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Cartels are right: the prospect of torture before death scarier than death

by a lot and you get both
Thriller Aggressive Church Building Regret
Cr Dying a quick death that is horrifying to an external ...
Autistic umber heaven
I might pick quick death to the prospect of having my face+e...
Thriller Aggressive Church Building Regret
chartreuse concupiscible range police squad

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Date: May 21st, 2018 3:57 AM
Author: Thriller Aggressive Church Building Regret

by a lot

and you get both


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Date: May 21st, 2018 4:01 AM
Author: Autistic umber heaven


Dying a quick death that is horrifying to an external observer seems preferable to dying a slow death to cancer or whatever

I'd rather face an ISIS execution than going out with cancer


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Date: May 21st, 2018 4:05 AM
Author: Thriller Aggressive Church Building Regret

I might pick quick death to the prospect of having my face+etc. cut off, but live.

Pre-death torture (but live) worse than getting det


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Date: May 28th, 2018 8:47 AM
Author: chartreuse concupiscible range police squad
