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lol, fugly Anna (Sepia Mutiny) disses us HERE!

Date: May 24th, 2007 4:13 PM Author: suitablegirl Subject:...
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
LOLZ. The thing is, I was dissing *you* not everyone else. ...
Big Olive Set
rate me as a poster.
frozen racy travel guidebook
You're the one who obviously needs English lessons, FOB.
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
i said that i masturbated to your picture. what more do you ...
Fear-inspiring Rigor
misanthropic spruce church
she's not fugly dood
Insane lay cuckoldry
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwww!!! You must be, like, blind, ma...
misanthropic spruce church
we can't all be blonde, bitch.
spectacular twinkling mediation
:'( I'm gonna hit u w/ my mad typin skillz!!!
misanthropic spruce church
this is really mean
seedy indecent voyeur regret
your picture makes it impossible the judge the girth of your...
Motley Slap-happy Casino Famous Landscape Painting
wtf is going on here?
sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness
dumb cunt Anna John, a blogger from sepiamutiny.com, thought...
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
i'm pretty tired of this bullshit.
sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness
tdmc posted her blogpost re Materialista Mitra here. she go...
spectacular twinkling mediation
i just don't get the 'let's start a war with some girl and t...
sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness
Who'z Kavya?
Territorial theater
harvard plagiarist. actually, it probably goes back at le...
sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness
OK. Thanks. I guess J. Chen was before the 'dog torture...
Territorial theater
yes. she was huge fucking titties at penn law. now that i ...
sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness
But I guess the 'huge titties' girls were more along the lin...
Territorial theater
not really. even the original hft girl was outted.
sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness
oh, credited. I think it's bc the average tdmc couldn't get...
spectacular twinkling mediation
actually anna seems to be pretty hot -- and I don't have cha...
spectacular twinkling mediation
Territorial theater
Territorial theater
All female posters on xoxo are fugly: prime xoxo meme.
spectacular twinkling mediation
spectacular twinkling mediation
Territorial theater
i really did masturbate this time.
Fear-inspiring Rigor
Hi fugly whore-ji Anna John! Purple is not your color....
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
she looks sweet, man what is your problem?
spectacular twinkling mediation
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
I think she's pretty cute.
disturbing jew
I heard that Anna John had herpes http://www.autoadmit.co...
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
I heard that your mom had herpes.
disturbing jew
what was that about your mom?
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
whoa. good one. she says hey.
disturbing jew
no worse than urs, dooder.
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
meh. i didnt expect mine to carry much weight to be perfectl...
disturbing jew
coral chapel
only if it's false...;)
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
I guess
Territorial theater
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
anna is cool and cute, and sepia mutiny is one of the few si...
flirting elastic band market
Carmine yapping institution
titOcr cumslurper Anna John of sepiamutiny.com is hardly ...
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
i hope you're not a guy who reads that crap
Insane lay cuckoldry
go back to dotland nigger.
wonderful corner
Damn that bitch has some yellow-ass teeth.
wonderful corner
Do any of you actually interact with women IRL? And no, watc...
plum trailer park
I avoid nonwhites, sry.
wonderful corner
yes. why do you ask?
spectacular twinkling mediation
You guys are really pathetic. Another woman that you decide ...
crystalline resort associate
titcr. I wonder if any of the guys here actually leave their...
plum trailer park
yeah--Anna John's "cold sores" are barely visible!
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
Self-hating 16-year-old virgin pwned.
Out-of-control fragrant laser beams
"no good reason"? Date: May 24th, 2007 4:13 ...
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
she's good looking
Silver stimulating field
ding, fag!
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo
I haven't been following this, but that girl doesn't have an...
infuriating titillating range
Maybe if you're drunk. And her lips are chowing on ur dic...
Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

Poast new message in this thread

Date: May 24th, 2007 4:15 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

Date: May 24th, 2007 4:13 PM

Author: suitablegirl

Subject: This is Anna, "the blogger" who wrote about Natasha.

I wrote the post about Natasha Mitra's bag being fugly on Sepia Mutiny (http://www.sepiamutiny.com/sepia/archives/004458.html) which was reprinted on Indiasphere.net.

There seems to be confusion about what Natasha Mitra looks like; to cloud this important-to-misogynists issue further, a few of you decided to use MY picture to help you decide if Miss Mitra was ugly or worthy of getting a facial from you, etc. It's okay-- I know, all curry-scented cow-worshippers must look alike to you, especially when we wear oversized sunglasses.

