, while deep down you feel shame - you are 1/8 Jew on your dad's side after all. The Germans don't buy it, so you not only swallowed your pride but did so unconvincingly. You're shepherded away with the other Jews & communists, first to Dachau then to Buchenwald. You managed to survive, thanking your lucky stars that you were never sent to the Polish camps, ironically enough, but you could also never go back to Poland under the Soviets and with neighbors who were antisemitic anyway. So you managed to sneak away once the camp was liberated and immigrate to the US years later, where you lived in squalor on the LES in NYC without a wife or children. The PTSD was simply too much, and you never found your footing in life again.


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Date: February 27th, 2025 7:28 PM
Author: Wilbur Mercer, permanently embarrassed millionaire (Safari)

This is Wilbur Mercer


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Date: February 27th, 2025 7:29 PM
Author: WLMAS, btw (🧐)


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:17 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

An Italian recruit who had no interest in fighting random wars, you missed your girlfriends back in Sicily. You quickly surrendered in North Africa to the Brits, but to your horror, you were quickly "liberated" by the North Africa Corps of Erwin Rommel. You feigned happiness at this turn of events, but you quickly surrendered again to the Americans at first opportunity, which didn't come soon enough. You celebrated in a prison camp when Italy surrendered and returned home after the war, only to find out that your favorite girlfriend had married, thinking you were dead. You were angry but soon found solace in the arms of a fatter and uglier girl, but one who cooked well and loved you. You worked in the infrastructure sector, mainly building roads in Sicily, for the rest of your lower middle class life + 3 kids. You were content but also never fully forgave that slut who was your first true deep love. The one who got away.


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:13 PM
Author: hank_scorpio


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:47 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

A lieutenant in the Japanese army, you were feverish in your devotion. You led the banzai charges with glee, raping and pillaging along the way. You particularly enjoyed the raping part of the job, taking this to a new level when in Nanking. You looked upon the Chinese as animal-like infants, too stupid to rule themselves and in need of a strong hand. Their refusal to understand this angered you and made you ferocious when dealing with prisoners and civilians alike. You ended up blowing yourself up rather than surrendering to the Americans on a remote island when the US was mopping up before invading a bigger island with an airfield. You didn't take anyone out with you, only a wounded (hearing in particular) corporal was what you got out of this exit. But you fought and died with utter devotion + rape. Lots of rape.


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Date: February 28th, 2025 10:18 PM
Author: hank_scorpio

180 as fuck bro


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Date: February 28th, 2025 10:26 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

enviable life in some ways, for sure


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:18 PM
Author: Dunedain cowboy (πŸΎπŸ‘£)


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:51 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

A peasant farmer from some shithole in Siberia, you found yourself bewildered and on the front lines of the Soviet Union in June 1941. You missed out on the action with Finland during the previous winter, and you never really saw "civilization" outside of your little village, which still relied heavily on horses. You've never even seen a plane before. Then, June 22, with orders to not "provoke" the Germans (ie, not fight back) you were quickly surrounded by the spearhead of the German Blitzkrieg and surrendered. What could you do, as you would be shot for disobeying and resisting, and you couldn't really resist much anyway (especially as there was no support coming from artillery, the air force, etc). You fought for bread in the coming weeks, fighting with others over scraps, and you died en route to a camp farther west after receiving enough blows from the other prisoners of war. Your body was thrown into a ditch and never identified.


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Date: February 28th, 2025 10:31 PM
Author: Dunedain cowboy (πŸΎπŸ‘£)

no u


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:19 PM
Author: lex


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:57 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

A poor midwestern farm boy who volunteered in 1942, being angry at the Japs and wanting to escape your shitty small town life, you ended up getting sent to Africa in time for the Battle of Kasserine Pass. You were gung ho going in, with your typical American swagger, thinking you'd teach those Germans a thing or two, only to find yourself running like the French in 1940. It was humiliating, but you quickly gained more confidence, as did the entire unit, after the Africa Korps surrendered. Then it was Sicily and southern Italy, where you couldn't help but fall in love with a girl in every village you passed. After all, these Italian chicks had big tits and cooked well and loved the Americans. You found yourself fighting in a stalemate against Kesselring, but you didn't care, as you didn't want to return to the US. You started a relationship (as close to one as you could have in the midst of a war) with a local poor but somewhat cute (by American standards anyway) girl. After the war, you continued writing to her and managed to reunite and marry her. She moved with you to Chicago where you worked at a factory and led a fairly happy life, albeit with a bit of drinking and gambling addiction, but it was still a good life with her and 3 kids.


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Date: February 28th, 2025 11:26 PM
Author: lex



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Date: February 28th, 2025 11:30 PM
Author: richard clock


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Date: February 28th, 2025 11:31 PM
Author: mountain cat
