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Asked wife's wealthy uncle advice on how to invest $100k he gave us for kid

This guy hates me, wanted better for his niece (he's gay, no...
salmon bbw ratface
To be fair, He sounds like a huge faggot, and you seem li...
Sapphire trust fund
reserved. in on a 100 poast thread.
magenta crotch point
He pwned you
Puce volcanic crater partner
$400,000 for your dignity ain’t that bad, I guess
doobsian bat shit crazy institution
Stimulating lay
Federal multi-billionaire
1800000 if not flame
emerald hospital nibblets
IBM? what happened to the stocks and bonds you bought
Apoplectic submissive address
archived & bookmarked Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:40 PM Aut...
offensive kitchen macaca
This is complete flame but in this hypothetical situation yo...
abnormal poppy becky whorehouse
Bateful Theater Stage Skinny Woman
Clearly but it's funnier if it isn't
emerald hospital nibblets
big mischievous antidepressant drug stead
Nests egg*
henna crackhouse indirect expression
Poast ur email to him
Contagious stage
100% on the gay days side. What kind of dumb fag tries to pl...
chartreuse rehab
Reading this on my phone, where a long thread title abruptly...
vibrant bonkers space

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:40 PM
Author: salmon bbw ratface

This guy hates me, wanted better for his niece (he's gay, no partner, childless) than marrying a lawyer, but loves our kids - he's given us $100k when each of our children were born (we have 4) and advised us to simply buy index funds.

We did not - I attempted to stock pick and do my own thing with some bonds. This last time I asked him, a professional investor at a long-only fund for the last 40 years, to advise me on portfolio construction. Here is his e-mail response, not flame, completely unedited.

Subject: Re: Seeking Your Expert Advice Once Again

Dear Tim,

Ah, it’s that time again when you crawl back into my inbox, tail between your legs, seeking the pearls of wisdom you’ve so famously ignored in the past. How utterly predictable. But, let’s indulge this latest whim of yours to actually “take heed,” shall we? It’s quite the novel development coming from someone who’s managed to fumble not one, not two, but four opportunities to secure a comfortable future for those adorable kids you somehow helped conceive.

Firstly, let’s address this cute little narrative where you’ve played the rogue investor, dabbling in stocks and bonds like a toddler splashing in a puddle, completely oblivious to the storm overhead. It’s quaint, really. But after watching you squander the nest eggs I generously bestowed upon your offspring, it’s clear you need more than advice—you need a rescue.

Now, onto the meat of the matter, or in your case, the tofu of the matter, since we must keep things digestible for your amateur palate:

Stable Large Cap Stocks: I’ve suggested companies like Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble before. Remember them? Big, boring, and stable—everything you’re not, yet everything you should aspire your investments to be. But alas, subtlety isn’t your forte, is it?

Financial Sector Stocks: I know, I know, it’s hard for a lawyer to appreciate the art of real earnings, but firms like JPMorgan Chase have been paying dividends longer than you’ve been playing ‘lawyer’. They’re a cornerstone of any grown-up’s portfolio. Perhaps it’s time to graduate from the kiddie pool?

Energy Sector Stocks: We’ve been over this—ExxonMobil. Yes, they deal in oil, not ideals; profit, not promises. They generate the kind of returns that could have kept your little experiments funded without dipping into the kids’ college funds.

Technology and Consumer Goods: For someone who loves gadgets and shopping as much as you do, you’d think investing in IBM or Walmart would be instinctive.

Geographical Diversification: We’ve covered this before. The world is bigger than your backyard BBQs. Companies like Unilever operate worldwide and might just teach you something about global exposure—something I’ve desperately hoped you’d gain in more ways than one.

And finally, because I can’t help but care (a tragic flaw of mine), let’s revisit the idea of a Dividend Reinvestment Plan. Remember? The thing you ignored four times? It’s called compounding, Tim. It’s what smart people do to ensure they don’t have to write embarrassing emails to their in-laws asking for help.

While I have no doubt you’ll find a way to muddle through this advice with the grace of a bull in a china shop, I remain, as always, the beacon of hope for our family’s financial literacy. Do try to keep up this time, won’t you?

With all the affection I can muster,


Here is how I would invest it:

Healthcare (20%): $20,000

Johnson & Johnson


Consumer Goods and Retail (20%): $20,000

Procter & Gamble


Financials (20%): $20,000

JPMorgan Chase

Energy (20%): $20,000


Technology (10%) and International Exposure (10%): $20,000

IBM (Tech)

Unilever (International)

Annual dividend yield is approximately 3.28%


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Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:43 PM
Author: Sapphire trust fund

To be fair,

He sounds like a huge faggot, and you seem like a complete moron.

IMO you both deserve each other, also 173 flame (ty).


