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Chick at my law school went from an 8 to a 6 (maybe 5) overnight

She used to be one of the hottest girls in our class. Rail ...
Wild stage haunted graveyard
You can’t gain 10-20 in “a few weeks”
Vivacious bonkers giraffe lay
Fair point. I don't know exactly how much she gained. But ...
Wild stage haunted graveyard

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Date: February 24th, 2018 1:30 AM
Author: Wild stage haunted graveyard

She used to be one of the hottest girls in our class. Rail thin and tall, with pale, almost ivory-colored skin and dark brown hair. But over the last few weeks she's gained 10-20 pounds. It has pushed her off a cliff lookswise. Seems to be carrying the fat in her ass and face. I saw her walking around today and she legit looked like a 45 year old PTA mom. (She's mid 20's but obviously hitting the wall.) Weird that a fairly small change can have such an effect.


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Date: February 24th, 2018 1:32 AM
Author: Vivacious bonkers giraffe lay

You can’t gain 10-20 in “a few weeks”


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Date: February 24th, 2018 1:33 AM
Author: Wild stage haunted graveyard

Fair point. I don't know exactly how much she gained. But when I saw her even last week, she looked normal. Not now.
