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Getting stronger, getting fatter

Apparently the easiest way for your bench to go up 10 pounds...
violent rebellious incel
Yep. I've gained like 20 lbs over the last 6 months and mult...
Glittery flickering people who are hurt location
hopefully your lifts have increased by more than 20 pounds.....
violent rebellious incel
uh yes that's why bulking and cutting cycles are a thing
Greedy iridescent macaca
electric hall
I would love to be stronger without gaining too much weight,...
violent rebellious incel
yeah i'm the same, bench is disproportionately weaker the...
Greedy iridescent macaca
i think part of it is that we have a certain maximum natural...
violent rebellious incel
You are nowhere near your maximum natural strength.
exhilarant goyim stage
My weight went up by about 20 pounds and all of my lifts wen...
rusted jewess
stop taking estrogen
Greedy iridescent macaca
I bulked up to 225 one time (I'm a healthy 180 right now) an...
Flatulent Cheese-eating Address
did your knees hurt more running at 225? I had a harder tim...
violent rebellious incel
I never ran farther than 1.5, I would train higher speed low...
Flatulent Cheese-eating Address
FAT is where it's AT. FAT President FAT Country FAT...
Burgundy Partner
high carb/high protein/low fat is CR
Mauve Titillating Business Firm Pisswyrm

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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:11 PM
Author: violent rebellious incel

Apparently the easiest way for your bench to go up 10 pounds and your squat up 20 pounds involves gaining weight. Stupid candy and milkshakes.


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:14 PM
Author: Glittery flickering people who are hurt location

Yep. I've gained like 20 lbs over the last 6 months and multiple people have commented on the size of my arms (has never happened before now). When you start dieting you'll feel weak as fuck though.


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:15 PM
Author: violent rebellious incel

hopefully your lifts have increased by more than 20 pounds...


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:15 PM
Author: Greedy iridescent macaca

uh yes that's why bulking and cutting cycles are a thing


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:19 PM
Author: electric hall


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:19 PM
Author: violent rebellious incel

I would love to be stronger without gaining too much weight, but I think my bench is basically maxed out with respect to my body frame potential (without gear or gaining weight).

I was almost 225 back in 2010 when I was at my strongest. 15 pounds lighter now and my squat is the same, but my bench has not been able to keep up and my gains on bench have always stalled compared to when I was eating more than one dominoes $5.99 pizza in a meal.


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:24 PM
Author: Greedy iridescent macaca

yeah i'm the same, bench is disproportionately weaker

the best you can do is start focusing on accessory chest lifts in hopes that compound lifts will go up slightly

but yeah at some point you'll top out unless you put on weight


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:29 PM
Author: violent rebellious incel

i think part of it is that we have a certain maximum natural strength for a given body frame. Since I was a dumbass HS athlete, I've been benching for 25 years and so that lift has always been disproportionately exercised. When I was 18 I could bench 275 - this was before I have ever squatted 225.

Since I've been training legs pretty hard for the past 10 years on an off, my CNS and legs/back have gotten strong without gaining too much mass. So i went from squatting 225 for reps to 335 for reps without needing a lot of additional mass in the legs (still added mass of course).

For max bench to get from 285 or so back up to 315, I feel like I would need to overall bulk a lot.


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Date: February 20th, 2017 3:01 PM
Author: exhilarant goyim stage

You are nowhere near your maximum natural strength.


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:19 PM
Author: rusted jewess

My weight went up by about 20 pounds and all of my lifts went down by 50+ pounds


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:22 PM
Author: Greedy iridescent macaca

stop taking estrogen


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:27 PM
Author: Flatulent Cheese-eating Address

I bulked up to 225 one time (I'm a healthy 180 right now) and got strong as fuck, for me. I didn't like only fitting into my sweatpants, but feeling really strong was fun. I managed to keep my cardio up too, still could do 1.5 mile in 9 minutes.


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:30 PM
Author: violent rebellious incel

did your knees hurt more running at 225? I had a harder time playing basketball effective at 223 than my normal 205-208


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:32 PM
Author: Flatulent Cheese-eating Address

I never ran farther than 1.5, I would train higher speed lower distance. But yes it still did hurt more, or at least I could tell it was wearing my knees out faster.


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Date: February 20th, 2017 2:33 PM
Author: Burgundy Partner

FAT is where it's AT.

FAT President

FAT Country



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Date: February 20th, 2017 3:07 PM
Author: Mauve Titillating Business Firm Pisswyrm

high carb/high protein/low fat is CR
