What happened to "MMORPGs"? Did (((they))) stop making them?
| Horus Lupercal | 01/05/25 | | Mailer Daemon | 01/05/25 | | Horus Lupercal | 01/05/25 | | smug lib law dorks | 01/05/25 | | smug lib law dorks | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | Incel | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | seeking arrangement grooming gang member | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | Oh, you travel? | 01/05/25 | | Horus Lupercal | 01/05/25 | | cowgod | 01/05/25 | | Oh, you travel? | 01/05/25 | | cowgod | 01/05/25 | | Incel | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | Incel | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | Incel | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | Incel | 01/05/25 | | Horus Lupercal | 01/05/25 | | smug lib law dorks | 01/05/25 | | Horus Lupercal | 01/05/25 | | smug lib law dorks | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | Horus Lupercal | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | Horus Lupercal | 01/05/25 | | smug lib law dorks | 01/05/25 | | Horus Lupercal | 01/05/25 | | smug lib law dorks | 01/05/25 | | Horus Lupercal | 01/05/25 | | smug lib law dorks | 01/05/25 | | Incel | 01/05/25 | | seeking arrangement grooming gang member | 01/05/25 | | cowgod | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | giga weed | 01/05/25 | | seeking arrangement grooming gang member | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | seeking arrangement grooming gang member | 01/05/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | ....,,....,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.......,.,.,.,.,..,. | 01/05/25 | | smug lib law dorks | 01/05/25 | | Clive Sheepdog Lewis | 01/06/25 | | races of everyone involved? | 01/05/25 | | seeking arrangement grooming gang member | 01/05/25 | | Clive Sheepdog Lewis | 01/05/25 | | giga weed | 01/06/25 | | Clive Sheepdog Lewis | 01/06/25 | | seeking arrangement grooming gang member | 01/06/25 | | Clive Sheepdog Lewis | 01/06/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: January 5th, 2025 2:34 PM Author: Horus Lupercal
If you look at the top MMOs today it's basically the same list from 2005 - WoW, Guild Wars, Runescape, EVE Online plus some grindy chinkshit
From 2005-2015 or so companies constantly tried to achieve the same level of success
did they all just give up? How is a game that's literally over two decades old still dominating everyone? WoW could literally sell its asshole pics on the internet for $$$ and buy cigarettes legally
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48520799) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 2:45 PM Author: smug lib law dorks
Nigh impossible to take the spotlight away from the classics---WoW, EVE, GW 2, et al. Smaller MMOs with similar mechanics always get mulched no matter how good this or that in them might be (MxO, Warhammer Online, etc)
FF whatever (12? 13? 14?) it was had some success amongst anime.pfp twitter powerusers and hentai gooners and Elder Scrolls Online did alright for itself all things considered (worth noting it doesn't have a monthly sub iirc? only cost is xpacs/story DLC and microtransactions). Oh and lets not forget China's MSS spyware suite Genshin Impact which is also crushing it with hentai gooners & waifu collectors
Z-ers and younger also seem to prefer the plug and play instant action of large lobby battle royale type games like Fortnite/Pubg/COD:WZ over the slower paced dungeon crawling or open world exploration that mid-game MMOs make into a ritual. Not to mention that few games truly do "subscription based" and still maek it these days (and battle pass sales are definitely not comparable to subs imo)
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48520842) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 2:46 PM Author: races of everyone involved?
It really is a microcosm of the decline.
There's just no room in this world for a good old white man's legacy MMO.
The only reason worlo has 'survived' (people love to opine on how WoW is this unkillable albatross carrying the genre on it's back) is because 'WoW' has been hollowed out & skinsuited, much like the United States of America in its role on the global stage.
In the non cursed timeline, Blizzard never went public, never had to chase jew earnings reports with yearly expansions raping the IP. Cata had the class design of mop, and wow 2 / pantheon replaced WoW before it lived too long.
Instead, we have a glorified gacha dress up game for women, minorities and paypigs, with a small echelon of high end players. A dead game draped in the skin of a classic IP made with passion by a soulful dev team. Just a trojan horse in a dead genre & passionless industry, on an inexorable trend towards dumb terminal microtransacted DRM / GaaS / cloud-streamed globohomo.
Playing worlo = playing in some jews portfolio (an apt moniker for the U.S) perfectly encapsulating the decline of America, which is now a featureless deracinated wasteland glorified free trade zone filled with mutts and no sovl. A pachinko RMT gacha cash shop mogs mounts cheevos lobby for NPC golem, women, minorities, thirdies & low IQs with bots to boost the earnings report numbers just like fake employment stats
The age of passion project, made for desktop PC, high/medieval fantasy MMORPG, developed by sane, level headed cultured white men is never coming back.
