Watched the first episode of Severance (2022)
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Date: March 13th, 2025 11:49 PM Author: cock of michael obama
I watched the first episode of the television show Severance (2022) after it was recommended to me. I thought it was mediocre - the pacing was slow, the music kind of nondescript elevator classical music, there is way too much monochrome coloring used, the dialogue was flat and character emotions were controlled. The premise of the show I thought was too basic / two dimensional, and I didn’t like that Ben Stiller, a Hollywood shitlib who’s posed in photo ops with Zelensky, directed it (and apparently many other episodes). I found Adam Scott’s face to be highly distracting - I looked online and he has some sort of disease or is on prescription medicine or something; this is easy to see if you compare how he looked in the original Party Down versus the reboot (and it’s not just regular aging).
From watching this episode, certain characters were hinted at or discussed: Scott’s best friend at work who was fired, who I was sure would turn up somewhere (he turned up in the first episode); some background tragedy involving a wife/girlfriend/child which made him enter the severance program, they’ll probably turn up in later episodes as a surprise. The very nature of having a severance program means that the office environment is cover for highly illegal activities, otherwise why would they need to wipe employee memories? The episode just felt like an intellectual exercise — it didn’t have anything to say. I looked a little around online and there have been comparisons of the show to Lost, which also had nothing to say but which kept audiences hooked by ending episodes on endless cliffhangers.
These impressions could be wrong, but I don’t plan to watch further — too much in the backlog.
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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:12 PM Author: Wang Hernandez
“The very nature of having a severance program means that the office environment is cover for highly illegal activities, otherwise why would they need to wipe employee memories? ”
This isn’t actually correct. Wiping memories is an end of itself.
The show does a masterful job at playing with the definition of personhood and identity itself. It takes the experiments on severed right brain/left brain to their logical conclusion—these become separate human beings. It also creates an original universe with its own lore and ideological beliefs. The show isn’t perfect but easily the most interesting thing on television and I generally haven’t liked many shows made over the last five years or so.
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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:24 PM Author: Wang Hernandez
“I looked a little around online and there have been comparisons of the show to Lost, which also had nothing to say but which kept audiences hooked by ending episodes on endless cliffhangers.”
It is similar to Lost thus far in that it creates a compelling world with cliffhangers and mystery but it is different than Lost in that it has a lot to say. we don’t know yet if the show runners will relive the mysteries in a satisfying way. The show runners have expressly promised it will not be resolved like Lost.
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Date: March 14th, 2025 3:40 PM Author: Prolemobiler
just looked up the show. are you a fan of "zach cherry"?
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