Some of you went to my blog and came back complaining of a lack of pictures which would prove that I am not the girl with the fugly $$$ purse; I have updated accordingly.


To those of you who patiently attempted to point out the obvious case of mistaken identity, thank you. To those of you who decided to rip me to shreds even though I didn't brag about blowing thousands on my purse to NY mag: vaya con dios and brush up on those reading comp skills-- I was pretty clear about who was in which picture, but beinig accurate isn't as fun as being a dick, right?



Date: May 24th, 2007 4:23 PM
Author: Big Olive Set

LOLZ. The thing is, I was dissing *you* not everyone else. But again, your reading comp skills...


Date: May 24th, 2007 4:23 PM
Author: frozen racy travel guidebook

rate me as a poster.


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:06 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

You're the one who obviously needs English lessons, FOB.


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:08 PM
Author: Fear-inspiring Rigor

i said that i masturbated to your picture. what more do you want?


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:34 PM
Author: misanthropic spruce church



Date: May 25th, 2007 11:09 PM
Author: Insane lay cuckoldry

she's not fugly dood


Date: May 26th, 2007 10:49 AM
Author: misanthropic spruce church


You must be, like, blind, man!


Date: May 26th, 2007 12:26 PM
Author: spectacular twinkling mediation

we can't all be blonde, bitch.


Date: May 26th, 2007 3:32 PM
Author: misanthropic spruce church


I'm gonna hit u w/ my mad typin skillz!!!


Date: June 2nd, 2007 9:02 PM
Author: seedy indecent voyeur regret
Subject: this is really mean

some bitch has created a site dissing anna john of sepia mutiny:


what a low-life, pathetic idiot. get a life, bitch. anna is a sweet, genuine person, but of course you wouldn't know that since you never get out of the basement. fuckers.


Date: May 24th, 2007 4:31 PM
Author: Motley Slap-happy Casino Famous Landscape Painting

your picture makes it impossible the judge the girth of your ass.


Date: May 24th, 2007 4:38 PM
Author: sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness

wtf is going on here?


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:33 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

dumb cunt Anna John, a blogger from sepiamutiny.com, thought she'd drop by & mess w/us.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:26 PM
Author: sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness

i'm pretty tired of this bullshit.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:28 PM
Author: spectacular twinkling mediation

tdmc posted her blogpost re Materialista Mitra here.

she got a lot of blog traffic from xoxo; wondered why.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:34 PM
Author: sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness

i just don't get the 'let's start a war with some girl and teach her a lesson' stuff.

i guess it traces back to kaavya, which was amusing. then came jill f, lena chen, heide i, etc. this just seems beyond stupid.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:35 PM
Author: Territorial theater

Who'z Kavya?


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:38 PM
Author: sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness

harvard plagiarist.

actually, it probably goes back at least to opinionista, but jamie chen was probably the first non-poster targeted. i guess it really is an xo tradition now.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:40 PM
Author: Territorial theater

OK. Thanks.

I guess J. Chen was before the 'dog torturer' (I forget who)?


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:46 PM
Author: sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness

yes. she was huge fucking titties at penn law. now that i think about it, there was huge fucking titties at harvard a long time before that.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:49 PM
Author: Territorial theater

But I guess the 'huge titties' girls were more along the lines of "Rate Her!" threads, rather than ill-intent, yes?


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:55 PM
Author: sinister razzmatazz scourge upon the earth twinkling uncleanness

not really. even the original hft girl was outted.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:37 PM
Author: spectacular twinkling mediation

oh, credited.

I think it's bc the average tdmc couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with a jockstrap made of $100 bills, and that makes him misogynistic.


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:03 PM
Author: spectacular twinkling mediation

actually anna seems to be pretty hot -- and I don't have chapatti fever.


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:07 PM
Author: Territorial theater



Date: May 24th, 2007 5:11 PM
Author: Territorial theater



Date: May 24th, 2007 5:13 PM
Author: spectacular twinkling mediation

All female posters on xoxo are fugly: prime xoxo meme.


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:12 PM
Author: spectacular twinkling mediation



Date: May 24th, 2007 5:13 PM
Author: Territorial theater



Date: May 24th, 2007 5:19 PM
Author: Fear-inspiring Rigor

i really did masturbate this time.


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:16 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

Hi fugly whore-ji Anna John!

Purple is not your color...


