Why are reptiles so incensed about weed, suspensions and tattoos
| puce library quadroon | 03/27/12 | | cracking coldplay fan | 03/27/12 | | puce library quadroon | 03/27/12 | | Cocky tripping home | 03/27/12 | | indecent location newt | 03/27/12 | | Irradiated maize new version idea he suggested | 03/27/12 | | Hot Lettuce | 03/27/12 | | Irradiated maize new version idea he suggested | 03/27/12 | | Hot Lettuce | 03/27/12 | | cracking coldplay fan | 03/27/12 | | puce library quadroon | 03/27/12 | | Hot Lettuce | 03/27/12 | | Irradiated maize new version idea he suggested | 03/27/12 | | indecent location newt | 03/27/12 | | Cobalt mood | 03/27/12 | | puce library quadroon | 03/27/12 | | Adventurous startled sanctuary | 03/27/12 | | puce library quadroon | 03/27/12 | | Excitant forum alpha | 03/27/12 | | Adventurous startled sanctuary | 03/27/12 | | Adventurous startled sanctuary | 03/27/12 | | Excitant forum alpha | 03/27/12 | | vigorous step-uncle's house | 03/27/12 | | Irradiated maize new version idea he suggested | 03/27/12 | | histrionic blue gaping | 03/27/12 | | Talking twisted senate boiling water | 03/27/12 | | Adventurous startled sanctuary | 03/27/12 | | zesty | 01/11/25 | | 120 Days of Diaper | 01/11/25 | | Emotionally + Physically Abusive Ex-Husband | 01/11/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 27th, 2012 1:01 PM Author: puce library quadroon
Weren't they ever teenage boys?
Who cares if Trayvon was high? I was high 90% of the time in high school. Doesn't mean someone should have murdered me.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1909176&forum_id=2#20312399) |
Date: March 27th, 2012 1:09 PM Author: Irradiated maize new version idea he suggested
lol it's not just the pot smoking. it's the whole package: bad and dumb student, tattoos, smokes weed, deals weed, steals jewelry, breaks into lockers with screwdrivers, has tattoos, swung on a bus driver, speaks ghetto thug, suspended multiple times, spray painted WHAT THE FUCK on lockers, takes pics of himself posing with gang symbols and flipping cameras off. does this sound like a dude headed for a white collar job?
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1909176&forum_id=2#20312449) |
Date: March 27th, 2012 1:24 PM Author: histrionic blue gaping
because the entire narrative and media induced outrage and calls for arrest hinge on whether Zimmerman 1) started the fight or 2) intentionally shot Martin for no reason.
Each of these thing that we find out about Martin degrades the media's portrayal of the kid as a saint and makes it just possible that he acted like lots of punkass kids would act when followed by a douchebag - he flipped out and decided to beat Zimmerman's ass for the insult.
That doesn't mean he was a hardened criminal or a bad person. Lots of kids, especially from that environment lash out with violence at minimal or moderate provocation. Unfortunately this got him killed, if that's in fact what happened.
When you have no evidence as to who STARTED the fight, except Zimmerman's testimony, you end up relying on bullshit circumstantial evidence like the character of the parties - at least when it comes to making an informed mob opinion.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1909176&forum_id=2#20312523) |
Date: March 27th, 2012 1:50 PM Author: Talking twisted senate boiling water
Jesus Christ. You shitlibs are fucking dense as fuck.
This has nothing to do with weed or tattoos but the likelihood Tray was the kind of punk who could have tried to "keep it real" by jumping some nosy spic.
Hint: all the evidence says he was.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1909176&forum_id=2#20312674) |