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GenXer here. Our generation didn't stand for anything.

Angry beta affirmative action
"social change" kill yourself.
Stimulating Cobalt Native Police Squad
Grizzly diverse principal's office
Fight Club really defined us as the generation that was not ...
Sable Racy Dilemma Degenerate
Fight Club is the wrong seminal 1999 film to use to frame Ge...
spectacular lemon trailer park
Angry beta affirmative action
you\'re the puppet
the problem w generation x from a generational perspective i...
Razzmatazz amethyst skinny woman brunch
flesh out the first point more. i don't see it. the thir...
sickened deer antler church building
google "Gen x juries" for more information.
Razzmatazz amethyst skinny woman brunch
lol at millennials gaping the political establishment
marvelous faggot firefighter
Gen X = Boomer Bootlickers
scarlet tantric selfie
safe sex?
Irradiated white step-uncle's house
Sounds like the good life honestly. Wish we could go back. I...
plum marketing idea
sickened deer antler church building
bearded property fanboi
true u guys were fags that only ending up toeing the line fo...
Idiotic Violet Ticket Booth Knife
Spruce telephone
Richard Hell and the Voidoids - Blank Generation.mp3
snowy hideous locale multi-billionaire
Angry beta affirmative action
social change is faggot and we should be commended for not f...
peach windowlicker headpube
the main disappointment is that gen-x PROMISED so much "...
Charcoal adulterous mediation house
Being a slacker (which I definitely was) and promising chang...
Well-lubricated impressive piazza
We rocked the vote!
hairless whorehouse
That was literally the point of your generation. The X was ...
Buck-toothed immigrant
Bastards of the Young https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl9KQ...
Well-lubricated impressive piazza
GenX gave us a certain "chill" slacker lifestyle
Talking magenta tattoo parlour
I still trumpet Gen X values by being on xo all day and slac...
Well-lubricated impressive piazza
Talking magenta tattoo parlour
Angry beta affirmative action
you\'re the puppet
I don't get why genX'ers are being described as slackers. We...
balding orchestra pit
You are probably a young X'er. I don't argue that we weren't...
Well-lubricated impressive piazza
That's because we are very high energy, always moving around...
Silver legend
Oh, You Travel?
you\'re the puppet

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:24 AM
Author: Angry beta affirmative action


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Date: April 27th, 2017 5:10 PM
Author: Stimulating Cobalt Native Police Squad

"social change"

kill yourself.


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Date: April 29th, 2017 11:40 AM
Author: Grizzly diverse principal's office


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:27 AM
Author: Sable Racy Dilemma Degenerate

Fight Club really defined us as the generation that was not shaped by any sort of conflict or struggle.


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Date: April 28th, 2017 9:26 AM
Author: spectacular lemon trailer park

Fight Club is the wrong seminal 1999 film to use to frame Gen X. Much more relevant are 1) The Matrix, which only gets references on this bort and a million others approximately 500k times per day, and 2) Office Space, which was like the John the Baptist cultural critique of GC. Gen X built the functional internet and has now built cloud computing. Gen X also articulated an entire anti-IP philosophy that turned into Snowden/wikileaks i.e. that pwning boomers and their booming attempts to control the rest of us using GC with technological savvy = core generational value. That's all on top of making way better music, TV, movies than anything millennials could ever dream of making. Gen X lost its fight to boomers and ultimately caved (mainly because boomers did successfully trick Gen X into supporting the neo-con, globalist GOP using 9/11), but it at least put up a fight and left something for future generations to take and build on. Millennials turned it into NEETing out on netflix and youtube and creating hook up apps that give disproportionate sexual marketplace power to ugly fat girls like Amy Schumer.


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Date: April 28th, 2017 9:33 AM
Author: Angry beta affirmative action


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Date: March 22nd, 2025 9:30 AM
Author: you\'re the puppet


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:28 AM
Author: Razzmatazz amethyst skinny woman brunch

the problem w generation x from a generational perspective is they have been overtaken by tort reform. they are the prime tort reform crowd.

And they also believe in traditional family values precisely because they DID NOT HAVE them growing up.

They also don't recognize expertise in scientific fields--so you have the antivaxxer tards etc.


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:31 AM
Author: sickened deer antler church building

flesh out the first point more. i don't see it.

the third point is interesting...i think they were the first to see that science is also political with how grants are won, etc., but they took it too far to the right so jim carey became someone to listen to w/r/t to medicine.


