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What have Republicucks done since controlling the House & Senate?

Healthcare - still a huge mess with no alternative given to ...
mewling razzmatazz gas station
tax cuts
Citrine Reading Party Place Of Business
fuchsia up-to-no-good ticket booth pisswyrm
mewling razzmatazz gas station
mewling razzmatazz gas station
Yawn at this crap. You know the answer to this. Primarily ...
Crusty Pozpig
gorsuch, kavanaugh, libs screaming at air, libs insane i'd ...
burgundy titillating main people
trade wars are progressing just fine IMO. also prevented HRC...
wine property
are you under the impression that prole enrollment in colleg...
Crystalline Church
no im saying they've gone up and they shouldn't. in other co...
wine property
reptiles don't think there's anything wrong with an expensiv...
onyx laughsome menage
Trump is doing just fine on trade. So far all Congress has d...
mauve medicated market
grizzly appetizing karate space
of course he should go more populist on healthcare and some ...
Submissive casino fanboi
Reading xo threads from 2015 and 2016 like about the various...
Geriatric garnet national
Amazing how all those gun massacres just STOPPED after Trump...
Demanding comical base
The President stopped celebrating them.
Geriatric garnet national
Link to trump admin rolling back section 8/raep tribunals?
floppy jade macaca
tons of federal judges have been confirmed they gave us s...
amethyst station associate
Crusty Pozpig

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 24th, 2018 2:25 PM
Author: mewling razzmatazz gas station

Healthcare - still a huge mess with no alternative given to the current system

Education - Still absurdly expensive

Housing/rent - Still absurdly expensive

All we ended up getting with Nationalist Trump + Republicucks are the most (((GC))) tax cuts imaginable, trade wars that no one will win, and the most pathetic national discourse played out through an ongoing, live drama reality TV show


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Date: September 25th, 2018 12:17 AM
Author: Citrine Reading Party Place Of Business

tax cuts


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Date: September 24th, 2018 2:45 PM
Author: fuchsia up-to-no-good ticket booth pisswyrm


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Date: September 24th, 2018 3:03 PM
Author: mewling razzmatazz gas station



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Date: September 24th, 2018 3:10 PM
Author: mewling razzmatazz gas station



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Date: September 24th, 2018 3:15 PM
Author: Crusty Pozpig

Yawn at this crap. You know the answer to this. Primarily they slowed down actions by the Obamas and got out of the way or promoted those by the Trumps. This is through oversight in both Houses and nominations in the Senate. Beyond the high profile stuff like scotus, there are all sorts of petty oversight investigations that can be pursued or ignored and agency heads that can be confirmed or held back.

Additionally, there are still must-pass pieces of legislation like the Defense Bill or omnibus and they have made those marginally less shitlib. They haven't always done great on these (see the farm bill), but have been better than the Dems.

In the current political climate legislation is definitely much less important than it was historical. Things get done through regulations and they have been a block to that under Obama and moreso a catlayst to it under Trump.


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Date: September 24th, 2018 3:28 PM
Author: burgundy titillating main people

gorsuch, kavanaugh, libs screaming at air, libs insane

i'd say a lot


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Date: September 24th, 2018 3:48 PM
Author: wine property

trade wars are progressing just fine IMO. also prevented HRC from appointing RBG 2.0 to replace scalia. also higher education should be more expensive- too many proles wasting their time and money going to college only to end up taking shit jobs that didnt need a degree


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Date: September 24th, 2018 3:52 PM
Author: Crystalline Church

are you under the impression that prole enrollment in college has gone DOWN while college costs grew exponentially over the last 20 years?


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Date: September 24th, 2018 4:34 PM
Author: wine property

no im saying they've gone up and they shouldn't. in other countries (from what ive heard) you're only issued student loans if the bank thinks you'll be able to pay it back -- i.e., low achieving kids majoring in english at Shithole Private College don't get loans, smart kids with good test scores majoring in STEM do. we should look into these sort of things so idiots who have no business going to college dont waste their time and (soon, our) money.


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Date: September 24th, 2018 3:50 PM
Author: onyx laughsome menage

reptiles don't think there's anything wrong with an expensive, broken healthcare system and sky high housing and education costs. if anything, healthcare, education and housing should be even more unobtainable to the average person


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Date: September 24th, 2018 3:53 PM
Author: mauve medicated market

Trump is doing just fine on trade. So far all Congress has done is the tax cuts. If they hold the line on Kavanaugh the SC will be a substantial legacy for Mitch.

The agencies have made some substantial changes to roll back Obama & co. while Congress sat on its ass.


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Date: September 24th, 2018 3:56 PM
Author: grizzly appetizing karate space


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Date: September 24th, 2018 4:09 PM
Author: Submissive casino fanboi

of course he should go more populist on healthcare and some other issues.

however, one of the most important things he has done so far is halting/rolling back obama/castro's section 8 housing programs which aimed to put thugs in traditional non-thug areas, along with stopping the insane "disparate impact"/banning school discipline policies of obama's second-term DOJ and department of education.

we KNOW that hillary would have doubled down on those nutty policies, because she literally ranted about "implicit bias" RIGHT AFTER the dallas cop massacre.


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Date: September 24th, 2018 4:14 PM
Author: Geriatric garnet national

Reading xo threads from 2015 and 2016 like about the various cop shootings and riots really shows you the state of terror Obama was putting the country through. Someone blank bumped a thread from the Louisiana shootings and it was like something out of a novel.


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Date: September 24th, 2018 4:42 PM
Author: Demanding comical base

Amazing how all those gun massacres just STOPPED after Trump was elected


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Date: September 25th, 2018 12:12 AM
Author: Geriatric garnet national

The President stopped celebrating them.


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Date: September 24th, 2018 4:26 PM
Author: floppy jade macaca

Link to trump admin rolling back section 8/raep tribunals?


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Date: September 25th, 2018 12:16 AM
Author: amethyst station associate

tons of federal judges have been confirmed

they gave us sessions (for better and worse)


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Date: October 6th, 2018 4:48 PM
Author: Crusty Pozpig
