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Reminder: BMI under-reports obesity, especially for women (link) (DTP)

heady pink spot dragon
Fascinating article. When people start talking about BMI, t...
Clear shaky menage half-breed

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Date: July 16th, 2018 11:20 PM
Author: heady pink spot dragon


"BMI has a high rate of false negatives (obese people actually being classified as normal or overweight) encroaching on 50% in some studies, particularly among females. The amount of false positives seen with BMI (non-obese persons with enough lean mass to be classified as obese) is surprisingly small; less than 5% in men and 1% in women according to one study."

what does this mean?

this means that the 75% figure for fat people in the US is a gross under-reporting. as i said before, it's closer to 90%+ of women in the US are fat.

literally 90%


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Date: July 17th, 2018 12:29 AM
Author: Clear shaky menage half-breed

Fascinating article. When people start talking about BMI, they are quick to pull out the example of the athlete with a high BMI and low percent body fat. But according to this, those people are very rare, and it's much more common to have a "normal" BMI but still be obese.

The only caveat is that the NHANES study done by the CDC supposedly uses calipers to estimate fatness rather than BMI, and a lot of those statistics come from those studies.
