Court ORDERS Trump to keep trannies in the military
| DrakeMallardxo | 03/18/25 | | cannon | 03/18/25 | | yeah, talk to the hand | 03/18/25 | | GNOME CHOMSKY | 03/18/25 | | ..,,....,,.,..,,..,,...,...,,....,..., | 03/18/25 | | .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,., | 03/18/25 | | vibe coder | 03/18/25 | | .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,., | 03/18/25 | | vibe coder | 03/18/25 | | .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,., | 03/18/25 | | DrakeMallardxo | 03/18/25 | | baseball fan | 03/18/25 | | To be fair | 03/18/25 | | ..,,....,,.,..,,..,,...,...,,....,..., | 03/18/25 | | To be fair | 03/18/25 | | Judas Jones | 03/19/25 | | cannon | 03/18/25 | | .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,., | 03/18/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/18/25 | | cannon | 03/18/25 | | .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,., | 03/18/25 | | To be fair | 03/18/25 | | Bob Stinson | 03/19/25 | | the place where there is no darkness | 03/19/25 | | the place where there is no darkness | 03/19/25 | | ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;.., | 03/19/25 | | the place where there is no darkness | 03/19/25 | | White Privilege Log | 03/18/25 | | yeah, talk to the hand | 03/18/25 | | vibe coder | 03/18/25 | | cannon | 03/19/25 | | DrakeMallardxo | 03/19/25 | | ....;;;;;;.;;.;.;.;;.;..;;;......;.;;.;.;.;;;;.. | 03/19/25 | | vibe coder | 03/19/25 | | ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;.., | 03/19/25 | | _;;__;;;__"_'_;_:_;__:___;;; | 03/19/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/19/25 | | ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;.., | 03/19/25 | | .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,., | 03/19/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/19/25 | | sealclubber | 03/19/25 | | _;;__;;;__"_'_;_:_;__:___;;; | 03/19/25 | | sealclubber | 03/19/25 | | _;;__;;;__"_'_;_:_;__:___;;; | 03/19/25 | | sealclubber | 03/19/25 | | _;;__;;;__"_'_;_:_;__:___;;; | 03/19/25 | | sealclubber | 03/19/25 | | _;;__;;;__"_'_;_:_;__:___;;; | 03/19/25 | | cannon | 03/19/25 | | ceci n'est pas un avocat | 03/19/25 | | cannon | 03/19/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/19/25 | | ,.,.,.,.,,.,..,:,,:,,.,:::,.,,.,:.,,.:.,:.,:.::,. | 03/18/25 | | DrakeMallardxo | 03/18/25 | | 718-662-5970 | 03/19/25 | | _;;__;;;__"_'_;_:_;__:___;;; | 03/19/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/19/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/19/25 | | VoteRepublican | 03/19/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/19/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/19/25 | | cannon | 03/19/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/19/25 | | vibe coder | 03/19/25 | | cannon | 03/19/25 | | Bob Stinson | 03/19/25 | | _;;__;;;__"_'_;_:_;__:___;;; | 03/19/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/19/25 | | ceci n'est pas un avocat | 03/19/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/19/25 | | vibe coder | 03/19/25 | | To be fair | 03/19/25 | | DrakeMallardxo | 03/19/25 | | .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,., | 03/19/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 18th, 2025 8:18 PM
Author: ..,,....,,.,..,,..,,...,...,,....,...,
There's no way this holds up
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Date: March 18th, 2025 8:39 PM
Author: .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,.,
If you read the show cause order it's pretty much guaranteed to hold up.
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Date: March 18th, 2025 8:43 PM
Author: .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,.,
I can't find it now either, but DOD guidance said people could resign in lieu of termination, but that option was never offered to the troops. DOD has to 'splain why it never gave them the option.
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Date: March 18th, 2025 8:47 PM
Author: .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,.,
If there's no difference then I'm sure that will be DOD's response:
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Date: March 18th, 2025 8:41 PM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
Libs are gonna get BIG MAD when SCOTUS squashes this Hawaii Judge play.
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Date: March 18th, 2025 8:43 PM
Author: ..,,....,,.,..,,..,,...,...,,....,...,
Per the poster above it's guaranteed to hold up
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Date: March 18th, 2025 8:59 PM
Author: .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,.,
Be sure to link us to DOD's response.
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Date: March 18th, 2025 9:05 PM
Author: .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,.,
So you're not going to link to DOD's response. What a shocker.
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Date: March 19th, 2025 1:39 PM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,
farthest cornell to UVA --
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Date: March 19th, 2025 1:58 PM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,
shitlib fed clerks regularly quote hamilton.
e.g., FN 4 of this
*141 of
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Date: March 19th, 2025 4:03 PM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,
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Date: March 19th, 2025 4:06 PM
Author: .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,.,
Max IQ to care about this is ~70
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Date: March 19th, 2025 4:05 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Date: March 18th, 2025 9:06 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,,.,..,:,,:,,.,:::,.,,.,:.,,.:.,:.,:.::,.
*Thomas throws jar of greens at the wall*
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Date: March 19th, 2025 1:32 PM Author: 718-662-5970
Let’s make all tranny squads, arm them with masters in social work, and send them to fight for ukraine liberty asap
Problem fixed
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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:01 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
this is her. crazy court room behavior.