Reply Favorite

Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:42 PM
Author: magenta crotch point

reserved. in on a 100 poast thread.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:43 PM
Author: Puce volcanic crater partner

He pwned you


Reply Favorite

Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:43 PM
Author: doobsian bat shit crazy institution

$400,000 for your dignity ain’t that bad, I guess


Reply Favorite

Date: May 3rd, 2024 9:08 PM
Author: Stimulating lay


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Date: May 3rd, 2024 9:23 PM
Author: Federal multi-billionaire


Reply Favorite

Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:44 PM
Author: emerald hospital nibblets

1800000 if not flame


Reply Favorite

Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:46 PM
Author: Apoplectic submissive address


what happened to the stocks and bonds you bought


Reply Favorite

Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:46 PM
Author: offensive kitchen macaca

archived & bookmarked

Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:40 PM

Author: Tim Dillon

This guy hates me, wanted better for his niece (he's gay, no partner, childless) than marrying a lawyer, but loves our kids - he's given us $100k when each of our children were born (we have 4) and advised us to simply buy index funds.

We did not - I attempted to stock pick and do my own thing with some bonds. This last time I asked him, a professional investor at a long-only fund for the last 40 years, to advise me on portfolio construction. Here is his e-mail response, not flame, completely unedited.

Subject: Re: Seeking Your Expert Advice Once Again

Dear Tim,

Ah, it’s that time again when you crawl back into my inbox, tail between your legs, seeking the pearls of wisdom you’ve so famously ignored in the past. How utterly predictable. But, let’s indulge this latest whim of yours to actually “take heed,” shall we? It’s quite the novel development coming from someone who’s managed to fumble not one, not two, but four opportunities to secure a comfortable future for those adorable kids you somehow helped conceive.

Firstly, let’s address this cute little narrative where you’ve played the rogue investor, dabbling in stocks and bonds like a toddler splashing in a puddle, completely oblivious to the storm overhead. It’s quaint, really. But after watching you squander the nest eggs I generously bestowed upon your offspring, it’s clear you need more than advice—you need a rescue.

Now, onto the meat of the matter, or in your case, the tofu of the matter, since we must keep things digestible for your amateur palate:

Stable Large Cap Stocks: I’ve suggested companies like Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble before. Remember them? Big, boring, and stable—everything you’re not, yet everything you should aspire your investments to be. But alas, subtlety isn’t your forte, is it?

Financial Sector Stocks: I know, I know, it’s hard for a lawyer to appreciate the art of real earnings, but firms like JPMorgan Chase have been paying dividends longer than you’ve been playing ‘lawyer’. They’re a cornerstone of any grown-up’s portfolio. Perhaps it’s time to graduate from the kiddie pool?

Energy Sector Stocks: We’ve been over this—ExxonMobil. Yes, they deal in oil, not ideals; profit, not promises. They generate the kind of returns that could have kept your little experiments funded without dipping into the kids’ college funds.

Technology and Consumer Goods: For someone who loves gadgets and shopping as much as you do, you’d think investing in IBM or Walmart would be instinctive.

Geographical Diversification: We’ve covered this before. The world is bigger than your backyard BBQs. Companies like Unilever operate worldwide and might just teach you something about global exposure—something I’ve desperately hoped you’d gain in more ways than one.

And finally, because I can’t help but care (a tragic flaw of mine), let’s revisit the idea of a Dividend Reinvestment Plan. Remember? The thing you ignored four times? It’s called compounding, Tim. It’s what smart people do to ensure they don’t have to write embarrassing emails to their in-laws asking for help.

While I have no doubt you’ll find a way to muddle through this advice with the grace of a bull in a china shop, I remain, as always, the beacon of hope for our family’s financial literacy. Do try to keep up this time, won’t you?

With all the affection I can muster,


Here is how I would invest it:

Healthcare (20%): $20,000

Johnson & Johnson


Consumer Goods and Retail (20%): $20,000

Procter & Gamble


Financials (20%): $20,000

JPMorgan Chase

Energy (20%): $20,000


Technology (10%) and International Exposure (10%): $20,000

IBM (Tech)

Unilever (International)

Annual dividend yield is approximately 3.28%



Reply Favorite

Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:50 PM
Author: abnormal poppy becky whorehouse

This is complete flame but in this hypothetical situation you'd put the cash in VTSAX and chill. Or just load up four 529 accounts. Actually your wife's uncle would do this on his own if he was real.


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Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:50 PM
Author: Bateful Theater Stage Skinny Woman



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Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:56 PM
Author: emerald hospital nibblets

Clearly but it's funnier if it isn't


Reply Favorite

Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:54 PM
Author: big mischievous antidepressant drug stead



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Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:56 PM
Author: henna crackhouse indirect expression

Nests egg*


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Date: May 3rd, 2024 5:57 PM
Author: Contagious stage

Poast ur email to him


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Date: May 3rd, 2024 6:01 PM
Author: chartreuse rehab

100% on the gay days side. What kind of dumb fag tries to play Steve Cohen with his kids money. Dumb fuck.


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Date: May 3rd, 2024 6:01 PM
Author: vibrant bonkers space

Reading this on my phone, where a long thread title abruptly gets cut off at the end of the first line and starts a new line right below, I thought this read:

“Asked wife's wealthy uncle advice on how to invest $100k he gay”

And got really confused until my eyes picked up the second line…

(I’m also gay)
