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Can’t relate to xoxo forcememeing “$1M/year is barely middle class”

Granted I live in the Midwest, but my wife doesn’t wor...
Demanding impressive brethren
I didn't read the thread but I see that you're saying 1) you...
pungent area gay wizard
Aromatic wagecucks
I make millions of dollars per year and my life is a nightma...
concupiscible nudist home cuckold
Demanding impressive brethren
I enjoy being a coastal elite
poppy razzmatazz lodge partner
I want to do this, but I am a lawyer. Haven't found anything...
Irradiated abode ladyboy
Axiom must be terrible to work with, right?
topaz racy philosopher-king hall
Honestly, the work might be fine. Probably low pressure with...
Irradiated abode ladyboy
Brindle public bath
flyover is almost inherently middle class unless you own ...
pink cruel-hearted national
ruby dilemma
This is not true.
impertinent shimmering corn cake
Like a lot of middle class people we will inherit a few mill...
Lascivious knife pit
The AVERAGE boomer is worth something like $750,000. 4 paren...
Demanding impressive brethren
Demanding impressive brethren
Cr I'm baffled why more people don't take part time $25k/mo ...
Scarlet Persian Meetinghouse
There are tons of good jobs on indeed if you have experience
Demanding impressive brethren
Cr I just landed a "python excel data analysis assistan...
overrated bawdyhouse
email me brother
Duck-like Fragrant Locus
no one says 1mm is barely middle class. its solidly middle c...
aquamarine titillating codepig azn
This is exactly the type of xoxo flame I’m talking abo...
Demanding impressive brethren
not in a major city theyre expensive as shit
aquamarine titillating codepig azn
pink cruel-hearted national
i make ~50-70k and barely fit into the middle lower class
Onyx coiffed parlor
i think most xoers would admit that a $400k/yr do-nothing si...
Jet-lagged hospital nowag
cr, happy to hear of your success brother
mahogany theatre dysfunction
Now do the math if you add $100k / year for housing and $100...
At-the-ready razzle-dazzle double fault friendly grandma
Sounds like you can't afford children brother
Misanthropic generalized bond water buffalo
Child are costs dropping to only $80k this year since one of...
At-the-ready razzle-dazzle double fault friendly grandma
The AVERAGE house right now in America probably is costing y...
Massive stage selfie
Arrogant internal respiration
Don't forget fully funding the 401(k), HSA, IRA, and 529 (pe...
Misanthropic generalized bond water buffalo
Our mortgage on a 5k square foot house is less than 3k. W...
Demanding impressive brethren
"Our mortgage on a 5k square foot house is less than 3k...
Massive stage selfie
This describes lots of people. Even if we are only taking ab...
Demanding impressive brethren
the concept of "middle class" has been painfully w...
Arrogant internal respiration
Most T14 grads don’t realize how poor the average pers...
Demanding impressive brethren
MC is simply a basket of goods. that doesn’t change ...
pink cruel-hearted national
$400k is entry level middle class
pink cruel-hearted national
not even close
Arrogant internal respiration
you’re saying it’s poverty?
pink cruel-hearted national
Striver autists with increasingly hollow lives must place a ...
Ebony stain people who are hurt
gay therapy
I think this is a lot of it. There has to be some cognitive ...
Demanding impressive brethren
Women are generally low quality in the U.S. but especially s...
appetizing box office preventive strike
While I absolutely disagree that it’s easier for some ...
Demanding impressive brethren
agree that SF and Denver are tough places to meet a wife. N...
mahogany theatre dysfunction
I’ve never lived in Denver but dating there could be d...
Demanding impressive brethren
You must have never been to DC. Two to one ratio of women to...
At-the-ready razzle-dazzle double fault friendly grandma
Went out in DC several times with law school friends. Incred...
Demanding impressive brethren
A large house for only $400k? What? My cape cod in CT cost m...
contagious white resort roommate
now do me supporting a family of 4 in the Bay Area on 400k.
amethyst office ape

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: August 1st, 2024 2:04 AM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

Granted I live in the Midwest, but my wife doesn’t work and I feel like we are doing very well on about $20-25k/month. I work chill ~30 hour weeks with only moderate stress, we live in a large house in a nice area that cost $400k (admittedly probably worth $650k or so now), and we are usually able to save at least $5k/month. Like a lot of middle class people we will inherit a few million at some point.

It’s hard to tell how much people are bragging about high incomes vs actual insane COL on the coasts, but places like the Bay Area and DC do legitimately feel like horrible places to live. Tons of shitlibs/homeless/violent URMs, millions of dollars for a tiny, shitty house, girlboss career shrews, etc. Why don’t more poasters work remote and ball out in a place like Cleveland, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, or St. Louis? Far more CGWBT who will be impressed with a $200k+ income, less competition for more housing, plenty of the same screens people are looking at everywhere else.

