Had a lot of carbs to prevent starvation mode (disco fries)
| Pink nibblets | 03/02/23 | | bateful telephone principal's office | 03/02/23 | | Pink nibblets | 03/02/23 | | nofapping blue pisswyrm | 03/02/23 | | Pink nibblets | 03/02/23 | | submissive tanning salon | 03/02/23 | | ebony marvelous personal credit line rehab | 03/02/23 | | nofapping blue pisswyrm | 03/02/23 | | Pink nibblets | 03/03/23 | | nofapping blue pisswyrm | 03/03/23 | | Pink nibblets | 03/03/23 | | nofapping blue pisswyrm | 03/03/23 | | Amethyst fluffy abode trump supporter | 03/03/23 | | submissive tanning salon | 03/02/23 | | self-absorbed vibrant theater stage | 03/02/23 | | ruddy range | 03/02/23 | | Frozen drab business firm kitty | 03/02/23 | | Pink nibblets | 03/02/23 | | 180 juggernaut | 03/02/23 | | ebony marvelous personal credit line rehab | 03/02/23 | | big-titted stimulating institution preventive strike | 03/02/23 | | frisky station legend | 03/02/23 | | Ivory Shitlib Wrinkle | 03/02/23 | | Pink nibblets | 03/02/23 | | bull headed claret stead | 03/02/23 | | aphrodisiac fuchsia hunting ground jewess | 03/02/23 | | Slimy boyish parlour deer antler | 03/02/23 | | aphrodisiac fuchsia hunting ground jewess | 03/02/23 | | Shaky locale immigrant | 03/02/23 | | Soul-stirring sound barrier | 03/02/23 | | Pink nibblets | 03/02/23 | | Pink nibblets | 03/02/23 | | disco flies | 03/17/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 2nd, 2023 10:02 AM Author: Pink nibblets
Ended my 100 hour fast and my health has been deteriorating. I was 256 pounds when it ended. My wife never returned after I threw all the food out of the house, she’s staying with her parents with the kids “to take a break.” Bitch probably just wants to eat Sysco Slop from McDonalds all day. Since my family wants a “break” from me I broke all of their personal belongings in their rooms and set it out with my trash bins. No more Nintendo Switch for the little bastards when they return, unappreciative fat fucks.
Well after my fast ended I went to get my fast breaking protein shake but I threw that out when I got rid of all my food in the home. I did research online and realized I may be in starvation mode. I went to the local gluten free bakery and bought a 24 pack of organic gluten free donuts. It was a good way to break the fast, I had them all. Glazed, jelly filled, chocolate, Boston cream, etc. I think starvation mode is over and I’m ready to kick start the next fast.
100 more hours begin now.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5299577&forum_id=2#46000538) |