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Our culture treats “rape” as worse than murder truly modernistic hilarity

We are discovering that women actually “like” ra...
Buck Breaking as a Service
Likewise I think the case against rape was that it was a cri...
Buck Breaking as a Service
Mdh once compared it to taking a woman's photo without permi...
boiroast tp
this is a den populated by pornbrained niggers and parasitic...

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Date: March 20th, 2025 6:59 AM
Author: Buck Breaking as a Service

We are discovering that women actually “like” rape and fantasize about it constantly. Women are not inherently “good” or valuable anymore. I would never risk my life trying to save an American whore “woman” from getting piped.


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Date: March 20th, 2025 7:03 AM
Author: Buck Breaking as a Service

Likewise I think the case against rape was that it was a crime against one’s entire family. Someone’s wife could get pregnant with a rapist’s nigger ass kid. This is no longer the case—it is entirely an affront to the woman now—with no interconnectedness for the rest of society, so why should I give a shit? Everything has been utterly deracinated and your little “rape” is no exception.


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Date: March 20th, 2025 7:12 AM
Author: boiroast tp

Mdh once compared it to taking a woman's photo without permission.


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Date: March 20th, 2025 10:11 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

this is a den populated by pornbrained niggers and parasitic jews so it would make sense that you think that

try being white next time shitheeb