If you guys are legitimately making high six figure incomes and are barely making ends meet with fat shitlib wives, are you really happy with your life choices?


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 4:09 PM
Author: pungent area gay wizard

I didn't read the thread but I see that you're saying 1) you earn 20-25k/month, 2) house was only 400k, 3) live in low COL Midwest and 4) your savings rate is as low as 5k/month



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Date: August 1st, 2024 2:06 AM
Author: Aromatic wagecucks


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Date: August 1st, 2024 2:09 AM
Author: concupiscible nudist home cuckold

I make millions of dollars per year and my life is a nightmare that I can't wake up from


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Date: August 1st, 2024 2:21 AM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren



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Date: August 1st, 2024 2:25 AM
Author: poppy razzmatazz lodge partner

I enjoy being a coastal elite


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Date: August 1st, 2024 5:50 AM
Author: Irradiated abode ladyboy

I want to do this, but I am a lawyer. Haven't found anything high paying that is fully remote and chill. Just shit like Axiom or Latitude.


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Date: August 1st, 2024 6:17 AM
Author: topaz racy philosopher-king hall

Axiom must be terrible to work with, right?


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Date: August 1st, 2024 6:23 AM
Author: Irradiated abode ladyboy

Honestly, the work might be fine. Probably low pressure without any of the normal politics and incessant meetings that suck up so much time in a traditional job.

But the pay was really low a few years back when a recruiter tried to curry my interest. Something like 150k if you stay substantially engaged throughout the year. Paralegals make that.


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Date: August 1st, 2024 5:58 AM
Author: Brindle public bath


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Date: August 1st, 2024 6:03 AM
Author: pink cruel-hearted national

flyover is almost inherently middle class

unless you own a fuckton of land or something


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Date: August 1st, 2024 7:39 AM
Author: ruby dilemma



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Date: August 2nd, 2024 8:19 PM
Author: impertinent shimmering corn cake

This is not true.


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Date: August 1st, 2024 7:01 AM
Author: Lascivious knife pit

Like a lot of middle class people we will inherit a few million at some point.


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 9:23 PM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

The AVERAGE boomer is worth something like $750,000. 4 parents between us… is a few million that crazy?


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 2:08 AM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 5:32 AM
Author: Scarlet Persian Meetinghouse

Cr I'm baffled why more people don't take part time $25k/mo jobs in suburban louisville


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 8:02 PM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

There are tons of good jobs on indeed if you have experience


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 8:03 PM
Author: overrated bawdyhouse

Cr I just landed a "python excel data analysis assistant" job for $20k/mo. It's contract to hire but it's simple honest work & there are many more where that came from.


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 8:12 PM
Author: Duck-like Fragrant Locus

email me brother


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 8:13 PM
Author: aquamarine titillating codepig azn

no one says 1mm is barely middle class. its solidly middle class and even comfortable middle class. its just not upper anything not by a long shot.


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 9:26 PM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

This is exactly the type of xoxo flame I’m talking about. Even half that is easily upper middle class.


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 11:20 PM
Author: aquamarine titillating codepig azn

not in a major city theyre expensive as shit


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 11:45 PM
Author: pink cruel-hearted national



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Date: August 2nd, 2024 8:22 PM
Author: Onyx coiffed parlor

i make ~50-70k and barely fit into the middle lower class


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 8:29 PM
Author: Jet-lagged hospital nowag

i think most xoers would admit that a $400k/yr do-nothing sinecure in the middle of nowhere with a few million coming your way down the road is a perfectly valid life choice, especially if you’re the hippie-dippie anti-materialist type. it’s just not not technically middle class, is all.


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 8:40 PM
Author: mahogany theatre dysfunction

cr, happy to hear of your success brother


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 9:20 PM
Author: At-the-ready razzle-dazzle double fault friendly grandma

Now do the math if you add $100k / year for housing and $100k / year for childcare.


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 9:23 PM
Author: Misanthropic generalized bond water buffalo

Sounds like you can't afford children brother


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 10:18 PM
Author: At-the-ready razzle-dazzle double fault friendly grandma

Child are costs dropping to only $80k this year since one of my kids is starting public school.

Gonna have an extra like $3k per month.


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 9:34 PM
Author: Massive stage selfie

The AVERAGE house right now in America probably is costing you $3,000/month. Which means you probably need to make $150,000-$160,000 just to comfortably afford your average shitbox in your average cookie cutter development.

So probably double that to $6,000 a month for a UMC style house rather than an average house. Add on student loans and childcare, and you can see how an upper middle class lifestyle probably requires $400,000+.


