Smelled the best BBQ in Texas this weekend (disco fries)
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Date: March 5th, 2023 12:05 PM Author: navy cracking candlestick maker
Decided to reconnect with the wife and the little kids this weekend after I realized I may in fact look like Drew Carey and that women may not voluntarily have sex with me (I went sarging at the bars but that didn’t go well, a story for another day). We drove from our home in San Antonio down to Austin to experience the sites and sounds. I heard CSLG was from there so I wanted to bask in his essence and walk the path he once walked. I licked the doors at U Texas Law school to be connected with my inner soul with my hero and future husband CSLG.
I’ve heard Austin has great BBQ which is amazing, so I took the family down to Franklin’s, which I’ve heard is the best locally. Of course, as I just started my newest fast 40 hours ago, we weren’t there to eat. My family and I got a spot on the patio, and ordered some waters. We sat outside savoring the sites and sounds, and most importantly the smells. My children started crying saying they were hungry. I showed them the quote from Kate Moss “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” and the little bastards calmed down a bit. I let them have a few sticks of celery I packed up just for this occasion.
All in all, Austin is a great city, but the food and obesity around the town make it a weekender, not a place I’d want to live.
Disco Fries out.
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Date: March 5th, 2023 12:18 PM Author: Ruby queen of the night
I personally do not enjoy barbecue that much. I have had some good brisket before, but it's not worth waiting in line for or spending $30+ on for a plate.
I'm also not a fan of the way it is served and the "sides," which are almost always gross things. Just serve it with a pickle instead of some candied yams or bacon mac n' cheese or whatever garbage those places have.
Yeah, I am definitely NOT a fan of the barbecue scene. Went to Kansas City and left Jack Stack's after they said there was a line. Who in their right mind waits in line for barbecue.
Barbecue afficiandos have lost thier damn minds.
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