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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:03 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Unfortunately, Judge Reyes’ misconduct was not isolated to a single incident. The transcript also
reveals that Judge Reyes attempted to embarrass counsel by physically directing him as part of a
rhetorical exercise in front of other attorneys, court personnel, and members of the public and
press. During an exchange about discrimination, Judge Reyes abruptly instructs DOJ counsel: “I
made a change to my standing order when I was in the back. My new standing order says that no
one who has graduated from UVA Law School can appear before me. So, I need you to sit down,
please. I need you to sit down.”5 When counsel complied with this directive, the judge continued
her hypothetical about UVA law graduates being banned from her courtroom because “they’re all
liars and lack integrity.”6 Only after Judge Reyes used counsel as a physical prop did she instruct
him to come back up to continue the proceedings. This directive served no legitimate judicial
purpose and transformed an attorney appearing before the court into an unwilling participant in
the judge’s unnecessary demonstration. Such treatment undermines the dignity of counsel and the
decorum of the courtroom. It also contravenes Canon 3A(4)’s instruction that judges should
“accord to every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding, and that person’s lawyer, the full
right to be heard according to law.” Judge Reyes’ actions diminished respect for counsel and
created an intimidating atmosphere inconsistent with the proper administration of justice. The
physical direction of counsel for dramatic effect, regardless of the alleged point being made,
represents an inappropriate exercise of judicial authority that risks undermining respect essential
for fair proceedings.
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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:36 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
there is a process by which judges can be disciplined. the stunt with making a lawyer sit down should be disciplined.
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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:03 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
After a long screed about how she believes President Trump has discriminated against individuals
with gender dysphoria (including a claim that he was “literally erasing transgender people”),
Judge Reyes describes receiving an email suggesting that she develop a relationship with Jesus.
She then uses this aside as an excuse to randomly pivot to questioning the DOJ attorney about his
religious views: “What do you think Jesus would say to telling a group of people that they are so
worthless, so worthless that we’re not going to allow them into homeless shelters? Do you think
Jesus would be, ‘Sounds right to me’? Or do you think Jesus would say, ‘WTF? Of course, let
them in.?”3 This line of questioning is deeply problematic for several reasons. First, the question
has no relevance to the legal analysis of military policy. Second, it placed DOJ counsel in an
untenable position of either appearing unresponsive or speculating about how an incoherent
hypothetical aligns with Judge Reyes’ personal religious beliefs. Counsel, however, did not fall
into that trap, but instead provided a professional response that highlights the impropriety of the
question itself: “The United States is not going to speculate about what Jesus would have to say
about anything.”4 Third, sporadic use of the inappropriate abbreviation “WTF” during the
questioning of an attorney on his religious beliefs sheds light on the severity of the judge’s lack of
professional decorum.
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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:04 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Challenging the Military EO, Plaintiffs filed suit alleging a single Equal Protection count and
moved for a preliminary injunction, which the United States opposed. Judge Reyes held a hearing
on February 18 and 19. At issue during the hearing was simply ripeness and success on the merits.
Judge Reyes, however, took issue with the Government’s positions on many other issues, including
whether there are only two sexes (male and female). While Judge Reyes was not sure exactly how
many sexes there were, she hypothesized that could be “anywhere near about 30 different intersex
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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:07 PM Author: vibe coder
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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:38 PM Author: Kenneth Play
Judge Reyes describes receiving an email suggesting that she develop a relationship with Jesus.
She then uses this aside as an excuse to randomly pivot to questioning the DOJ attorney about his
religious views: “What do you think Jesus would say to telling a group of people that they are so
worthless, so worthless that we’re not going to allow them into homeless shelters? Do you think
Jesus would be, ‘Sounds right to me’? Or do you think Jesus would say, ‘WTF? Of course, let
them in.?”3 This line of questioning is deeply problematic for several reasons. First, the question
has no relevance to the legal analysis of military policy. Second, it placed DOJ counsel in an
untenable position of either appearing unresponsive or speculating about how an incoherent
hypothetical aligns with Judge Reyes’ personal religious beliefs. Counsel, however, did not fall
into that trap, but instead provided a professional response that highlights the impropriety of the
question itself: “The United States is not going to speculate about what Jesus would have to say
about anything.”
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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:35 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Date: March 19th, 2025 3:15 PM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
Hardcore shitlibs seem to truly believe that normie voters will hear about stuff like this when Fox News et al publicizes it and think, "Yassss kweeeeen I love a strong young female mystery meat judge who mocks people in her courtroom and says things like 'WTF' from the bench."
It seems unlikely to me, but then again I'm always wrong about everything and shitlibs have assured me that they are VERY smart.
....but on the flip side, they also just got absolutely assfucked in the last election which they confidently predicted they would win, and the Democrat Party is currently sitting at a ~27% national approval rating (an all time historic low).
So I guess we'll see what unfolds!
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Date: March 19th, 2025 2:56 PM Author: DrakeMallardxo (🦆)
Volunteered for Biden campaign
The judge ordering transgender troops in the military volunteered for Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign.
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Date: March 19th, 2025 4:05 PM
Author: .,.,..,,.,.,.,:,,:...,:::,...,:,.,.:..:.,:.::,.,
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