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Date: April 27th, 2017 5:15 PM
Author: Razzmatazz amethyst skinny woman brunch

google "Gen x juries" for more information.


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:28 AM
Author: marvelous faggot firefighter

lol at millennials gaping the political establishment


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:29 AM
Author: scarlet tantric selfie

Gen X = Boomer Bootlickers


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:30 AM
Author: Irradiated white step-uncle's house

safe sex?


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:31 AM
Author: plum marketing idea

Sounds like the good life honestly. Wish we could go back. I don't care about any of the shit millenials "stand for".


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:31 AM
Author: sickened deer antler church building


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Date: April 27th, 2017 5:24 PM
Author: bearded property fanboi


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:33 AM
Author: Idiotic Violet Ticket Booth Knife

true u guys were fags that only ending up toeing the line for boomer cock after maybe 5-9 odd years of "rebelling" by dressing up as goths


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Date: April 27th, 2017 5:11 PM
Author: Spruce telephone


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Date: April 27th, 2017 10:37 AM
Author: snowy hideous locale multi-billionaire

Richard Hell and the Voidoids - Blank Generation.mp3


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Date: April 27th, 2017 5:09 PM
Author: Angry beta affirmative action


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Date: April 27th, 2017 5:11 PM
Author: peach windowlicker headpube

social change is faggot and we should be commended for not falling for that bullshit distraction (((tactic))), although admittedly some of the worst, most desperately virtue signaling libs I know are gen X


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Date: April 27th, 2017 5:22 PM
Author: Charcoal adulterous mediation house

the main disappointment is that gen-x PROMISED so much "change" early on. the whole "slacker" ethos. rejecting "corporate america" and terrifying the boomers with its insouciance and disrespect for economic norms.

needless to say, gen-x didn't maintain that stance, and is STILL sucking the cocks of old boomers for petty cash.

what went wrong?


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Date: April 28th, 2017 9:30 AM
Author: Well-lubricated impressive piazza

Being a slacker (which I definitely was) and promising change are diametrically opposed.


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Date: April 28th, 2017 9:26 AM
Author: hairless whorehouse

We rocked the vote!


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Date: April 28th, 2017 9:26 AM
Author: Buck-toothed immigrant

That was literally the point of your generation. The X was for your unknown values.


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Date: April 28th, 2017 9:28 AM
Author: Well-lubricated impressive piazza

Bastards of the Young


The whole point of Generation X was "Who cares?" -- remember OK Soda?


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Date: April 28th, 2017 9:30 AM
Author: Talking magenta tattoo parlour

GenX gave us a certain "chill" slacker lifestyle


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Date: April 28th, 2017 9:32 AM
Author: Well-lubricated impressive piazza

I still trumpet Gen X values by being on xo all day and slacking at work.


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Date: April 28th, 2017 9:32 AM
Author: Talking magenta tattoo parlour



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Date: April 29th, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Angry beta affirmative action


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Date: March 22nd, 2025 9:33 AM
Author: you\'re the puppet


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Date: April 29th, 2017 11:26 AM
Author: balding orchestra pit

I don't get why genX'ers are being described as slackers. We got fucked pretty bad.

1. Came of age right after all the money from internet 1.0 was made. So lucked out on that, but...

2. Right in time for the dot-com bust, so got fucked (lost money, no jerb pwned) with that

3. Got raped by the great recession at the peak of our earning prime (30s). Many lost money on homes and investments. Many more lost jerbs and had to settle for shitty jerbs.

4. 8 years of Bush, 8 years of Obama, then Trump. We have had the worst string of Presidents of any generation during their prime.

5. Continual rape by boomers

Why compare to millenials? We have enough tragedies to stand on their own.


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Date: April 29th, 2017 11:37 AM
Author: Well-lubricated impressive piazza

You are probably a young X'er. I don't argue that we weren't screwed in a lot of ways but slacker "culture" was pretty strong in late 80s early 90s period.


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Date: April 30th, 2017 1:59 PM
Author: Silver legend

That's because we are very high energy, always moving around. Boomers are always pontificating on shit and millennials are always shoving it up their asses.


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Date: March 22nd, 2025 9:19 AM
Author: Oh, You Travel? ( )


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Date: March 22nd, 2025 9:34 AM
Author: you\'re the puppet