Trim that hair outta ur shnozz, willya??


And one more for good measure...




Date: May 24th, 2007 5:34 PM
Author: spectacular twinkling mediation

she looks sweet, man

what is your problem?


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:51 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo



Date: May 24th, 2007 5:18 PM
Author: disturbing jew

I think she's pretty cute.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:03 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

I heard that Anna John had herpes



Date: May 24th, 2007 6:22 PM
Author: disturbing jew

I heard that your mom had herpes.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:31 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

what was that about your mom?


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:49 PM
Author: disturbing jew

whoa. good one.

she says hey.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:50 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

no worse than urs, dooder.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:53 PM
Author: disturbing jew

meh. i didnt expect mine to carry much weight to be perfectly honest. mom jokes are so 1994.


Date: May 24th, 2007 9:30 PM
Author: coral chapel



Date: May 27th, 2007 2:19 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

only if it's false...;)


Date: May 24th, 2007 5:39 PM
Author: Territorial theater

I guess


Date: May 29th, 2007 9:52 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:20 PM
Author: flirting elastic band market

anna is cool and cute, and sepia mutiny is one of the few sites i read daily. not a good target, guys.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:21 PM
Author: Carmine yapping institution



Date: May 24th, 2007 6:23 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo


cumslurper Anna John of sepiamutiny.com is hardly cute...unless you find herpes sores comely, I mean.


Date: May 24th, 2007 6:23 PM
Author: Insane lay cuckoldry

i hope you're not a guy who reads that crap


Date: May 26th, 2007 4:47 PM
Author: wonderful corner

go back to dotland nigger.


Date: May 27th, 2007 2:41 PM
Author: wonderful corner

Damn that bitch has some yellow-ass teeth.


Date: May 27th, 2007 3:15 PM
Author: plum trailer park

Do any of you actually interact with women IRL? And no, watching porn doesn't count.


Date: May 27th, 2007 3:19 PM
Author: wonderful corner

I avoid nonwhites, sry.


Date: May 27th, 2007 3:23 PM
Author: spectacular twinkling mediation


why do you ask?


Date: May 27th, 2007 3:35 PM
Author: crystalline resort associate

You guys are really pathetic. Another woman that you decide to bash non-stop for no good reason. What is your reasoning this time?

I really dislike the 16-year old virgin loser contingent on this site.


Date: May 27th, 2007 3:44 PM
Author: plum trailer park

titcr. I wonder if any of the guys here actually leave their basement once in a while and turn off the porn. She is cute, not ugly


Date: May 30th, 2007 4:11 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

yeah--Anna John's "cold sores" are barely visible!


Date: May 30th, 2007 4:18 PM
Author: Out-of-control fragrant laser beams

Self-hating 16-year-old virgin pwned.


Date: May 30th, 2007 4:23 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

"no good reason"?

Date: May 24th, 2007 4:13 PM

Author: suitablegirl

Subject: This is Anna, "the blogger" who wrote about Natasha.

I wrote the post about Natasha Mitra's bag being fugly on Sepia Mutiny (http://www.sepiamutiny.com/sepia/archives/004458.html) which was reprinted on Indiasphere.net.

There seems to be confusion about what Natasha Mitra looks like; to cloud this important-to-misogynists issue further, a few of you decided to use MY picture to help you decide if Miss Mitra was ugly or worthy of getting a facial from you, etc. It's okay-- I know, all curry-scented cow-worshippers must look alike to you, especially when we wear oversized sunglasses.

Some of you went to my blog and came back complaining of a lack of pictures which would prove that I am not the girl with the fugly $$$ purse; I have updated accordingly.


To those of you who patiently attempted to point out the obvious case of mistaken identity, thank you. To those of you who decided to rip me to shreds even though I didn't brag about blowing thousands on my purse to NY mag: vaya con dios and brush up on those reading comp skills-- I was pretty clear about who was in which picture, but beinig accurate isn't as fun as being a dick, right?




Date: May 30th, 2007 4:13 PM
Author: Silver stimulating field

she's good looking


Date: May 30th, 2007 4:14 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

ding, fag!


Date: June 2nd, 2007 9:04 PM
Author: infuriating titillating range

I haven't been following this, but that girl doesn't have anythign to be ashamed about - she's pretty.


Date: June 4th, 2007 3:26 PM
Author: Apoplectic razzle new version water buffalo

Maybe if you're drunk.

And her lips are chowing on ur dick.

Nah, never mind...