Too many jews, too many low IQ consumers, lowest common denominator gacha addicted lefty gynocentric tranny mutts.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48520846) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 3:15 PM Author: Incel
Highly CR. 180
Please address the following:
Are you planning to play kingdom come deliverance 2? Do you think it will be 180?
Have you tried PoE2? Thoughts?
Stalker2? Thoughts?
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48520919) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 3:18 PM Author: races of everyone involved?
I don't play video games, I post
Map Games are a Triumph & are unassailable
POE2 is a Triumph
Stalker is apparently buggy (good omen) but on the right path
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48520932) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 3:27 PM Author: races of everyone involved?
NOONE actually likes TBC in practice
The raw numbers over 14+ years never seem to backup all the people trying to wisftully shill TBC as some halcyon of WoW where everything was better. I'm not saying they are being disingenous, but they're conflating their childhood/youth with a good or enjoyable expac
Every TBC private server was very very small. TBC has been available for free for 14+ years on many many servers, and the scene was ALWAYS small.
TBC has been available in varying levels of quality for decades, easily accessible, and noone fucking played it. It almost mirrors the AFPS scene, where all the 'ex quake' players poopoo every single new release, while every title in their genre they claim is 'better' or 'good' is utterly deserted, TBC is just a little status symbol people throw around for MMO street cred
The level of knowledge/theorycrafting compared to vanilla is laughable, despite it only being 3 years younger,
TBC was played for 14+ years by anyone, Even if privates got some armor/hp/damage values different, you cannot deny noone even cared about BC on the same level as vanilla. And yet, with 2021 levels of 'gamer' TC & 'skill' people dropped TBC and find no reason to stay engaged, many 'top' guilds disbanding, despite the roster requirements being 25 players comapred to 40, if anything, it should have been EASIER to raid hardcore in TBCC or engage in high skilled PVP, why aren't they playing it? Why are they quitting?
People will cope
'TBC is dead because of staggered content release'
'not enough content'
'bots killed it' *only valid point wrt economy & consume / time cost
'metagamers killed it'
Truth is the game is quite boring & loses it's luster very quickly, it was over in 2008, and everyone who says 'TBC was good' can finally shut their traps and look at the corpse of TBCC to finally put this to bed.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48520965) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 3:36 PM Author: Horus Lupercal
WoTLK was incredible but started the game hard on the path its been on since then
TBC felt very vanilla-esque with only the most egregious of issues fixed, WoTLK was WoW's New Deal with the designers radically changing everything they took issue with
"This is inconvenient, what if we added a dungeon finder" etc.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48521012) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 3:34 PM Author: Horus Lupercal
It took a long time for qualty TBC servers to come out and when they did they were massive events. Gummy's TBC server Felmyst was massively hyped and then he rugpulled everyone an hour after launch
TBC was good, not as good as vanilla but good.
WoTLK was also amazing but started the casualization process
after that it was hit or miss, mostly misses with some high points
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48521000) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 4:02 PM Author: Horus Lupercal
beautiful simplicity
super chill leveling experience (I liked passive battery imp) spam DOTing several mobs and drain tanking
elite PVP class dotting and drain life / drain mana-ing
elite PVE class... ok yeah you just spam shadowbolt
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48521096) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 2:51 PM Author: races of everyone involved?
cope, seethe and dilate chud
Exactly why do gamers deserve better?
Why are you entitled to non-DRM, non-GaaS, made for mobile, cloud-streamed/dumb terminal gacha?
In the same way rentier class has ovetaken the home ownership class, owning your games, owning your hardware, having agency etc aren't for serfs like you. The ROI on gacha and gaas models are unbelievable. Mobile is 52% of the market. Face it. The age of passion project 'blockbuster' games is over. It's going to be P2W Gacha, lowest common denominator, zero delayed gratification trash rented by subhumans.
In the same way that the internet changed into a more gynocentric 'normie' place with the inception of the iPhone in 2008. You are a dinosaur, and jews, mobiles, women, normies & paypig whales are the meteorite. sit down, shut up and LISTEN white boy. it's time to LISTEN. white silence.
sources provided in screenshot and yes this is INFLATION ACCOUNTED.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48520865) |
Date: January 5th, 2025 3:21 PM
Author: ....,,....,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.......,.,.,.,.,..,.
They’ve exhausted all potential IP in their failed attempts. Star Wars, LOTR, Elder Scrolls, etc. FF14 is the only semi-successful one. Building something from scratch doesn’t seem feasible, so what’s left? Harry Potter? GOT? Mass Effect? Star Trek?
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5659469&forum_id=2#48520939) |