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Doodikoff, YWIA

I was looking for arcade mod kits with light guns and found ...
irate range
Doodikoff, we copping this or what
irate range
that's actually not a terrible deal. The "console&q...
deranged iridescent son of senegal

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Date: September 13th, 2024 6:16 AM
Author: irate range

I was looking for arcade mod kits with light guns and found this


You can connect it to your home theater which is even better


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Date: September 13th, 2024 12:55 PM
Author: irate range

Doodikoff, we copping this or what


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Date: September 13th, 2024 1:09 PM
Author: deranged iridescent son of senegal

that's actually not a terrible deal.

The "console" is probably a raspberry pi or cheap mini PC - game titles included with it only go up to PS1 or so from what i can tell.

the cheapest part about this is the guns, which you get two from this package. I bought a sinden gun with recoil for like $160 by itself https://www.sindenshop.com/en-us

Sinden's don't require the light sensors that the package you linked have, but it makes this bright line around the outline of the screen instead. Sindens are almost the gold standard for home light guns IIRC. I also had to spend $20 for a usb "pedal", your kit includes those too

You can also spend a little more and get two arcade fight sticks - probably cheap, but they probably work fine. I recently got a $43 Mayflash F101, and honestly compared to my Sanwa-buttons and stick on my "nicer" fighting stick they feel almost identical. I would easily recommend the Mayflash F101 basic stick to anyone getting into this stuff.

Might be worth it just for the peripherals alone on this package, assuming they all work and assuming they can work on other systems.

I am waiting for the new 890m graphics to come out soon to get a mini PC for all of this stuff and upgrade from my raspberry pi (which honestly runs stuff pretty well up through PS1 although there is a little jank sometimes), hopefully can run up through PS3 (although some games run shitty on ps3 emulation even on 4080s), with tecknoparrot, which is the real reason I am willing to spend $$ on this bullshit. Tecknoparrot basically lets you get modern arcade lightgun stuff (Walking Dead, Rambo, Jurassic Park, Terminator, etc)
