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Is San Francisco, CA becoming like a third world country?

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Date: March 19th, 2018 4:18 PM
Author: Territorial flickering old irish cottage

Is San Francisco, CA becoming like a third world country?


Morgan Schapiro

Morgan Schapiro, lives in New York City

Answered 4h ago · Upvoted by Jon Sanchez, Lived in the Greater SF Bay Area for nearly 20 years.

It’s very amusing to see so many SF residents defending the city.

I’ve lived in New York, London, San Diego and Boston and traveled to pretty much every other major global city (Tokyo, Hong Kong ect). I’ve also spent a significant amount of time in Cape Town and traveled to many countries that would be considered 3rd world.

For a city center, SF is one of the worst I’ve seen. You won’t find another city center that is as dirty with as much public homelessness and drug use. Some of the comments try to explain this away by it being a peninsula, but Manhattan is an island with similarly high rent and doesn’t have the same public extent of problems.

I’ve tried to use mall restrooms in SF only to find people taking drugs in every stall on every story. Homeless people will chase people around and frequently commit crimes. Police fail to care in SF, where as in NYC the response to public drug use is swift.

Now to keep it in perspective, most third world cities have a distinctive slum area that is going to be much dirtier and have much more homelessness, think the townships in South Africa or Favelas in Brazi. No where else tolerates a city center as disgusting as SF, however. It’s especially strange considering the wealth of the city.

So in short, the city center of SF is actually worse than what you find in a third world country.

P.S. the Michelin-starred restaurant comment is weird. Many third world countries have top quality restaurants. Peru and South Africa usually are featured in the top 100 lists for global restaurants. Third World doesn’t mean people living in huts in a village.


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Date: March 19th, 2018 4:29 PM
Author: contagious aqua coldplay fan

"Third World doesn’t mean people living in huts in a village."

jfc shitlibs cannot conceive that there is a world outside of wealthy urban enclaves.


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Date: March 19th, 2018 4:23 PM
Author: Bat shit crazy place of business


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Date: March 19th, 2018 4:24 PM
Author: coiffed indian lodge

libs turn everything they touch to shit. all public spaces owned and operated by crazy libs will look like downtown SF.