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 9:35 PM
Author: Arrogant internal respiration


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 10:02 PM
Author: Misanthropic generalized bond water buffalo

Don't forget fully funding the 401(k), HSA, IRA, and 529 (per kid).


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 11:13 PM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

Our mortgage on a 5k square foot house is less than 3k.

We live in an 80% white midwestern suburb, so public schools are great. Wife is a sahm, so minimal childcare costs. I don’t get why so many women want to shrew away at work when most of their salary goes back to childcare costs for some Mexican nanny who raises their kids.

I went to an expensive T14 but aggressively paid off student loans while I was single. Took me less than 5 years.

$20k a month is plenty for an upper middle class lifestyle in the midwest, so it’s mind boggling that xoxo can’t do it on several times that.


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 12:27 AM
Author: Massive stage selfie

"Our mortgage on a 5k square foot house is less than 3k."

Who gives a shit?

By your own admission above your house would require about a $4,500 a month payment now. That means an income of $200,000+ not accounting for student loans or childcare.

It's not really relevant that you bougoht a house X years ago at a 2.75% interest rate.


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 11:15 AM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

This describes lots of people. Even if we are only taking about people who don’t yet own a house, fine - tack on $25,000 or $30,000 extra for mortgage payments. It still doesn’t take $500,000/year to live a middle class life if you don’t live in an area where you need private schools.


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 11:16 AM
Author: Arrogant internal respiration

the concept of "middle class" has been painfully warped


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 11:21 AM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

Most T14 grads don’t realize how poor the average person is.


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 11:42 AM
Author: pink cruel-hearted national

MC is simply a basket of goods. that doesn’t change

what changes is the number needed to achieve that


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 11:46 PM
Author: pink cruel-hearted national

$400k is entry level middle class


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Date: August 2nd, 2024 11:49 PM
Author: Arrogant internal respiration

not even close


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 1:00 AM
Author: pink cruel-hearted national

you’re saying it’s poverty?


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 2:10 AM
Author: Ebony stain people who are hurt

Striver autists with increasingly hollow lives must place a higher and higher social premium on what they gave up internally to get to Lofty Materia and Status of Paper in the first place, lest that void that trails finally catch up with them. Run, rabbit, run


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 3:31 AM
Author: gay therapy


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 11:20 AM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

I think this is a lot of it. There has to be some cognitive dissonance involved to justify the marginal difference between what one can buy with $600,000 vis a vis $300,000 when realizing what he gave up to get it. Continuing to work 50+ hour weeks into my 40s sounds awful. Tbh even 25-30 is annoying.


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 4:22 AM
Author: appetizing box office preventive strike

Women are generally low quality in the U.S. but especially so in suburbanville flyover areas. Sure the average chick may be more impressed by your 200k job but the average chick is also gross. Both the quantity and quality are lacking. Much easier to get a hot girl in a tier 1 city, not even close. Also, birdbrains don’t automatically know how much you make, very easy to pretend you make 500 when you only make 200


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 11:32 AM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

While I absolutely disagree that it’s easier for some dude making 250k to land a hot girl in DC or SF than the cities I listed in the OP, the former are much more likely to be left wing gigashrews who will make you miserable. If you want a supportive, CGWBT partner whose primary goal is to raise a family, it is far easier in a tier 3 city. Remember, an elite education and decent salary makes you stand out in these cities, but not in a place like NYC. You are competing for the best of the best in the smaller cities, and any city big enough to have an NFL team, for example, is big enough to have plenty of hot girls.


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 11:38 AM
Author: mahogany theatre dysfunction

agree that SF and Denver are tough places to meet a wife. Not sure about DC but I believe it if you say that sucks also


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 11:43 AM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

I’ve never lived in Denver but dating there could be decent. Lots of hot girls since Colorado is the fittest state in the country, at least it was at some point in the past few years. Growing tech scene but still far more family oriented than DC or SF


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 3:20 PM
Author: At-the-ready razzle-dazzle double fault friendly grandma

You must have never been to DC. Two to one ratio of women to men in the twenties, and all the men are beta twink losers.

Any white guy who is mildly masculine can pull down like crazy in DC.


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 4:05 PM
Author: Demanding impressive brethren

Went out in DC several times with law school friends. Incredibly shrewy women, and even the republicans are drawn to power like everyone else living in DC. I’m sure it’s very easy to hook up but wouldn’t want to try to find a LTR there.


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 11:42 AM
Author: contagious white resort roommate

A large house for only $400k? What? My cape cod in CT cost more than that.


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Date: August 3rd, 2024 12:14 PM
Author: amethyst office ape

now do me supporting a family of 4 in the Bay Area on 400k.
